So, Notaturk and I discussed the possibility of me running something for Collinwood interested players. I am trying to get through my to-do list as a DM, and give neglected player factions some love. If you have a character interested in Collinwood, which in this case might actually extend into Selunite roleplay, Seelie Fae, those with diplomatic ties, and protecting the Western borders of Cormyr, this is the thread for you to say "Yay!"
Right now, I can say that my work schedule is still kind of all over the place for the European players, but I am generally free after 10 PM EST in the evenings consistently, and, my schedule for this coming week (and the next) has been determined as...
10/16/2014 - Available after 6 PM EST.
10/17/2014 - Day off. Flexible. Yay!
10/18/2014 - Day off, but booked.
10/19/2014 - ...After 6 PM EST? (I need to recheck.)
10/20/2014 - ...After 10 PM EST.
10/21/2014 - ...After 6 PM EST? (Per above.)
10/22/2014 - ...After 10 PM EST.
10/23/2014 - Day off. Flexible. Yay!
10/24/2014 - ...After 6 PM EST.
10/25/2014 - ...After 9 PM EST.
Those who read this, please kindly post your general availability - in this thread or in PM - as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the sooner I can get this started. My availability for everything I do for this server and IRL will be on a first come, first serve basis.
I will not be available to DM at all on the 26th of this month. There is a high chance I will be asked to work that day, and it is the local NaNoWriMo kick-off party. Sorry, but I have a life. ;-)
Postscript: The upcoming storyline is also going to involve Sembians to an extent. I will not say all the details, but I figure this is another area of the server that has been assumed there, but nothing more than a PC origin story. Time to give this region political storyline attention, too!
*raises hand* I'm interested, and keep meaning to get reinvolved in this!
Oh. Please mention which times/days are best for you, too!
Postscript: adding it to the original post.
I'm interested! Most times after about 9 PM EST on weekdays will be tough for me. 11:00 is my cutoff then. I'm fine on Fridays and Saturdays til whenever, though!
So I did start things up for this and am having a feeling the character will be telling quite a few groups. At some point, you will be tossed in the know, one way or another. ;-)