Greetings, Cormyrians.
I bring you an honest plea- This is a very minor detail, all things considered, for one niche domain;
Moon. While a few more popular Gods of the domain have access to this spell, I rushed immediately to try it out on a new Cleric only to be mildly disappointed, as while strong (1/round per level is rough, but hey, that's a minor complaint in the grand vista that is Cleric), Moon Blade does not have its own unique VFX associated with the spell. Considering that things like Green Knight include unique VFX for their own weapon buff (the branding, unique green flames is absolutely awesome), I believe Moon Blade deserves its own VFX to make it further and distinct as a spell, especially considering its short-lived burst like nature, seeing it being pulled out should LOOK special.
Picture included below.
I would suggest instead that it uses the
Blue Flames effect or the simple blue-magic esque weapon effect. Something to really pronounce further that what you carry with you is Guiding Moonlight, and more than a simple blessing.
Moon blade was implemented long before we had any of the new weapon VFX options. Updating it to use something more appropriate is a nice idea!
Bumping this thread again to add alongside that surprisingly, when I went to check on my Cleric, the Selunite temple does not sell Moon related scrolls. I was a bit surprised at this, and would love to see it being dropped or sold properly at the temple as a bonus suggestion!
Bumping this thread again to add alongside that surprisingly, when I went to check on my Cleric, the Selunite temple does not sell Moon related scrolls. I was a bit surprised at this, and would love to see it being dropped or sold properly at the temple as a bonus suggestion!
Also probably because the Selunite temple is the oldest temple in the module, creationwise. Would be cool to see this, though, and maybe update their maces to be more on par with the items sold at the temple of Tempus is Swordhaven, especially considering there aren't a wide breadth of good heavy maces in the loot,
I admittedly feel like adding Moon related scrolls to the Selunite Temple would pull away from their more unique sort of focus, as anyone with a UMD score would suddenly have access to scrolls of what's effectively Bless Weapon in its own way, among other stuff that's much rarer to get ahold of.
Agreed with Terallis, I don't feel that adding moon related scrolls will really improve anything important to the server, it would just remove their uniqueness.
I can adjust the VFX for Moonblade. Easily done. We didn't have them when it was put in, so it'd be nice to make it unique.
Definitely against adding scrolls of those spells though, as it does take away from how unique they are.
I can adjust the VFX for Moonblade. Easily done. We didn't have them when it was put in, so it'd be nice to make it unique.
Definitely against adding scrolls of those spells though, as it does take away from how unique they are.
Totally reasonable. The VFX update would do a lot for it, and I'd surely use Moon Blade a lot more with it, even if it's less directly immediately useful than some spells, purely for flavor. It's rocking.