I'm a new player here, and I feel as if I am missing something painfully obvious, but when I start up the game, I receive a message telling me something to the effect that "Comyr & The Dalelands is in Book V. Chapter 2 : The Falcon & The Falconer". Now, is this something that is an ongoing chronicle of the server history? I've done a customary look around and am finding it a bit difficult to find information about server specific history (Post 1370 or wherever canon broke away from 3.5).
Is there a place I can easily locate this information, or information that pretty much any character coming into the game would notice that would make the setting different from it still being 1370?
It is in regards to the overall series of server plots, and is actually a little out of date; the Falcon and the Falconer plotline ended a couple years ago, but the login message hasn't been updated yet. (I'll nudge the server builder to fix that; it should be "The Centre Cannot Hold" now.)
As for a summary... It's something we've tried a few times but for various reasons it hasn't worked out. I can try and put together a short summary when I get home and am not on my phone, but I guarantee I'll miss some things I've forgotten or wasn't here for.
Thank you, I appreciate the response. Surely just something that covers glaring departures from the main canon would suffice. I don't want to be referencing something that is no longer the case, or not knowing something that a character from the area would clearly be privy to and coming off silly

Though everyone I've run into so far has been very kind and I'm sure they'd simply nudge me in the right direction
Alright, here's the short version.
Our setting diverged in 1372 DR. This means there was no Rage of Dragons, the Silence of Lolth is iffy as to whether it happened or not (as it's not super important to us; Lolth is granting spells right now, that's what matters), and other major events that happened after that year have not occurred (including all of 4th and 5th editions).
The City of Shade did return to the Prime for a time, and there was a war between Cormyr and the Shadovar; this has since ended, Thutanthar has withdrawn again to the Shadow Plane, and the status quo on that regard has resumed. There's sort of a cease-fire currently in place, but if anything should pipe up from that quarter it likely wouldn't take long to stir up another conflict.
Some time later, a powerful drow known as Matron Zvaeurs (I probably butchered that spelling) attempted a large-scale uprising in the Semberholme, seizing large parts of the forest under Lolthite drow control, destroying the elven settlement of Ssrenshen, and aiming attacks towards the cities of Velethuil and Highmoon. She even used a powerful ritual spell to aim a meteor at Suzail, a near-deadly attack that might have destroyed her primary opposition if it wasn't for the sacrifice of Algon Griff, a cleric of Ilmater, who now has a statue in the city recognizing his martyrdom. Eventually a force from all across Cormyr and the Dalelands gathered en masse to put a stop to the Matron's advances and destroy her army, eventually slaying her within Velethuil itself.
Following that was an event known as The Whispers, where strange otherworldly creatures infested the city and whispered unknowable things into people's minds. This was orchestrated by a powerful Far Realm creature trapped in a Netherese prison; Steel Regent Alusair Obarskyr and Mage Royal Caladnei led a team of adventurers to kill the thing once it was found, but in the magical backlash of its death the two women disappeared and the prison was destroyed. Cormyr is now currently ruled by a Regency Council of noble-house matriarchs and patriarchs until the boy king comes of age, in Alusair's place.
Those are, to my knowledge, the big big plots there have been. A few notable other events of varying degrees of notice have occurred:
> A cult of Auril attempted to induce eternal winter
> A powerful orc chieftain attempted to rally tribes to another Orc War
> A dracolich, Dretchroyaster, launched a series of large-scale campaigns against the region, then was destroyed on his extraplanetary lair
> An adventurer founded a city in the Stonelands, called Stonehaven; it has recently been seized and taken over by the Zhentarim.
Those are just the ones I can think of right now, there's countless more that I know I've forgotten that I'm going to slap myself when someone mentions them.
I'm pretty sure it was Matron Zaurev, Edge.
A few other major events of note, in best-remembered chronological order from oldest to newest:
* Several Far Realm incursions occurred in the north near Castle Crag, killing many Purple Dragons and War Wizards.
* A major Far Realm incursion destroyed the Violet Flame tower in southwest Arabel following a divination gone awry. The rift was swiftly closed and the tower rebuilt.
* The fallen Netherese Enclave of Sakkors was located in the Dragonmere.
* Waymoot was destroyed in an orcish assault and later rebuilt.
* The Eldreth Veluuthra extremist group attacked the Arabel orphanage.
* Marsember suffered a disastrous plague of unknown origins.
* Immersea has been attacked several dozen times by various undead, usually under Lich-Lady Wyvernspur but most recently and destructively by an unknown dracolich.
* Rumors of fey'ri persist after one was reportedly discovered attempting to frame a Velethuil/Bristar elder for murder.
* The Zhentarim razed Griffon Hill to the ground. The Thayan Enclave was destroyed and pillaged first by Zhents then by adventurers.
* Darkhold, while still Zhentarim, has had a change of leadership.
Yeah I knew I didn't have the spelling right and did not feel like sifting through five years' worth of text logs for the correct one.
I only know it because it's one of Aelie's favorite stories to tell. <.<