Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: Epi on Jun 06, 2021, 04:27 PM

Title: Temples - /setraise Command Stuff
Post by: Epi on Jun 06, 2021, 04:27 PM
Since I made a new character recently, and went through the newbie introduction quest, I have been seeing where I could /setraise. Found out that very few actually work. It would be amazing if it could be looked at, or if this is not important to the team, at least remove the option or advertisement in the newbie quest? It can be frustrating when something doesn't seem to work as intended. 

I haven't tried using the bindstone in a lot of inns, but so far it seems like that isn't very functional either. :P

Locations that I've tested: 

Arabel - Tymora - does not work

Arabel - Kelemvor - does not work

Arabel - Brightwater Halls - Sunite (+others) - does not work

Highmoon - Temple of Oghma - /setraise does "work", but when you die it sends you to the Velethuil temple O_o

Suzail - shrines of Lliira + Malar + Deneir + Milil - does not work

Suzail - temple of the defenders (Tyr + Torm) - Works properly! :D

Halfhap - temple of Helm? - does not work

Eveningstar - temple of Lathander - does not work

Swordhaven - temple of Tempus, Valkur, The Red Knight, Stronmaus - does not work

Thunderholme temple - does not work

Immersea - Temple of the guiding light, Kelemvor, Helm, Hoar - does not work

Title: Temples - /setraise Command Stuff
Post by: Edge on Jun 07, 2021, 01:16 PM
For future reference the Halfhap temple is to Tempus.