Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Raysiel on Jun 26, 2024, 11:56 AM

Title: Avariel (Kaylynn/Renee) and Tigerlily
Post by: Raysiel on Jun 26, 2024, 11:56 AM
We are incredibly saddened to announce that Avariel (Kaylynn/Renee), the player of Charity Brightsong, and Tigerlily, the player of Skye Synter, passed away some time ago and are no longer with us in this world.  They played on the server between 2021-2022.  Those that had the pleasure of knowing them will miss them dearly.  The In Memoriam section in the OOC Area has been updated to honor and remember them both.