ShekinesterThe Five Faced Queen, The Aquirer, The Empowerer, The Seeker, The Weaver, The PreserverGreater Diety
Alignment: CG (seeker), LE (acquirer), CE (weaver), LG (empowerer), N (preserver)
Symbol: Book (seeker), Coin (aquirer), Mask (weaver), Mirror (empowerer), Grain jar (preserver)
Portfolio: Varies by aspect
Worshipers: Nagas, pterafolk
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Good, Law, Magic, Protection, [Fate], [Renewal], [Scalykind], [Spells]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: Varies by aspect.
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Shekinester is a complex, pragmatic goddess with five aspects: the Acquirer (LE), the Empowerer (LG), the Seeker (CG), the Weaver (CE), and the Preserver (N). Each aspect is represented and venerated as a separate goddess.
The Acquirer (Lawful Evil):This aspect of the goddess represents the urge to control and possess. She is often represented as a harsh-faced, shrewish female naga clinging desperately to her failing youth. As the Acquirer, the Five-Faced Queen seeks to hoard knowledge and wisdom that is in danger of being lost or forgotten.
The Empowerer (Lawful Good):In her role as guardian of the young and uninitiated, the Empowerer is a bestower of wisdom. Represented with the head of a beautiful young maiden, she is generally viewed as kindly and merciful. As the Empowerer, Shekinester actively seeks opportunities to grant wisdom to those who have not even realized they have need of such. This aspect of her nature can also make her an unwelcome messenger who forces followers into initiations that can cause them "growing pains."
The Seeker (Chaotic Good):Often represented as a childlike naga, the Seeker is filled with curiosity. This aspect of Shekinester drives the need to explore and study.
The Weaver (Chaotic Evil):This aspect of the Five-Faced Queen is the principle of active destruction--a crone-faced naga who destroys in order to make room for new life. However, she is also the embodiment of connections, bringing together disparate strands of knowledge to create new understanding. As the Weaver, Shekinester seeks to destroy anyone who enters the lost and decaying places she guards.
The Preserver (Neutral):Seen as a middle-aged female naga, this aspect of the goddess is the keeper of the flame in the Court of Light and the great maintainer of existence. She also has jurisdiction over the spirits of the dead, greeting them with water, fruit, and bread and protecting them from harm. As the Preserver, Shekinester provides sustenance for mortals threatened by extinction, overwhelming force, or some other terrible threat.