I don't know how feasible this is, but could you add a leveler and deleveler to the ooc area? Not to be used to delevel and level your characters but to test builds. As an example, i have seen it implemented a system where if you built a character that had a "." At the beginning of the name it could only ever exist in the OOC area and you could play around with the various classes to actually see them on a char sheet. Spreadsheets are great, but it's awesome to see it in the same format as the game interface provides. Makes it so only those "." Names can use the leveler and those "." Names can't enter the world and it might help. I know it would me.
You can create characters in single player, you just won't be able to test spells or certain custom class features and feats. If we were to ever allow making test characters on a server, it wouldn't be done on the main server as that's far too open to abuse and exploits.