Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: Nokteronoth on Mar 12, 2017, 12:25 AM

Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Nokteronoth on Mar 12, 2017, 12:25 AM
I know it isn't actually scripted on the server, but RPly, can a character even learn Tolodine's Killing Wind? It's on the epic spell list, but all the lore I was reading said you can't cast it.

Like, Mystra specifically cut that and a bunch of other Netherese spells out of the Weave and said nowai. So can characters actually research/learn this spell? Or was it a simple oversight and just left on the list?

Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: trylobyte on Mar 12, 2017, 04:41 AM
The spell called 'Tolodine's Killing Wind' isn't the real spell Tolodine himself cast, per CD lore - He died before he shared it with anybody and nobody managed to duplicate it before Netheril went poof.  The version that's learnable, castable, and called Tolodine's Killing Wind is more like a cheap shoddy knockoff of the original.
Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: FaeFae on Mar 12, 2017, 05:28 AM
Torodine's Krilling Wind.
Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Edge on Mar 12, 2017, 12:14 PM
Trylo has it on the nose.
Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Nokteronoth on Mar 12, 2017, 07:11 PM
So, then, can I ask what this lesser version does? Same thing but on a way smaller scale? Does it just fill a room instead? Poison pipe, puff puff dead?

Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Hand_of_Banath on Mar 14, 2017, 07:35 AM
I imagine its as per the PRC manual spell. which is below
School: Necromancy (Death)
Components: V, S
Range: Long
Target: AOE: Colossal - 40' radius
Duration: 10 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude at -4.
Spell Resistance: Yes

Tolodine's killing wind was designed to kill large numbers of creatures, and it worked well; wiping out whole tribes in a single cast. The original spell by Tolodine himself, covered many miles and lasted many hours. The rumor that Tolodine was headed toward your city put a sheer chill up your spine. It was said he walked solo to the battle field, and left solo. Fortunately, the epic vastness of its reaches was lost many ages ago, but the form we have now is still a vast power to be reckoned. Creatures caught within the cloud were entitled a saving throw vs. fortitude at a penalty of -4 or be killed by the spell. Those who remain within the cloud will need to make another save each successive round until they exit the cloud. The casting of this spell automatically temporarily drains the caster of two levels (bestowing negative levels upon him), and two constitution points until the spell evaporates.

Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Darvins on Mar 14, 2017, 07:39 PM
In other words it kills regiments dead instead of armies basically
Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: trylobyte on Mar 15, 2017, 05:45 AM
It's basically 'epic cloudkill.'
Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Mystic Warden on Mar 16, 2017, 04:49 PM
So it only harms the living? Or can destroy undeads and constructs, too?
Title: Lore Question for Epic Spells
Post by: Edge on Mar 16, 2017, 06:04 PM
Anything with "Immunity: Death effects" will not be affected. So Undead, Constructs, certain Outsiders, and all CD's boss monsters will be unaffected.