So as some of us know, NWShader is a program that allows for little graphical bells and whistles to be added to the game, such as bloom or getting rid of the fog-of-war. As those same people may also know, getting the latest version to work these days is... dodgy, to put it lightly, and the common solution is to look for an older, more compatible version. I've had a new install of NWN1 on this machine since I bought it, but no NWShader. Since I don't want to go digging through older versions of the thing until I find one that works, I'd like to ask:
What version of it are you currently using? I'd like to have the look for NWN that I'd been used to (read: spoiled by) from when I played on my old machine.
Appreciate any help and responses!
EDIT: Got Bahamut 2.1.4 working! Though you do need to kill Shiny Water in order for it to be operational at all. As if all of us didn't kill that dreaded graphics option, anyway.
Do many of you use this version, or is there a spiffier version I could utilize?