So I decided to close down my deviant art account years ago, but this seems to be an art appreciating community, so I figured I'd upload at least some of my musings, particularly CD inspired work, or other D&D related stuff.
I'm totally open to honest critiques, but keep in mind, I sketch like a few times a month when I get some time between. Work, school, or personal computer programming projects. Suggestions like 'try this expensive art tool', or 'practice more' aren't bad, but I don't have the time or money to act on them right now

Left: random lady dancing, right: Thira Ravenplume my ranger/weaponmaster char. I'll probably finish her in color pencil.
Another artist in our midst. Very nice work! Glad to see such talented people drawn to CD.

Nicely done, looking forward to more =)
The girl with the star reminds me of the Tarot Card, that is the Star. :-)
The girl with the star reminds me of the Tarot Card, that is the Star. :-)
I suppose drawing a tarot set is a rite of passage for an artist

Another sketch I did partially last week and finished (as much as anything I do these days is finished)
I kind of ended up with a 'medieval tapestry painting' style for this. I'm really bad at combat pespective!
Going to try a lineart version for illustration. Never done color before but I've been watching a few tutorials, and seeing some of the color work of my fellow players here makes me want to give it a shot.

I am impressed by the ambition you show toward tackling larger scenes and look forward to seeing more from you. Keep us updated.

Work in progress. Really need a scanner. In order from left to right:
Lori Gildas (
truly), Thira Ravenplume, Timouthy Skyraven(
shadowtim3), Paythin Alderan (
spamtastic1979), Ashahwherehisohsoe(elven name) Moonshae (
silverwolf64), Emari (
Image isn't showing up for me.
Looks like you're using Dropbox. You'll need to move the image into your Public folder, and from there copy the public link and use that to link images to forums.
Nope. Copying the URL directly takes me to a 403 page.
Public URLs are shorter, like so: To get them you have to move the image into your Dropbox > Public folder, then right-click and choose "Get Public URL", then use that to link the image.
I don't have a 'public' folder.
FFS I just made a link to it through google drive. Fuck dropbox.
FFS I just made a link to it through google drive. Fuck dropbox.
I use Imgur. It is free!
Yeah I don't know why Dropbox stopped having a Public folder, it was a default arrangement when I signed up for them and seems to have been changed away since.
Imgur works for linking to other sites, which is why I'd recommend it over Google Drive. GD's better for storing things but not necessarily for sharing/cross-posting.
All that said... LOVE the picture! Definitely looking forward to seeing more of it when it's done =D
I love the pose dynamics of the picture and the armor designs. It has some great dimensions and does not look flat at all. I am jealous how much you rock at hands.

I love the pose dynamics of the picture and the armor designs. It has some great dimensions and does not look flat at all. I am jealous how much you rock at hands.

Thank you! What I've found as far as hands go, is that I rarely actually notice where individual fingers go unless there really spread out, so you can often blend fingers together and let the viewer sort it out in perception. I also hide them :-D
I love this picture! Really makes me feel honored to be DMing you guys, and seeing you come together as a group.

very nicely done .. see a artist of great caliber in the works here .. hope to see more of your work ^.^
I like the picture, Foo! Keep up the good work. =D
I love it. It reminds me of an adventuring troop / class photo where everyone would have a copy and would reminiscence about the good ole days - before someone took an arrow to the knee.
Here we go, scanned, and a little touch up work done on it:

Wow, that is a challenging angle to attempt. It looks like there is a story here and I definitely wonder her situation. Really like the straps and the attention to detail in her attire.
Quick update. I've been playing a lot of Xcom: Enemy Within lately, and I think I'm developing PTSD from watching all my Xcom soldiers die ;_; Seriously, who came up with the goddamn Chrysalids?!

Ah, a fellow XCOM fan!

Awesome picture
Chrysalids... Yeah.
You're playing the Long War or vanilla XCOM?
Also, Tar-21 rifle lookalike is appreciated!

I'm playing vanilla Xcom because the long war is absolutely unfair in every possible way

Also, yes the rifle is based on the IWI Tavor or TAR-21. Admittedly I want one sooooo bad...
You can make it fair, the release version is quite adjustable, and makes the game much more thrilling.
You are not the only one who wants it! Semi auto versions are rare in the US and almost impossible to find in Europe though.
You can make it fair, the release version is quite adjustable, and makes the game much more thrilling.
You are not the only one who wants it! Semi auto versions are rare in the US and almost impossible to find in Europe though.
If I have 2 grand to pony up, I can get one... its the 2 grand part that makes me choke on my breakfast though. I'd be satisfied with a Kel-Tec RDB though, if they'd ever RELEASE IT.
Neat, shame that getting any Kel-Tec firearm in Europe is virtually impossible.
I am currently looking for AUG-Z, as I am quitely familiar with select-fire variant. It's a neat rifle, only drawback are its mag. I wonder why they haven't made STANAG feeded version for so many years.
A little doodle. Watching heavy water war on netflix

Kinda reminds me my own doodles when I have mood for drawing.
At first it was a figure study, then this happened

I am admittedly a bit jealous of those feet skillz!
Is there teeth in that mask? *Blinks.*
Another quick one. Did thira again.

Ambush on the Aspen Ridge.