Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Nokteronoth on May 15, 2020, 10:26 PM

Title: Complaint, Compliment, or Criticism Form
Post by: Nokteronoth on May 15, 2020, 10:26 PM
This is a post outlining the general form you can use when making a criticism, complaint, or compliment towards a particular player, DM, or Admin. Submitted forms with the prior information will be re-posted in the admin section so that they can be discussed and handled or passed along as necessary. This form is NOT necessary, but included to try and facilitate the process, or give you a jumping off point to write as you feel you need to.

As a long-standing Persistent World, we all of course have different personalities that often synergize or conflict with one another, just as often as our characters do. We also rationalize or are affected by different things. Sometimes we can work them out between one another. Sometimes, we cannot, and an admin needs to step in as to help facilitate a solution that everyone finds at least adequate. The admins and DMs are volunteers, here to help tell stories and let our particular world grow. Humanity does shine through once in a while though, so if an aDM/DM/sDM or admin is acting how you see unfairly, please feel free to fill out the below form as you would for any other player. You will NOT be retaliated against for making a complaint in any way, shape, or form, even if it's involving a DM or admin.

While this post is being written primarily to give grievances a way to be easily aired and solved, please also note that complimentary notices are also being recorded. Say, if you feel a player has really impacted you and you wish to share it with someone else in private, we would be more than happy to record it for the future!

Here is the form:

GSID/Username of person submitting:

GSID/Username of person(s) being written about:

Nature of Report: (Complaint, compliment, criticism)

Date(s) in general, or N/A if unknown:

Summary: (Events that took place, outcomes, commentary.)

Screenshots/Supplementary: (If making a complaint, please be sure to share logs, screenshots, or other evidence.)

This form can be sent in to the administrators (All 4), or Senior Dungeon Masters if you don't feel comfortable sending it to them. We will post it on the forums so that issues can be resolved in a timely manner.
Title: Complaint, Compliment, or Criticism Form
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 23, 2021, 01:27 AM
Just to clarify our position on feedback, complaints, and so on. We will absolutely try our best to give a response to complaints and issues, even if the response isn't what you're looking for.

That said though, in the case of complaints about other players and DMs, it's our general policy to handle corrective measures privately rather than publicly, except when issuing bans. This means that if we need to tell someone "don't do that", or otherwise punish them, we're going to keep it between the players and the Admins. The reasoning for this is that we find this makes actually fixing problems easier, and that public shaming is often counterproductive. This in no way means we have or will ignore a complaint about someone's behavior - if we don't think it is something that is an issue, even a minor one, we'll say so. Otherwise, all you will likely hear from us is that we'll address the matter with the player(s) in question. Whether that means we tell them "not cool, please don't do it again" or we take more punitive action, is something we will keep DM-side.

And of course, in any case where the same problems recur, you absolutely can and should come to us again so that we can handle it. Repeated/continued behavior following prior warnings from staff tends to lead to more significant consequences, and reporting such helps provide the documentation that we need to take further actions.
Title: Complaint, Compliment, or Criticism Form
Post by: Nokteronoth on Mar 06, 2023, 02:00 AM
It has come to our attention that we never specified any particular format for giving feedback on aDM quests, or DM quests in general! If you have feedback, please feel free to copy the form below and send it in to the sDMs/admins. They'll pass along relevant information on where to improve, and what players really enjoy, without attaching a particular name to said feedback! In this way, we hope to help the DM team improve without fostering any hard feelings between players or their storytellers. You do not have to use this form, it is merely provided for convenience.

Person submitting:
aDM or DM Involved:
Quest Title

Event Pros:

Event Cons:

Overall Feedback/Additional Information

We thank all players in advance for submitting any kind of feedback!