StronmausAnnum's Steward, Lord of the Skies, The Storm Lord, The Smiling God, The Thunderhead.Greater Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A forked lightning bolt descending from a cloud, obscuring the sun.
Home Plane: Jotunheim (Stormhold)
Portfolio: sun, sky, weather, joy, cloud giants
Worshipers: non-evil cloud giants, storm giants
Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, [Storms]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Stronmaus (STRAWN-mawz) is the eldest son of Annam and brother to Hiatea, Grolantor, Memnor, Skoraeus, and Iallanis. Shortly after he came of age, Stronmaus adopted the skies as his purview. With Annam gone, however, he is now responsible for the affairs of the entire Ordning, though he certainly doesn't covet his father's power. The moment Annam returns, Stronmaus will happily relinquish the throne. Though he is often encountered among the mountains of the Beastlands, Stronmaus inhabit's a spectacular cloud palace called Stormhold, attached to Annam's steading in Gudheim. Stormhold, the realm of Stronmaus, is the mirror image of Thraotor. Despite its ominous name, Stormhold rests on a magnificent white cloud that only rarely brings rain or storms to the land beneath. Though it casts an enormous shadow on the land, the sun always shines brightly at its top, glittering on Stronmaus's palace of gold, platinum, gems, and marble. Within the palace is a magical opal pool, which seems to be of endless size to swimmers in its holy waters. Immersion in the waters of this pool grants the effects of the heal, greater restoration, and regeneration spells.
Many thousands of years ago, after the titan Lanaxis finally united all of Annam's sons on Toril, Stronmaus gave Lanaxis a sample of his waters as a gift, allowing the titan to create a smaller version of the pond at the center of Voninheim. In fact, Lanaxis delivered his poison to Othea by fouling waters drawn from this magical font. Whether or not the fountain still exists at the heart of Voninheim's ruins, of course, is unknown. Like all members of the Ordning, each of the giant breeds tends to see Stronmaus in a different light. To the hill giants he is a mighty fisherman. To the frost giants he is a bold sailor/explorer. To the cloud giants he is a thundering god of storms. In any case, all see him as far more youthful, vigorous, and carefree than the All-Father. Stronmaus is frequently depicted smiling or reveling, and he certainly seems to enjoy crafting his powerful rainstorms and lightning bolts.
Dogma:Rain cleanses and offers salvation; freedom is the greatest bounty one can bestow; good-natured merriment is the milk of life (cloud giants only); life is a test of will (storm giants only).