Is there a way to add a script that enables the person to become disguised or temporarily edit their names to the disguised form, so for example only:
I would type something like /disguise Brother Derick
the name Brother Derick would float over my head instead of Trent Dy'nei
The disguise would be defeated via a spot check vs my bluff roll either automatically or vs DC rolls on request.
The reason I ask this, is not to upset players but I have had two chars drastically change their appearance, change in their bios to state they are not physically recognizable and such, for one character it actually required me to physically change her name on remake, and for this one requires me to constantly OOCly tell people that they cannot recognize the char.
While a mistake, I hate taking things OOCly and I think a fix like this could be beneficial especially to evil players trying to disguise themselves as a number of things...PDK's, Guards, Templar's. This is something I have seen in Arelith, where it would change the name, though much like in Areliths ruling system, I would put down the rule that of course it can't be something silly like "Slave" or the likes, it has to make sense and you actually actively HAVE to be trying to hide your identity. Changing clothes, altering voice, things like that.
Arelith's disguise command bit was sort of fun.
Not that I'd complain, but there it was rather annoying to have people spam the /looks command or whatever it was until you rolled a 1.
Nope. There are still database things that are tied to PC name, so that won't be happening.
If there were a way to make something else the unique identifier versus character names, this would be a good idea. However, as someone who has made databases before and knows the risk of messing with important "keys" (in this case, character names), so much damage could be done.
For disguise-heavy characters, LETO works to craft a thought-through persona. I think the insta-function might encourage less-thoughtful frequent disguise-swapping that could become difficult to play with.
It can be hard on characters who play around frequent disguise-changers, because it isn't fun to have to re-introduce yourself to a thin concept repeatedly and play ignorant.
Those are my two cents, as a player who often plays intrigue-based characters.
Well Vincent has stated that this is not gonna happen, so it comes down to the playerbase.....if a player clearly looks different then anything before, especially one that usually doesnt change appearance that often..consider that they might be in disguise, even rping to look at the player as though trying to recognize them.
I think the responsibility is both ways.
Yes, players should be mindful that others are likely disguising themselves, but it is also important for those who know they have a known profile to also emote that they are doing something different, or flatout, "in disguise."
I have and make every effort to do so, and still repeatedly get called out by the chars name. I am not blaming people, instead I am bringing this to light as well as it is a problem.
This one is tough because it is so easy for a player to reveal the disguised character without meaning to just due to the conventions of the game.
Candidly, at best a PC accidentally reveals; at worst (and more likely based on the attempts I have seen) players just avoid the disguising PC so they don't have to deal with fallout if they do make a mistake.
Really, on an NWN PW with a player base the size of CD I don't believe a perpetual disguise from PC's is practical.
Developing an alias or two with disguises to use in DM sponsored quests and forum RP with NPCS (and maybe vs. PCS for a DM moderated interaction) is workable. But if a player finds it necessary to perpetually disguise them self from other PCs just to make the PC playable I don't see that as anything that will end well.
Nor do I see a solution that is fair and enjoyable to all based on the conventions of the game.
Having multiple disguises is difficult. Using a single alternate identity is usually much easier to get away with. It can be built into your character name at creation as well such as " Cecilia 'Badhbh' Tentazione "
Reminder .. dont us "" in your name as it throws off the tell system which uses those "" symbols.
Over the years I have found it to be just as simple as an emote *in disguise* and if someone doesn't see it which happened with me a friendly tell stating hey im in disguise totes not me usually fixes things.
People tend to be pretty good about handling this ICly. I've played a disguised character for a while (I have a genuinely evil drow who disguises when topside) and people tend to be pretty good about differentiating between her disguise and the name that floats above her head. The few slip-ups (which I forgive because her nickname and her disguised name are similar) are often resolved with a quick OOC reminder.
I'd be down with this sort of thing too, so long as a few minutes at the tailor isn't a substitute for the disguise skill, and isn't taking away from someone else' investment in their own character. A free mechanic should never trump someones dedication to their character. And yes, I get the whole 'live and let live' concept, but fair is fair.