Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Mechanics and Systems => Updates and Roadmap => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:19 PM

Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:19 PM
The following Hak update accompanies module version 4.05a and the update to NWN EE version 1.79.8193.9

Misc Changes:

-Ammunition stack size increased to 500.
-Numerous head additions.
-Visualeffects additions.
-The Dragonblood reagent requirement for scribing True Seeing and Harm has been removed. The item required for Time Stop has been changed to a custom one.

Tileset Additions:

-Medieval Rural
-Mountain Forest
-Worms' Summer Forest
-Elven City v1.69

Feat Changes:

-Epic Dodge: Now requires 25 ranks in Tumble. Previously a bug made it only require 1.
-Construct Shape: Reduced Wisdom requirement to 25.
-Dragon Shape: Reduced Wisdom requirement to 26.
-Planar Turning: Reduced Wisdom and Charisma requirements to 22. This may see further revision later.
-Practised Incantations will now only show up for selection on Swordmage levels.
-CEP Weapons have been assigned weapon feats.  Actual CEP Weapon feats have been disabled. If you took one of the old CEP feats, please request a relevel to remove it. CEP Weapons are tied to existing feats in the following manner:

Heavy Pick: Battleaxe
Light Pick: Battleaxe
Sai: Dagger
Nunchuck: Light Flail
Falchion: Greatsword
Sap: Dagger
AssassinDagger: Dagger
Katar: Dagger
LightMace2: Light Mace
Kukri2: Kukri
Falchion2: Greatsword
Heavy Mace: Warhammer
Maul: Warhammer
Merc Lsw: Longsword
Merc Gsw: Greatsword
DoubleScim: Two Bladed Sword
Goad: Sickle
WindFireWheel: Kama

Base Class Changes:

-Druid: Added Greater Magic Weapon as a 4th level spell. Wildshape forms now merge all Items, Weapons, and Armor.
-Swordmage: Added Spell Penetration and Focus feats to feat lists. Weaponized Arcana is now a useable feat that will take place of having to type /arcana to activate the buff. The command has been left in in case you prefer that method.

Prestige Class Changes:

-Arcane Archer: Imbue Arrow now usable at-will on a cooldown (30 seconds) Seeker Arrow I uses increased to 3. Seeker Arrow II uses increased to 6,  Hail of Arrows uses increased to 5, Arrow of Death uses increased to 3.
-Arcane Trickster: Alignment restriction removed. Set Trap now a class skill.
-Bladesinger: Spell progression increased to full. Can now take epic levels 10-20. Bonus feats granted on levels 13, 16, and 20.
-Disciple of Mephistopheles: Now Disciple of the Nine Hells.  Full details below.
-Divine Seeker: Abilities changed/overhauled. Details below.
-Doomguide: Fixed use per day bug with Bond of Fatal Touch. It is now usable 5x/day.
-Dragonsong Lyricist: Overhauled abilities. Details below.
-Duelist: Heal is now a class skill.
-Eldritch Knight: Added to bonus feat list. Epic bonus feats on levels 13, 16, and 20.
-Knight Errant: Now properly requires Toughness instead of Cleave.
-Harper Agent: Abilities changed/overhauled. Details below.
-Harper Mage/Priest: Abilities changed/overhauled. Details below.
-Heartwarder: Hit-die increased to d8. (Will need a re-level.) Weapon Proficiency requirement removed.
-Heirophant:  Abilities overhauled. Detail below.
-Hospitaler: Alignment restriction removed. Now properly requires Divine Spellcasting.
-Silverstar of Selune: No longer requires Dodge, Mobility, or Spring Attack. Moonfire uses/day increased to 5. Moon's Hand is now a usable weapon buff that will add scaling electrical damage.
-Shadow Adept: Added Epic progression up to lvl 20. Bonus feats at 14 and 18. Shadow Power increase at 12, 15, and 18. Shadow Defense increase at 11, 14, and 17.
-Shadowdancer: Shadow Jump II should now properly replace Shadow Jump I. Uses/day on Shadow Jump I increased to 10. Shadow Jump II is infinite.
-Shifter: Wildshape forms now merge all Items, Weapons, and Armor.
-Thrall of Graz'zt: Now Demonic Thrall. Full details below.
-War Wizard: Spellcraft is now properly a class skill.
-Windwalker: Racial requirement removed.
-Unyielding Defender: Uses/day for their Stance ability increased to 12.

Base Class Additions:

-Favored Soul (Details below.)

Prestige Class Additions:

-Archmage: Detail below.

-Divine Trickster: An exact clone of Arcane Trickster, but requires Divine casting instead of Arcane, and Knowledge: Religion in place of Arcana.  
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:20 PM
Class Change Detail:

Disciple of the Nine Hells
(Formerly Disciple of Mephistophelese.)

A disciple of one of the nine Archdevils, these warriors wield Hellfire as a terrible weapon against their foes.

- Hit Dice: d8.
- Base Attack Bonus: +1/Level
- Saves: All

No Change

1: Hellfire Grasp, At will
2: Fire Resistance 10
3: Hellfire Blast, At will
4: Summon Baatezu, 2/day
5: Hellfire 5/day, Iron Power, At will
6: Fire Resistance 20
7: Hellfire Shield, 5/day
8: Iron Skin, 3/day
9: Hellfire Storm, 5/day
10: Fire Resistance 30, Dread Might, 5/day
Epic Feats: Bonus feats at 13, 16, & 20

Hellfire Grasp:
A disciple can deal 2d6 points of hellfire damage as a touch attack at will. 
This damage can be applied to a wielded weapon or worn glove.

Hellfire Blast:
A 3rd-level disciple of can release a gout of hellfire from his hand at will, 
dealing 4d6 + 1d6/level points of hellfire damage as a ranged touch attack. The range for this attack is 30 feet.

Summon Baatezu:
A 4th-level disciple can summon 1 Baatezu twice per day.
This functions as a summon monster spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
A 9th-level disciple can summon 2 Baatezu twice per day.
These summons scale with your level.

Five times per day, a 5th-level disciple can produce an effect identical to that of a hellfire spell. 
(AoE, 8d6 + 1d6/level Hellfire damage)

Hellfire Shield:
Five times per day, a 7th-level disciple can shield themselves in Hellfire, damaging all those who hit them.
(Flame Shield, but does Hellfire damage.)

Hellfire Storm:
Five per day, an 9th-level disciple can produce an effect identical to that of the hellfire storm. 
(Large AoE, 10d6 + 1d6/level Hellfire damage)

Iron Power:
A 5th level disciple can boost the attack and damage of himself and nearby allies by 2 points. Damage is increased to 4 points at 10th level.
Lasts 10 rounds + 2/level of Disciple.

Iron Skin:
Three times per day, an 8th level disciple can shield themselves in an effect similar to Stoneskin.
Lasts 8 hours, or until dispelled or torn down.

Dread Might:
Three times per day, a 10th level disciple the Nine Hells can call upon Hellish power to grant himself +2 dodge AC, +2 AB, +4 divine damage & 10d8 Temporary HP for 20 rounds.
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:20 PM
Demonic Thrall
(Formerly Thrall of Graz'zt)
Alignment: Any Evil
Skills: Knowledge Planar 5 ranks, Bluff 2 ranks, Persuade 2 ranks.
Feat: Thrall to Demon
Must be able to cast 3rd level spells.
Special: Requires IC affiliation with and pledging service to a Demon Prince or equivalent Demonic entity (as represented by the feat).

BAB: +3/4
HD: 1d6
Skill Points: 6/level
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Knowledge Arcana/History/Nobility/Planar, Lore, Persuade, Sense Motive
Saves: Will Primary, Fort/Ref Secondary

Spell Progression: Arcane +1 per level

1: Profane Beauty
2: Adept Summoner
4: Charming Voice
5: Great Charisma I
6: Bonus Feat
7: Master Summoner
8: Dominating Voice
9: Great Charisma II
10: Master of Puppets

Profane Beauty: Thrall gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to their Charisma Modifier limited to +1 / Class Level (maximum +10) as long as they do not wear armor or equip a shield. Will not stack with Swordmage's Protective Personality.

Adept Summoner: Increases power of summoned creatures. (2 AB, 30 hp, 2 AC)

Charming Voice: Increases Enchantment spell DCs by 1.

Master Summoner: Further increases power of summoned creatures. (4 AB, 60hp, 4 AC)

Dominating Voice: Increases Enchantment spell DCs by 2.

Master of Puppets: Even further summoned creature power increase ( 6 AB, 90hp, 6 AC)

Bonus Feats:  arcane defense, brew potion, combat casting, craft wand, empower spell, extend spell, greater spell focus, greater spell penetration, maximize spell, quicken spell, silent spell, spell focus, spell penetration, still spell

Epic Bonus Feats (13, 16, 20): automatic quicken spell, automatic silent spell, automatic still spell, epic energy resistance, epic spell focus, epic spell penetration, great charisma, improved combat casting
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:20 PM
Harper Agent

Skill Points: 10/Level
Class Skills (Any except Netheril)

+1/2 Arcane Casting

1: Bardic Power, Bonus Feat, +1d6 sneak attack*
2: Deneir's Eye
3: Tymora's Smile, +1d6 sneak attack*
4: Lliira's Heart
5: Brew Potion, Bonus Feat, +1d6 sneak attack*

*Harper Agent Sneak attack bonus is only effective if the character has some other source of sneak attack.

Bardic Power: Harper Agent levels count as Bard levels for determining power of Bardsong/Curse Song. Does not grant any extra uses/day, or qualify towards qualifying for Lingering Inspiration

Bonus Feats: Extra Music, Lingering Song, Curse Song, Evasion, alertness, blind fighting, dodge, expertise, improved two weapon fighting, mobility, skill focus, spring attack, stealthy, two weapon fighting, weapon finesse

Harper Mage/Harper Priest

Skill Points: 8/Level
Class Skills: All Knowledge sans Netheril. Search/Spot/Listen, UMD, Spellcraft, Concentration
Harper Mage increases Arcane casting, Harper Priest increases Divine casting. Each are full progression.

1: Deneir's Eye, Bonus Feat
2: Brew Potion
3: Lliira's Heart
4: Bonus Feat
5: Tymora's Smile, Bonus Feat

Bonus Feats: arcane defense, brew potion, combat casting, craft wand, empower spell, extend spell, greater spell focus, greater spell penetration, maximize spell, quicken spell, silent spell, spell focus, spell penetration, still spell
Harper Priest Only: Extra turning, Divine Might, Divine Shield

Tymora's Smile: Uses/day increased to 4. Duration increased.
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:21 PM
Divine Seeker

Hit Die: d8
BAB: Full
Saves: Reflex, Will
Skills: 6 + Int Mod

Alignment: Any
Feats: Stealthy
Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 3 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, Spot 5 ranks.

1: Sacred Stealth
Skill Focus: Disarm Trap, Skill Focus: Search
2: Sacred Defense I, Sneak Attack +1d6 (Blackguard Sneak Atk I)
3: Bonus Feat
4: Divine Perseverance, Sacred Defense II
5: Bonus Feat, Sneak Attack +2d6 (Blackguard Sneak Atk II)

Sacred Stealth: +10 to Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour + 1 hour/cha mod. Uses increased to 3/day.

Divine Perseverance: Complete changed. Now a usable ability.  Usable 3x/day.  Effect: The Divine Seeker shields themselves and allies, gaining Greater Stoneskin and 1d10 Temp HP per Seeker level.
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:21 PM
Dragonsong Lyricist

Hit Dice: Increased to d8
Spell Progression: Arcane +1/1. (Increased from ½.)

Requirements: Removed Alignment restriction.


1: Bardic Power, Song of Strength
2: Song of Compulsion
3: Song of Speed
4: Song of Fear
5: Song of Healing

All songs are usable 4x/day, except Song of Strength which is at-will. Songs are no longer auras, but instead are AoEs centered on the caster that affect either allies or enemies depending on the song. To trigger the Epic effect of the song, the caster must be an Epic Bard.

Bardic Power: This is the same feat granted to Harper Agent.

Song of Strength: +2 AB and +2 Damage to self and allies in range.  Epic effect: Damage increased to +4, and also adds 5d8 Temp HP.
Song of Compulsion: AoE Confusion. Epic: +4 DC.
Song of Speed: Mass Haste for 2 rounds/DSLYR lvl. Epic effect: Double Duration
Song of Fear: AoE Fear for 4 rounds. Epic: +4 DC, Duration 6 rounds.
Song of Healing: AoE  healing for 5d8 + 1/DSLYR lvl. Epic: +3 regen.
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:21 PM

1: Blast Infidel
2: Faith Healing
3: Bonus Feat
4: Divine Spell Power
5: Bonus Feat

Blast Infidel: The Heirophant can call forth raw divine energy to blast a foe. There is no limit to the number of times this may be used before resting, however, the Heirophant must wait a brief period between blasts. Damage is 1d6 + 2d6/ PrC lvl. 10 sec CD.

Faith Healing: Increases cap of Heal from 215 to 330, increases scaling from 10hp/lvl to 15hp/lvl.  Increases cap of Mass Heal from 250 to 400, increases scaling from 10hp/lvl to 15hp/lvl. Maximizes Healing Circle.  Maximizes Cure spells.

Divine Spell Power: Increases Caster Level check by 2.


The true pinnacle of wizardry and sorcery, the Archmage is a master of magic.  They specialize in augmenting their existing spells; rather than learning new spells, they gain the power to shape his spells in new ways and become more versatile in their castings - even hurling raw magical energy directly at foes.
Note that Archmages no longer sacrifice spell slots for any of their abilities.

- Hit Die: d4.
- Proficiencies: An archmage does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.


Ability to cast level 8 Arcane Spells
Any One Spell Focus Feat
Skill: Knowledge Arcana 18 ranks
Skill: Spellcraft 18 ranks

1: Arcane Fire, +1d6 Spell Damage
2: Spell Power I
3: Mastery of Shapes, +1d6 Spell Damage
4: Spell Power II
5: Bonus Feat, +1d6 Spell Damage

Arcane Fire: The Archmage can call forth raw arcane energy to blast a foe. There is no limit to the number of times this may be used before resting, however, the Archmage must wait a brief period between blasts. Damage is 1d6 + 2d6/ PrC lvl. 10 sec CD.
Spell Power: Increases the effective casting level of the Archmage.
Mastery of Shapes: Allows for harmful AoEs to be cast without harming allies.

At each level, the Archmage gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in her highest caster class (bard, sorcerer or wizard). She does not learn any new wizard spells through this ability, however.
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:22 PM
New Class Detail:

Favored Soul

The favored soul follows the path of the cleric but is able to channel divine power with surprising ease. She is able to perform the same tasks as her fellow divine spellcasters but with virtually no study; to her, it comes naturally. Scholars wonder if favored souls have traces of outsider blood from unions, holy or unholy, centuries ago and generations removed. Others suggest that divine training of the proper type awakens the ability, or that favored souls are simply imbued with their gifts by their gods when they begin the cleric's path. In any case, favored souls cast their spells naturally, as much through force of personality as through study. Though this gives them extraordinary divine abilities no normal person could ever match, they see their gift as a call to action, and so in some ways may lag behind their more studious colleagues.

Favored souls are often loners, wandering the land serving their deities. They are welcomed by their churches but treated as unusual and are sometimes misunderstood. They are emissaries of their deities and outside the church's command structure - respected mystics not requiring the support normally crucial to a priest's success. This makes them sometimes revered and sometimes envied by their cleric cousins. While favored souls are occasionally disrespected for their perceived lack of discipline, devout worshipers know that they are a powerful message from, and indeed a living manifestation of, their deities.

Favored souls cast divine spells by means of an innate connection rather than through laborious training and prayer, so their divine connection is natural rather than learned. These divine spellcasters know fewer spells and acquire powerful spells more slowly than clerics, but favored souls can cast spells more often, and they have no need to select and prepare them ahead of time.

Divine magic is intuitive to a favored soul, not a matter of careful prayer. This intuitive nature leads to a freer interpretation of faith and doctrine, and so favored souls tend slightly toward chaos over law. A favored soul is often of the same alignment as her deity, though some are one step away. For example, a favored soul could serve a lawful good deity and be neutral good herself. A favored soul may not be neutral unless her deity is neutral.

(NOTE: Much like Sorc/Bard, PrCs will NOT advance spellcasting for Favored Soul. There are no plans to add them into the kludge system at present.  Do NOT take cleric or druid levels with Favored Soul.  

- Hit Die: d8
- Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Shields, Light, & Medium Armor.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

Spells: A favored soul casts divine spells (the same type of spells available to clerics), which are drawn from the cleric spell list. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time the way a cleric must.

To cast a spell, a favored soul must have a Charisma score of 10 + the spell's level (Cha 10 for 0-level spells, Cha 11 for 1st-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a favored soul's spell is 10 + the spell's level + the favored soul's Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a favored soul can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Favored Soul. In addition, she receives bonus spells for a high Charisma.

Unlike a cleric, a favored soul's selection of spells is limited. A favored soul begins play knowing four 0-level spells and three 1st-level spells of your choice. At each new favored soul level, she gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: Favored Soul Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, her Charisma score does not affect the number of spells a favored soul knows; the numbers on Table: Favored Soul Spells Known are fixed.)

Upon reaching a new level, a favored soul can choose to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the favored soul "loses" the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged. A favored soul may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level.

Unlike a cleric, a favored soul need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level.

Turn Undead: At 1st Level the Favored Soul gains the ability to channel divine energy to Turn/Rebuke Undead.

Deity's Weapon Focus: At 3rd level, a favored soul gains the Weapon Focus feat with her deity's favored weapon. If the character already has that feat, she can choose a different one.

Energy Resistance (Ex): At 5th level, a favored soul  gains resistance 10 against Cold. At 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level,  the character gains resistance 10 against Fire, Electrical, and Acid, respectively.

Deity's Weapon Specialization: At 12th level, a favored soul gains the Weapon Specialization feat with her deity's favored weapon. If she already has that feat, she can choose a different one.  Not automatic because of how NWN works. Will require LETO or a script kludge.

Wings (Ex): At 17th level, a favored soul gains wings and can fly at a speed of 60 feet (good maneuverability). A good-aligned favored soul grows feathered wings, and an evil-aligned favored soul gains batlike wings. A favored soul who is neither good nor evil may choose either type of wings. (Will require a DM to help add them in-game.)

Damage Reduction (Su): A 20th-level favored soul gains damage reduction 3/-.

Reference: Favored Soul's Spell Per Day, and Spells Known tables can be found here:
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 26, 2020, 03:29 PM
Additionally, body part models have had some updates, and more importantly will no longer be included in the base clothing appearances. Instead, character customizers will be updated to allow you to select which models your character uses.
Title: CD Hak Update v4.5
Post by: Vincent07 on May 13, 2020, 04:15 PM
The following have changed or been fixed in the most recent version of the 2da 1c hak.


-Corrected bonus feat progression at epic. Bonus feats should be 13/16/20.
-Removed a mistakenly granted WM feat at epic levels.

Shadow Adept:

-Shadow Spell Power and Defense now properly have epic feats that are added.

Dragonsong Lyricist:

-Corrected Hit-dice to d8
-Bardic Power now properly passive.

Disciple of the Nine Hells:

-Renamed to Diabolic Disciple for ease of display.
-Corrected Iron Skin to self-cast.

Demonic Thrall:

-Fixed epic level scaling.

Arcane Warrior:

-Added 10 epic levels. Bonus feats at 13/16/20.
-Moved auto-still feat grants to the top of the 2da.

Cleric/Favored Soul:

-Removed the Dark X element spells and replaced with Elemental Weapon.

Harper Agent/Scout:

-Corrected skill point gain to 10/lvl.
-Perform added as class skill.

Harper Mage:

-Added missing Spell Focus feats.
-Corrected skill point gain to 8/lvl.

Harper Priest:

-No longer requires Concentration ranks.
-Corrected skill point gain to 8/lvl.


-Now properly gains Greater Spell Focus Enchantment at 6th lvl.


-Added missing bonus feat 2da file. Silverstar will gain bonus feats at 13/16/20.


-Added missing spell focus feats to feat lists.


-New elven combo tileset was replaced with its component tilesets.