Announcing the new CD 4.0.1 Revision!
This has been a long time coming, and there's a number of new features going in, which I'll detail below.
New Dungeons:
-5 new Dungeons have been added to the Epic level range. These challenging dungeons can only be accessed by those over level 22, and will contain some of the most difficult content on the server, but also some of the best loot.
New Loot Tier: Tier 6 – Ancient
-More powerful items for those above level 25, this gear will push power creep even further, while forcing you to grind the most difficult dungeons because of unfairly low drop rates.
Hard-Mode Dungeons:
-Dungeons can now be toggled into a Hard mode before you enter them. This will increase the challenge, and potential loot gain from the dungeon, but also increase the potential XP penalty for dying.
Achievement System:
-Tired of grinding for loot? Grind up some Achievement Points instead. Earn rewards for things like slaying 10,000 goblins, or completing your Daily Faery for 6 months straight!
Exciting New Progression:
-Reached level 30? Want more? Announcing, Prestige Levels. That's right. Lose all of your XP, but keep your gear, and Stat points. Gain all of those levels again, just to prove how much you love the grind. Getting to 30 a second time will grant you a sweet golden aura, so you can show off how superior you are.
More Immersion:
-Dungeons are now properly dark. Who was keeping all those lights lit anyway?
-Getting blinded will now also blank out your UI.
-New Realistic Rest system. Renewing your magic now requires at least 6 in-game hours of rest time. The longer you go without resting, the longer it will take to become fully rested.
-The Sleep effect will now put your to sleep for a solid 2-4 hour nap. If you are woken up early from your nap, you will be more tired than you were initially.
-All deaths now incur an XP penalty, and potential level loss depending on the method in which you are raised. Deaths in Hard-mode dungeons increase the penalty by 25%.
-Entering the Arabel Bath House now prompts a Disease saving throw.
-Gold now has weight. Bags of Holding have a maximum amount of Gold they can hold.
Daily Goals:
-Completing your Daily Faery ticks now earns you a mote of Faery Dust. These motes are bound to your character and can be turned in to a new Faery Court NPC in the World Serpent. Motes can be turned in either in groups of 1 or 10, and will raise your reputation with the respective Court by varying amounts. Unlock special rewards, including new merchants and gear by earning the friendship of the Fae!
New Factions:
-Increase your reputation with various factions and earn new rewards, including access to exclusive dungeons, loot, and other exciting rewards!
The CD Store:
-Want to speed up your progress? Visit the CD Store!
-Use our new currency, CormyrCoin to acquire XP Boosts, Reputation Boosts, XP Penalty Prevention Scrolls, and the ever popular Faery Treasure Trove Box.
-Faery Treasure Trove Boxes are available to any character over level 10, and have a chance to contain random Tier 3 loot. The Boxes may be upgraded to higher Tiers using Motes of Faery Dust. It requires 10 Motes to increase to Tier 4, 20 for Tier 5, and 40 for Tier 6. Opening the Box also requires a Silver Faery Key, which may be purchased from one of the Fae Court NPCs at Friendly reputation.
-CormyrCoin may be purchased in piles of 800, 2500, and 5300.
*CD Store items not Valid on Classic Server.
That's right, we're embracing the new trend and launching a nostalgic trip to 15 years ago.
Check out CD Classic's Exciting Nostalgic Features:
-No Daily XP Faery.
-Lower XP Softcaps, including 0 combat XP after level 11.
-Lower Item and Gold drops from Dungeons. Tier 4+ is almost non-existent!
-Shrub is back in Central!
-Less consumables! Hope you know a few Clerics.
-Required Ascension Events!
-ECL 2+ starts at level 1!
Okay, but when are we ACTUALLY getting Tier 6 content you coward?
Wait is this original shrub or eats people shrub?
Wait is this original shrub or eats people shrub?
Only one way to find out....
Wait is this original shrub or eats people shrub?
Only one way to find out....
Put a sign up from the War Wizards saying 'do not poke' and stand well back waiting for someone to poke I suggest also a third server CDClassic bad timezone where a DM will log in only once a fortnight to sprinkle fairy dust for those hardest of the hardcore
No magma burst. Literally unplayable.
Naddy sat under Shrub for years and was never eaten. You'll be fine!
With each glowing aura that is supplied to those intrepid adventurer's. Remember to make it rebuke darkness spells, or invisibility or illusions at all times.
Where are Melody's HATS?! ;D
Hats did not exist in classic era.
Naddy sat under Shrub for years and was never eaten. You'll be fine!
And where are they today, hmm? Think about that!
Is this real ? I am hoping not
Give us Myth Drannor Classic, you coward. The DMs don't spawn camp enough here.