Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Deleted on Sep 15, 2014, 08:00 PM

Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Sep 15, 2014, 08:00 PM
As I was wandering about with another character I stumbled into the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and the pile of weapons, etc. collected in the entry which brought to mind an idea for an adventuring band of newb characters.

A youthful misadventure spurred by the tales of the Knights of Myth Drannor. This band of young friends sets out delving into the Haunted Halls from their homes with little but some rough armor and a few tools, gets lost for a week or two, emerges with little treasure to show but a few battered weapons and some experience. This wets their appetite for more and they set off to Arabel to get a charter and continue their adventures.

Number of slots:
Initially 4 (maybe 5). The group may expand organically through its adventures.

BRAND NEW level 3 characters only.

Looking at mostly US Evenings (CST is me) although weekends are an option.

Character thematics:

Well the key idea here would be someone who could believably have grown up with/in a human village of Eveningstar in Cormyr. The most likely races would be human, half-elf and halfling, although a dwarf probably could fit in there. I can't see anything exotic fitting both from a fit or power level standpoint, although a really humble beginnings aasimar, might work. Elves due to the length of their youth probably would have trouble bonding with those with shorter childhoods and adolescents.

There is only one temple in Eveningstar to Lathander but I don't wouldn't think that as a limiting factor for most good or neutralish religions for clerics or paladins.

Alignments: Goods and Neutrals will work best.

Inital Needs:

  • Warrior - Tannor Greymantle (Ranger - raised as a shepherd) [RunsFasterNaked]
  • Lockpicker/Trapspringer - Doesn't necessarily have to be a rogue, but a single classed rogue probably is the best fit.
  • Healer - Doesn't necessarily have to be a cleric, a character committed to heal ranks and such can probably fill the gap although the ability to use cure wands and of course cleric spells is a huge plus.
  • Single-Classed spellcaster - ? (Wizard) [Masked].


  • A bard - RedMage's heavy armor story absorbing bard claims this spot.

I ran out and snagged the initial stack of gear in case someone wanted to use the found item as one of their characters focus points:

  • A scimitar
  • A longsword
  • A large shield with the symbol of Moradin on it
  • Two shortswords
  • A broken longsword

Feel free to chime in here with interest/character ideas and once we hit 4 initial characters we'll get rolling.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: The Red Mage on Sep 15, 2014, 08:33 PM
That sounds really fun, but I'm concerned the novelty will wear off once you "hit arabel". Low levels go by so fast. I think this could make an extremely interesting multi part, imaginative quest.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Sep 15, 2014, 08:44 PM
The Red Mage Avatar
That sounds really fun, but I'm concerned the novelty will wear off once you "hit arabel". Low levels go by so fast. I think this could make an extremely interesting multi part, imaginative quest.
The idea would be the group would try to grow together from level 3, from wet behind the ears whelps to a formidable group in their own right. If they swiftly get to level 9 or 10 I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.

Also the opportunity to gather up and treat the standard dungeons more like a traditional adventure with a group, a purpose, etc.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Sep 15, 2014, 09:49 PM
3 healers?

Well, I suppose you can start a neverdie chain by all spamming healkits on each other.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Sep 15, 2014, 09:55 PM
*Mutters about Cut and Paste errors* Fixed
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: The Red Mage on Sep 16, 2014, 01:18 PM
Ah. Then I love the idea! I have a character in mind, but my computer is still out of order. I have a good in excuse if I join late, though. I also have an old priest retired in evening star if your group needed a go to for quest or adventure type ideas.

I've been wanting to make a heavy armor type bard character who uses a longsword. Like pure adventurer mode. I want him to be young and impressionable, not an expert in anything, and really into learning about others rather than offering his personal story to others. Kind of a reverse bard who will bank in other people's stories to keep and mold his outlook on the country instead of having a lot of stories to tell. He won't really be magical at all. I want his voice to be more like battle commands instead of songs and focus skill points on more social skills.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Sep 16, 2014, 09:42 PM
Ok the warrior and bard spots are filled. Updated the original post.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: realityjumper on Sep 18, 2014, 12:11 PM
If you decide you'd like a few small quests to go with all that for you lowbies, let me know with a PM. I could run some things in October for you.

Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: The Red Mage on Sep 18, 2014, 05:44 PM
I sent my pc into the shop today, but I dont know how long it will take.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Sep 21, 2014, 01:13 PM
No worries, I believe we'll wait to get started until we reach 'critical mass' of four characters.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: The Red Mage on Sep 21, 2014, 09:01 PM
OK. If someone else ends up wanting the bard spot, I can get involved on my priest or topside.

Still no feedback from the repair shop tho.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Sep 27, 2014, 06:32 PM
Still recruiting...check the original post.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: masked on Oct 19, 2014, 12:38 PM
If this is still happening I'd like to join in with a wizard  ;)
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: Deleted on Oct 19, 2014, 02:25 PM
Yes we are still recruiting. We need one more for critical mass preferably a rogue-ish sort to handle locks and traps. Any takers?

Clerics/druids also welcome as well of course.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: khuzadrepa on Oct 21, 2014, 05:28 PM
Count me in. I'll play a rogue; either gnome or human.
Title: Eveningstar Entry level adventurers
Post by: realityjumper on Oct 21, 2014, 06:43 PM
post to the quest thread when you have a name, please!