Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Deities and Pantheons => Topic started by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:26 PM

Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:26 PM
Mulhorandi Pantheon

When the Imaskari stole thousands of people from another world to be their slaves, the prisoners brought their faith, their deities, the Mulhorandi pantheon, with them.

  • Anhur
  • Geb
  • Hathor
  • Horus-Re
  • Isis
  • Nephthys
  • Osiris
  • Sebek
  • Set
  • Thoth
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:20 PM
General of the Gods, Champion of the Physical Prowess, the Falcon of War

Lesser Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Hawk-headed falchion bound with a cord
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: War, conflict, physical prowess, thunder, rain
Worshipers: Druids, fighters, monks, rangers, soldiers, warriors
Domains: Chaos, Good, Strength, War, [Storm]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "Warhawk" (falchion)

Anhur (an-her) embodies both the raw fury and the strategic generalship of war. He is a fierce deity, but one not quick to pass judgment on others. Unlike other war deities, Anhur is a force for good and fights only against evil. He is slow to anger, for his wisdom is legendary, but his wrath is inescapable once earned. Anhur never lets his guard down and is constantly on the alert. He never stops moving, and his eyes never stop scanning the horizon. Unlike much of the rest of the Mulhorandi pantheon, Anhur appreciates the humor of mortals and does not necessarily find their presence tiresome. He has a hearty laugh and an ever-present smile when not engaged in combat. A shadow of guilt haunts the eyes of the General of the Gods, as he never forgives himself for earlier failures to defend Mulhorand, particularly against the Red Wizards.

The church of Anhur is organized into a strict hierarchy and run with martial efficiency. Clerics on Anhur spend their morning hours practicing their martial skills. Afternoons are spent drilling Mulhorand's legions. Evenings are spent repairing weapons and armor or studying war strategies. Anhur expects his clergy to develop and execute unorthodox and daring plans to regain Mulhorand's former glory. Much of his clergy's time is spent pursuing fantastic plans and countering the machinations of the clerics of Horus-Re.

Clerics and druids of Anhur pray for their spells at dawn, in anticipation of the day's battles. The month of Tarsakh is referred to in Mulhorand as the Time of Storms, and Anhur is said to walk the borders of Mulhorand during this time seeking out interlopers to drive off. The clergy of Anhur celebrates this time by engaging in a month-long tournament of nonlethal combats. The winner of the combat is known as the Champion of Anhur for the following year. The month-long tournament concludes on Greengrass with a festival known as the Sharpening of the Sword. On the rare occasions when Mulhorand has gone to war, major campaigns typically begin on or soon after this date. The Remembrance Ritual is celebrated on Highharvestide. This somber festival is a day of self-reflection and a time to remember fallen comrades. It concludes on a joyous note with litany of martial hymns thanking Anhur for military successes in the past year. Finally, the clergy of Anhur have numbers holy days commemorating one major battle or another. Though these commemorative celebrations are largely ignored outside the clergy, the citadels of Anhur are sites of good-spirited revelry during these festivals, and they sponsor many competitive sporting events on such days. Most clerics and druids multiclass as divine champions or fighters.


Although nominally allied with Pharaoh of the Gods, Anhur's aggressive advocacy of change often clashes with Horus-Re's desire for eternity and perpetual order. After absorbing the portfolios of Ramman, the former Untheric deity of weather, Anhur has come into increasing conflict with Isis, but in other respects the two are close allies. He cooperates closely with Nephthys, particularly in opposing the machinations of Thay, and has an on-again-off-again relationship with Bast (Sharess), although their alliance is fundamentally sound. Anhur's long-standing enemy is Set, but his activities during the Time of Troubles earned him the enmity of Sekolah (the sahuagin shark deity) and Hoar. Given Mulhorand's war with Unther and its interest in expansion, Anhur is likely to come into conflict with Tempus eventually.


Protect Mulhorand, for she is your mother. Fall upon her enemies as you would any who had done ill to your own mother. Show bravery and valor in combat, and protect your brothers and sisters in arms. Follow the wise advice of your commander as you would that of your parents, but take no actions that serve an ill cause. If your commander asks that you do ill, refuse; your actions will be vindicated by a council of at least three of your peers. Protect the people of Mulhorand and the property of the church of Anhur, for it is your home you defend with the fury of a lioness defending her cubs. Beware the wiles of Set, for his spies are everywhere, and his actions turn brother upon sister and parent upon child; his taint poisons the waters of the land of your heart. Defend against the fierce storms that sweep down from the north, for they are the work of crimson magic. Carry the peace and prosperity of Mulhorand westward and shepherd the people of Unther during their time of need.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:21 PM
King of the Riches Under the Earth, Father Under the Skies and Sands

Lesser Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: A mountain
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: The earth, miners, mines, mineral resources
Worshipers: Elemental archons (earth), fighters, miners and smiths
Domains: Earth, Protection, [Cavern], [Craft]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: "Stonemantle" (quarterstaff)

Geb (gheb) was once a curious and quick-tempered deity, but he has mellowed since his birth and now takes a more even-tempered, safe, and cautious approach to life. He speaks with a deep bass voice and emphasizes his words by striking the ground with the base of his staff, creating minor tremors with each stroke. He is jovial and appreciates humor both subtle and broad. He rarely engages in emotional displays, although his eyes burn hotter when he discovers a precious gem or rich vein of ore or when he is angry.

The church of Geb is loosely organized and politically weak compared to Mulhorand's other temples. The clergy of Geb spend their days side by side with miners digging tunnels, with prospectors panning for gold, and with blacksmiths forging weapons and armor. At least once per year, clerics must search out a new vein of ore or precious stones. Senior clerics often go to the cities and seek funding from the clergy of Nephthys to excavate new mines and quarries.

Clerics of Geb pray for their spells at midnight, when the sky is like the roof of a great cavern dotted with gems. Each evening, a cleric of Geb must locate one precious stone or mineral and bury it in the dirt while speaking evening prayers. The following morning, the cleric must excavate the gem and offer it up to Geb while repeating morning prayers. These twin ceremonies, known collectively as the Hidden Gift and the Bountiful Joy, celebrate Geb's bequest to the world and the discovery of the earth's precious secrets. The first of Mirtul is celebrated in a festival known as the Unwrapping. Mountains streams fill with the runoff of alpine snow around this time, often exposing new caves and veins to mine. The last day of Nightal, known as the Day of the Drawing Down, is a solemn ceremony marking the death of those died in the depths of the earth and mountains during the year. The entrance of at least one abandoned mine shaft is collapsed each year to commemorate the occasion. Many clerics multiclass as elemental archons or fighters. They turn rather than rebuke undead.


One of the oldest deities of Mulhorand, Geb is the father of Isis, Set, Osiris, and Nephthys. Geb has long since been overshadowed by his progeny, but he is allied still to all but Set. He has alliances outside the Mulhorand pantheon as well, including Flandal Steelskin, Grumbar, and Moradin. The conflict between Horus-Re and Anhur has saddened him, and many feel that Geb may transfer his power to another deity and return to his beloved wife Nut, whom he left behind thousands of years ago in order to come to Toril and save his people.


Know the earth. Explore its beauties and reveal its hidden secrets, but do so in such a way as to highlight their fundamental mysteries, not merely to exploit their monetary value. Protect those who work in the earth with respect and punish those who ravish it of its treasures without regard. Become one with the earth, and you will know Geb, who abides in it. Geb will lead you to inner peace through steadfast knowledge and lend you the strength of the living rock to defend and protect in your time of need.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:21 PM
The Nurturing Mother

Lesser Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Horned cow's head wearing a lunar disk
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Neutral Good
Motherhood, folk, music, dance, the moon, fate
Worshipers: Bards, dancers, mothers
Domains: Good, Moon, [Family], [Fate]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: Long cow horns (short sword)

Hathor (haa-thor) is known for her soft speech, which is like receiving comforting words following a raging argument, words that seem gentle because they dispel anger and sadness. Her laughter is like the joy of an infant, and all babies are precious to her. Hathor's very presence brightens her surroundings and brings peace and contentment to those in the shadow of her presence. Hathor never utters a harsh word, shows impatience, or loses her smile. She speaks earnestly and humbly except when performing one of her dances or a song, when she is wildly exuberant.

The church of Hathor is loosely organized, eschewing the trappings of theocratic power common to Mulhorand's other temples. Hathor has no interest in politics, and few of her clerics seek temporal power--a rarity in Mulhorand. Instead, her servants seek to nurse the sick, aid the poor, and protect all children. Clerics of Hathor wander Mulhorand dispensing aid to the poor and downtrodden. They donate much of their money directly to those who need it most and many live solely on the charity of those they aid. Almost all her clerics are female.

Clerics of Hathor pray for their spells at whenever the moon is highest in the sky during the day or night. Clerics of Hathor follow a lunar calendar of 30-day months that does not include the standard special days of the Calendar of Harptos. They have a cycle of prayers corresponding to each day in a month that repeats with each full moon. On the day of the first full moon after Greengrass, the clergy of Hathor celebrates a holy day known as the Birthing. Clerics try to time their pregnancies so they may give birth near this holy day. All clerics of Hathor are required to unveil a new song, dance, or poem at this time, if they are not in the final stages of pregnancy or the mother of a newborn. Midsummer's Eve is known as the Celebration of the Moon to clerics of the faith, who spend the day in joyous revelry and uplifting hymns. Her clerics sometimes multiclass as bards.


Hathor's relationship with the other deities of the Mulhorand is a servile one, with the exception of Set and Sebek, whom she dislikes. Many of the Mulhorandi deities look down on her, with the exception of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, who appreciate her kindness. Hathor's role overlaps that of Isis in some respects, but Hathor is seen as a mother and Isis as a wife. She misses the rest of her celestial family and, like lonely Geb, may abandon her power in Faerun to return to them.


Help all who turn to you for aid, be the slave or free, high born or low born, for all Mulhorand's children are equal in Hathor's eyes. Provide sustenance for the hungry, healing for the hurt, health for the diseased, and protection for the endangered. Act humbly, for pride and haughty words come not from the heart of the Nurturing Mother. Treat those in your care as royalty, for so shall you be cared for in the peaceful garden of the Quiet One in the afterlife. Be joyful and spread happiness with your words and deeds. Dance and let your heart be light, for goodness and mercy shall be yours in this life and the next.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:22 PM
Lord of the Sun, Master of Vengeance, Pharaoh of the Gods

Greater Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Hawk's head in pharaoh's crown surrounded by a solar circle
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: The sun, vengeance, rulership, kings, life
Worshipers: Administrators, judges, nobles, paladins
Domains: Good, Law, Sun, [Nobility], [Retribution]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Favored Weapon: An ankh (scimitar or sickle)

Horus-Re (hore-us ray) is a confident deity who believes strongly in the Mulhorandi concept of maat (justice, honor, order, and righteousness). More than a code of chivalry, maat is the natural state of the universe and all things are expected to conform to it. Only by doing so can the citizens of Mulhorand be at peace with the gods and live a happy life. Horus-Re believes that Mulhorand is eternal, and to promote eternity, one must deny change, so Horus-Re tries to discourage change.

The church of Horus-Re is strictly organized, and the church hierarchy is tightly intertwined with Mulhorand's governing institutions. Clerics of Horus-Re are precepts (provincial governors and rulers of cities) and administrators; they control vast tracts of land and thousands of slaves. Mulhorand's most powerful government position after the pharaoh is the vizier, a position traditionally held by the highest-ranking cleric of Horus-Re. Before the Time of Troubles, the clergy of Horus-Re was so busy governing and engaging in political infighting that they had very little time for actual religion. Since the Time of Troubles, the pharaoh of Mulhorand has tried to reorient this highly politicized culture toward greater religious fervor in order to spread the faith and increase the number of Horus-Re's worshipers in Faerûn. His efforts are meeting with some success, but are somewhat confusing to many Mulhorandi who are, after all, used to living with centuries of little change. These efforts are directed hand-in-hand with efforts to expand Mulhorand's sphere of influence into Unther and lands that have drifted away since the height of the last empire.

Clerics of Horus-Re pray for their spells at high sun, the most important ceremony of the day, when Horus-Re shines brightly over all Mulhorand. Immediately prior to noon, most of the inhabitants of Mulhorand gather in front of the numerous balconies protruding from the Sun Lord's temples. The clerics of Horus-Re then deliver a daily sermon known as the Zenith Aspirant. In addition, each sunrise they greet the return of their lord with a set of welcoming prayers known as the Greeting of the Lord. In the evening the clergy of Horus-Re pledge to guard Mulhorand through the nighttime hours in a private ceremony known as the Girding of the Guard involving the girding of ceremonial weapons. The most important annual holiday is Midsummer's Day when all the clerics of Horus-Re gather in his temples to sing his praises. Unlike most of the rest of the year, this is truly a day of religious devotion and to celebrate it almost the entire government of Horus-Re's eternal rulership. Many clerics multiclass as divine champions, divine disciples, or paladins.


Horus-Re was once Horus, a hot-headed deity who frequently clashed with Set. After the death of Ra during the Orcgate Wars, Horus became Horus-Re, chief deity of the Mulhorand pantheon. In so doing, Horus-Re has become not unlike Ra in personality, and little remains of the original personality of Horus. Although all the Mulhorandi deities in principle answer to Horus-Re, only Isis, Osiris, and Thoth could be truly considered his allies. Ironically, Horus-Re is troubled by the actions of his cousin, Anhur, an aggressive advocate of change and conflict, often ordering his clergy to take active countering measures. Horus-Re's greatest foe is Set. Lathander, another sun-related deity, has a sympathetic interest in Horus-Re, for he remembers Horus-Re's old personality, which was much like his own.


Goodness, honor, and order are the natural state, and that which leads to evil, treachery, and chaos is by rights unnatural and the enemy. Lead Mulhorand by example, and let your deeds speak your intentions. Goodness and harmony come from living within maat rather than fighting it. Laws exist to bring prosperity to those under them. The pharaoh and the church of Horus-Re rule with Horus-Re's guidance and set laws as guidelines for honorable action within Mulhorand's tradition. Make no hasty changes or decisions, as their consequences are always suspect and may undermine the steadfast rule of eternity. Protect the weak and avenge all wrongs. Smite traitors with righteous vengeance.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:22 PM
Bountiful lady, Lady of Rivers, Mistress of Enchantment

Intermediate Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Ankh and star on a lunar disk
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Weather, rivers, agriculture, love, marriage, good magic
Worshipers: Arcane spell casters, druids, lovers, mothers
Domains: Good, Magic, Water, [Family], [Storm]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: An ankh and star (dagger or kama)

Isis (eye-sys) is a woman of even temper and great dedication. She is a regal and noble deity who is eager to share the knowledge of the gods with humanity and often goes to great lengths to introduce her worshipers to new concepts and ideas. In many cases, these new ideas take the form of magical spells. Isis often finds the antics of mortals amusing, but she is a kind, understanding goddess who cares greatly for her worshipers and the peoples of Unther and Mulhorand.

The church of Isis is hierarchically organizes so as to ensure orderly planting and reaping of the harvest. Clerics of Isis spend their days overseeing the agricultural production of the nation's farms, particularly during planting time. Isis's high clerics use weather control spells to ensure a bountiful harvest. Members of her clergy also administer most marriage ceremonies in Mulhorand and Unther, work as matchmakers for those in search of a mate, serve as go-betweens for lovers, and counsel young mothers on raising their children. They often fashion small charms for those whose deeds have won the goddess's favor and magic items to serve good causes or lighten the burden of the common people.

Clerics and druids of Isis pray for their spells at just before the first morning meal. The two most sacred days for the clergy of Isis are Greengrass and Highharvestide. During the first festival, the clergy of Isis give thanks to the goddess for her aid in the planting, and during the second they give thanks to both Isis and Osiris for their help with the harvest. Both days are occasions for joyous celebration and wild revels, and all who participate in farming join in them along with the clergy. Clerics and druids of Isis have numerous daily rituals as well. They celebrate the Shift in the Winds each time the weather changes for the better and utter quiet thanks to the goddess. Every time they cross a river, they must drink deeply and give thanks for the goddess's bounty. Finally, they must bless each meal given by the goddess's bounty before partaking of a single bite. Most clerics of Isis eventually multiclass as wizards, while her druids sometimes multiclass as sorcerers.


Isis is the daughter of Geb, the wife of Osiris, the sister of Thoth, and the mother of Horus, making her one of the most influential deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon. She is allied with Sharess, and the nonevil Mulhorandi deities. She is still saddened by the long-ago change in Horus that occurred thousands of years ago, and sometimes shares her grief with Chauntea, her agricultural counterpart in the Faerûnian pantheon.


Encourage love, affection, and marriage in the citizens of Mulhorand. Sow the seeds of happiness, family, and food wherever you go and provide wise counsel for those in need. Use your magic to benefit of the people of Mulhorand and never to harm them, particularly by shaping the weather to serve the populace and creating magic items for the benefit of all. Protect the heroes of Mulhorand and those who are in love.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:23 PM
Guardian of Wealth and Commerce, Protector of the Dead, the Avenging Mother

Intermediate Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: A golden offering bowl topped by an ankh
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Wealth, trade, protector of children and the dead
Worshipers: Merchants, money-changers, tax collectors, rogues
Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, [Trade]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: An ankh trailing a golden mist (whip)

Nephthys (nef-thiss) is a somewhat greedy deity who takes an interest in the accumulation of wealth by her followers. She tends to favor those of her followers who are well off. Her temperament is mercurial, and she is very haughty and somewhat vain. She focuses on wealth and status more than charity and good works, but the truly selfish among her worshipers often find the capricious hand of fate turning against them. Nephthys has little patience for the foibles of mortals and can often by quite impatient and unforgiving. However, she is also devoted and utterly loyal to those who hold her dearest in their hearts and those within her charge.

The church of Nephthys is run like a powerful, profitable, merchant consortium. Clerics of Nephthys spend their days managing the economy of Mulhorand. They are engaged in countless political squabbles with the clerics of Horus-Re, Anhur, and Isis over the financing of various projects, the distributions of the profits of others, and the management of human resources (slaves) so as to best serve the economic interests of Mulhorand. They serve in some instances as tax collectors and as money-changers. They provide advice to the noble class about investments and bless children brought to them (for which they expect a donation). Any child whom they bless is under the protection of the church until she reaches adulthood, and her injury is avenged by the church. The church of Nephthys is involved in the burial rites of every noble or members of the middle class. The clergy are primarily responsible for the safeguarding of goods and deceased wish to bring to the afterlife. They also serve as executors of the will and testament of the deceased, if any.

Clerics of Nephthys pray for their spells at noon, when the golden orb of the sun is high in the sky. The clergy of Nephthys celebrate few holy days in their calendar. The Feast of the Moon is known as the Feast of the Silver Coin to the faithful of Nephthys. In a somber, but elaborate, day-long rite, they give thanks to Nephthys for her beneficence and tithe to the church. The greater the wealth they contribute to the church during this ceremony, the higher the personal status they accrue within the church. Nephthys's clerics are also responsible for conveying the prepared body to the burial chamber, setting the defensive wards, and sealing the crypt to prevent tomb robbers from gaining entrance in a grand ceremony known as the Passage Onward. Clerics of Nephthys rarely multiclass, but those that do are usually rogues.


Daughter of Geb and long-forgotten Nut, Nephthys was once married to Set. She left him over the murder of Osiris and helped her sister Isis to resurrect the dead deity. She has few friends even among her own pantheon. Waukeen guards against her encroachment upon the portfolio of wealth now that Mulhorand is expanding again, while Mask is interested in her riches.


Accumulate great volumes of wealth, but do not hold money above your devotion to the goddess. Protect the tombs and the remains of the dead, and smite those who would rob those who have gone to the afterlife or desecrate their tombs. Avenge the deaths of those Mulhorandi killed by the Red Wizards of Thay. Be faithful to your husband and encourage faithfulness in others. Protect worshipers of the goddess, and diligently root out and destroy evil, especially the actions of Set.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:24 PM
Lord of Nature, Judge of the Dead, Reaper of the Harvest

Intermediate Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: White crown of Mulhorand over a crossed crook and flail
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Vegetation, death, the dead, justice, harvest
Worshipers: Attorneys, druids, embalmers, judges, paladins, rangers, seekers of rightful vengeance
Domains: Good, Law, Plant, Repose, [Retribution]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Favored Weapon: "Just Reward" (light flail or heavy flail)

Osiris (oh-sigh-ris) has a powerful and commanding presence, yet those whose hearts are pure and true are very comfortable in his company. His stern demeanor is cracked only by the antics of playful children, who have been known to make him smile and laugh in delight, and his wife, Isis, whom he loves passionately. However, when confronted by those who violate the principles of maat (justice, honor, order, and righteousness), particularly by despoiling the resting places of the dead, his anger is terrible and his wrath unstoppable.

Clerics and druids of Osiris pray for their spells at dusk, when the day's activities are judged. The two most important holy days in the church of Osiris are Highharvestide and Midwinter. The former is a (relatively) joyous celebration of Osiris's bounty in which all the citizens of Mulhorand are invited to join. The latter is a solemn, private day during which the sanctity of every burial crypt in Mulhorand is renewed or reinforced so that the dead may continue to rest easy. The Passing to Eternal Contentment and Justice is a sacred ceremony performed during the preparation and burial of the dead. There are three versions of the ceremony--High, Middle, and Low Passing--that are employed during funerals for the royal family, the nobles, and the commoners, respectively. Many clerics multiclass as paladins, and both clerics and druids sometimes multiclass as rangers.


Osiris is the son of Geb and long-forgotten Nut. He was slain by Set during a power struggle to succeed Ra in the aftermath of the Orcgate Wars. He was brought back to life by his wife Isis and Nephthys when they mummified his body, giving him eternal life and making him the deity of death. Osiris and Set are not bitter enemies, but Osiris gladly acceded to the leadership of Horus-Re when Ra chose Horus to succeed him. Osiris also despises and works against Mask. He is friendly with Kelemvor, for they have similar ideas about death and the undead.


Goodness, honor, and order are the natural state, and that which leads to evil, treachery, and chaos is by rights unnatural and unlawful. Goodness and harmony come from living within maat rather than fighting it. An organized approach brings the most good for all. Laws exist to bring prosperity to those under them. The pharaoh and his representatives set laws as guidelines for honorable action within Mulhorand's tradition. Those guidelines must be applied with honor; when honor is lacking in their application, the fair judgment of Osiris is the law. The justice of Osiris is a lack of partiality. Be not angered without justice. Great is justice when it is even-handed; in the eyes of truth, a slave and the pharaoh are as one.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:49 PM
Lord of Crocodiles, the Smiling Death

Mulhorandi Demigod
Symbol: Crocodile head wearing a horned and plumed headdress
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: River hazards, crocodiles, werecrocodiles, wetlands
Worshipers: Druids, inhabitants of crocodile-infested areas, rangers, werecrocodiles
Domains: Animal, Evil, Water, [Scalykind]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "The Sorrowful Spear" (spear)

Sebek (seh-beck) is second only to Set in evil in the pantheon of Mulhorand. He is strong, but also cruel and capricious. He enjoys eating people, but can be swayed by piteous begging (if it is accompanied by the promise of bigger meals). He enjoys cruel humor and mean-spirited pranks. He loathes genuine displays of heartfelt emotion and is said to have a heart of ice. The Lord of Crocodiles has a strong streak of insecurity toward his status in the Mulhorandi pantheon, a fact that has been exploited by daring mortals in the past.

The church of Sebek is loosely organized, its hierarchy little more than a constantly changing pecking order. Werecrocodile clerics spend their days bullying their fellows, hunting, luring humans to their doom, and designing fantastic schemes to seize power in Mulhorand, Unther, and Chessenta.

Clerics and druids of Sebek pray for their spells at dusk, when the hot sun fades and the time for hunting draws nigh. Villagers seeking to ward off the attack of crocodiles hope to appease Sebek by the monthly sacrifice of animals (and occasionally sentient creatures) outside shrines located deep in the swamp. The remains of the sacrifice are left within the shrine for the crocodiles. Many a worshiper has failed to leave quickly enough after making a sacrifice and fallen prey to the jaws of crocodiles attracted to the site. Many clerics and druids multiclass as fighters, and most attempt to become werecrocodiles.


Sebek is the poor relation of the Mulhorandi pantheon, effectively an outcast. Although he is not formally banished, he is simply ignored. Most of the Mulhorandi deities view Sebek with condescending scorn, and the Lord of Crocodiles return their antipathy. Sebek has worked with Set in the past, but the Brother of Serpents treats Sebek with contempt and uses him only as a temporary ally of convenience. Even Malar harasses Sebek, angry at this foreign deity holding even a tiny part of the portfolio of lycanthropes.


Hunt or be hunted. Kill intruders in the swamps, weed out the weak, terrify human commoners and weaklings into propitiating Sebek, dominate your fellows, and eventually turn the world into one vast swamp. Seek recognition for your acts in the name of the deity, for he is a powerful deity to be feared. You will be amply rewarded with choice prey, wealth, and territory when Sebek finally assumes the role within the pantheon that he deserves.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:50 PM
Defiler of the Dead, Lord of Carrion, Father of Jackals

Intermediate Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Coiled cobra
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: The desert, destruction, drought, night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, ambition, poison, murder
Worshipers: Assassins, blackguards, brigands, criminals, rogues, thieves, tomb robbers, wizards
Domains: Air, Darkness, Evil, Law, Magic, [Hatred], [Scalykind]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: "The Spear of Darkness" (spear)

Set (set) is the jealous personification of evil. A cold and calculating deity, he always acts against the interests of the Mulan and the Mulhorandi pantheon. The Father of Jackals is always looking for ways to recruit new followers and disrupt the churches of the other Mulhorandi deities. Despite his loathsome nature, Set takes good care of his followers and does not willingly betray or abandon his people, as he finds it practical to maintain their loyalty. Set can be quite gracious and charming when first encountered, but he reveals his true colors very quickly. He revels in his evilness and makes no excuses for his cruelty or his evil actions. He never laughs except when relishing another creature's pain, and the sound of his laughter is said to be that of creature's final death scream. Mortals are simply useful tools that can be destroyed or cared for, as appropriate, in Set's view.

The church of Set is ordered by a strict hierarchy answering directly to the deity. Clerics of Set are charged to undermine and overthrow the theocracy of Mulhorand, and spend their days executing ruthless and subtle plans to achieve their goals. Only the eternal vigilance of the other deities and their faithful keeps the majority of these plans from succeeding. Clerics of Set often oversee the activities of thieves, assassins, and other evil beings, even if they venerate Mask. Many brigands and tomb robbers worship Set and use these activities to finance their plans as well as mock and denigrate the deities and beliefs of other faiths and deities. The clergy of Set heads several orders of assassins. Such clerics are not allowed to betray members of the order and must always work to promote the "brotherhood of evil."

Clerics of Set pray for their spells at night, whenever the land is darkest. They have no formal holy days. Rather, they perform their important ceremonies and sacrifices every time they achieve a major victory in the name of Set. When a supplicant seeks to join the brotherhood of evil as a full-fledged member, he must undergo the Test of Venom. This ceremony involves the supplicant walking through a pit of poisonous snakes or scorpions. Aspiring clerics who survive the ceremony are admitted into the clergy. Particularly infuriating to the clergy of Osiris and Nephthys is the deconsecrating ceremony performed by grave robbers who serve in Set's clergy. This ceremony involves the complete defilement of a burial chamber, the creation of an unholy alter to Set, the looting of the crypt's treasure, and the animation of the bodies as undead. Many clerics and druids multiclass as assassins, blackguards, divine disciples, divine seekers, rogues, or wizards.


Set, brother to Osiris, is the most evil deity worshiped in Mulhorand. The son of Geb and long-forgotten Nut, his birth was horrific, for he tore himself free from his mother's womb and sprang upon the world as a foul and hideous thing. He challenged the authority of Osiris for the leadership of the gods upon the death of Ra during the Orcgate Wars, slew Osiris (who was later brought back to life by Isis) through trickery, and was then defeated by Horus-Re and cast him out. Now Set schemes against all the Mulhorandi, with the exception of Sebek, whom he exploits. His only ally is Tiamat, for both gods have found common cause in undermining the power of the other deities of the Old Empires. His recent excursions outside Mulhorand have attracted the attention of Bane, Cyric, and Talos, all wanting to steal his power.


The ends justify the means, and life is a struggle to be won by the powerful and the ruthless. Loyalty to one's comrades is admirable as long as it advances the cause of Set, and in the end, when Set accedes to his rightful throne, those that have served him well will be justly rewarded. Destroy the clergies of Horus-Re and Osiris, thus accelerating Set's establishment at his rightful place as god-king of Mulhorand, and spread the cult of Set throughout the world. Sacrifice both wealth and sentients to Set.
Title: Mulhorandi Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:50 PM
Lord of Magic, Scribe of the Gods, the Keeper of Knowledge

Intermediate Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Ankh above an ibis head
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Neutral magic, scribes, knowledge, invention, secrets
Worshipers: Loremasters, scribes, those who craft magic items, secrets
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, [Rune], [Spell], [Craft]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: "Knowledge Keeper" (quarterstaff)

Thoth (thoth) is one of the oldest deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon, and he is also one of the most vigorous and creative. He is very intellectual and rarely displays great shows of emotion except when engaged in a heated academic debate. He speaks in clipped, efficient phrases, and is an elitist toward those he considers "uncultured barbarians" (a category that includes most foreigners). He has given credit for the creation of many of Mulhorand's unique magic items and its experiments with technology, which have caused significant, but gradual cultural changes over the centuries.

The church of Thoth is organized in a strict hierarchy, although individuals are free to pursue almost any course of inquiry. Thothians spend several hours each morning studying. They spend most afternoons researching magics, serving as scribes, clerks, or librarians for the church or the state, or teaching the young. Particularly pious young clerics often spend their evenings assisting the poor and unschooled as scribes and tutors. Traditionally, the contents of any message written by a scribe of Thoth is held in strictest confidence as a religious trust between the scribe and the person who dictated the message. Scribes do not typically deliver messages; that is a job for messengers.

Clerics of Thoth pray for their spells at dawn, prior to a new day of invention and discovery. The clergy of Thoth inscribe their deity's symbol at the top of each page of papyrus before writing anything else on that page. Prior to undertaking any major task requiring engineering, writing, or magical skill, Thoth's faithful draw the symbol of Thoth on the backs of their hands and over their hearts. In general, the clergy of Thoth put less emphasis on excessive pageantry and ceremony than most other clergy of Mulhorand; they regard most of it as a waste of valuable time. During the winter and summer solstices, clerics of Thoth are required to fast for an entire day and then immerse in an icy bath. There Ceremony of Introspection, as this is known, symbolizes their desire for true understanding and their reemergence into the world with a clear head and invigorated heart. Many clerics multiclass as arcane devotees, loremasters, or wizards. They turn rather than rebuke undead.


Thoth is one of the oldest deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon, second only to Ra (now dead) and Geb. He is allied with Horus-Re, Isis, and Osiris, and works to oppose Set. In recent years, he has forged contacts with likeminded gods of Faerûnian pantheon as well, including Azuth, Deneir, Gond, Oghma, Mystra, and Savras.


Learn all you can and help to spread wisdom throughout the world. Research magic, protect the secrets of Thoth, and spread magic throughout Mulhorand. Explore new invention and better ways of doing things, pushing the limits of engineering, architecture, and magic item construction. Protect Mulhorand from the traitorous Red Wizards of Thay and undermine their efforts at every possible turn. Use weaponry as little as possible, for magic is your weapon.