Posting this here for tracking of updates as I work through the development of a possible class addition. Class has been pulled mainly from the Green Knight Archetype of Cavalier from Pathfinder, with a hint of 3.5E's Knight class.
Green Knight - NWN 3.5 Conversion
A green Knight serves Nature, usually through service or patronage to a nature deity or one of the Fey Courts.
The Knight strives to defend the balance of nature. He must be willing to allow nature to take its course,
and must stop all those who would do harm to its delicate balance.
He will not tolerate aberrant creatures, undead, or the irresponsible and greedy consumption of natural resources.
He may be farsighted and seek to establish agreements that lead to lasting protection of the natural world, but resorts to violence if it is the most effective way to enforce such protection.
HitDie: d10
Alignment Restriction: Any
BAB: +1 (High)
Skill Points: 6 + Int Mod
Saves: Fort
Proficiencies: Light, Medium, & Heavy Armor, Simple and Martial Weapons, Shields
Class Skills: Animal Empathy, Bluff, Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Knowledge (Nature), Parry, Sense Motive, Spot, Taunt
1: Strong Soul, Beast Tongue
2: Challenge I 2/day
4: Woodland Stride
6: Challenge II 3/day, Bonus Feat
7: Armor Mastery I (Ex)
8: Cut the Corruption I(Su) 2/day
9: Slippery Mind
10: Challenge III 4/day
11: Venom Immunity, Divine Health
12: Bonus Feat
14: Challenge IV 5/day
15: End of the Cycle (Su)
16: Cut the Corruption II(Su) 4/day
17: Take Their Heads (Su)
18: Challenge V 6/day, Bonus Feat
20: Indestructible (Su)
Beast Tounge: The Green Knight gains the ability to communicate with beasts. (Animal language)
Challenge: The Green Knight issues a challenge to the target creature, gaining a morale bonus to attack and damage
rolls versus that creature for a duration equal to his Green Knight levels. (Due to engine limits, bonus is added vs creature's racial type)
This challenge may not be issued to Animal or Plant types.
Challenges issued to Undead or Abberation types gain further bonuses.
Attack bonus is equal to Challenge rank. So +1 at level 2, +2 at level 6 etc.
Attack Bonus vs Undead/Aberration: +2 over base rank.
Damage Bonus is 1d4 at rank I, 1d6 at rank II, 1d8 at rank III, 2d4 at rank IV, 2d6 at rank V, 2d8 at rank VI+
Duration is 1 turn/level.
Armor Mastery (Ex): The Green Knight gains 2 AC. This is a Dodge bonus.
Cut the Corruption (Su): A Green Knight can enchant their weapon to do an additional 1d6 divine damage vs Undead and Aberrations for 1 turn/level.
End of the Cycle (Su): RP Ability. At 15th level, things killed by a Green Knight tends to stay dead.
When the Knight kills a creature, it is treated as if it were killed by a death effect for the purposes of magic that can restore it to life.
In addition, it's placed under the effects of a permanent sanctify corpse effect (using the Knight's level as the spell's caster level).
Take Their Heads (Su): A Green Knight's blade is blessed by fey powers and unerringly seeks out foe's necks.
Applies 1d8 Massive Critical property for 2 turns/level.
Indestructible (Su): A 20th level Green Knight is virtually impervious to death. He gains +4 to his constitution score, and is immune to Death effects. Usable ability applies the Death immunity permanently. This will likely need reapplication if you die.
Epic Progression:
Bonus Feats: 23rd and 26th
Challenge: Increases rank and uses at 22nd, 26th, & 30th
Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Blind Fight, Toughness
Epic Bonus Feats: Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Prowess, Armor Skin, Epic Iron Will, Epic Great Fortitude, Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness