Got home yesterday to find I had no net/cable/phone functioning. Tech is on their way out today so hopefully I will be good to go tonight. See you all soon as I can.
That is never a good things, glad they can get out today for it. See you in game soon!
Best luck! Stand over the technician person with a whip until it is complete!
So nets got connected just fine.... however the bug has swept through and tagged all my littles. So with this being the second busiest week of the entire year for my job, I came home Monday to my youngest projectiling any input. The wifey got him on the rebound by about midday yesterday. So I come home last night and get my kiddos tucked into bed, my little man still not feeling great but at least he is keeping food down. I fall alseep with him in my bed snuggled up only to be awakened by " Daddy ! " *insert horrendous expulsion and splashing sounds here*. I begin to tend my elder boy leaving my little man and my youngest daughter in my bed (she having snuck over in the middle of the night). My wifey is at work all night. As I set to the task of finding all the places my elder boy has deposited his dinner and cleaning it up, I hear a scream coming from my bedroom. My younger daughter is sitting up in my bed amidst a puddle of her own expulsion which has gotten not just her.. and my pillows.. and my comforter... and ohh lets add in her little brother to the mix as well. By the way... still not done cleaning up for the Thundergods initial mess yet. So now I get three kids stripped and in the tub. I roust my eldest out of bed, she heard the commotion, but rightfully tried to pretend it didn't happen as it surely was just a bad dream.
I get my little man cleaned up first and ship him downstairs with her. I make projectile making Thing 1 and Thing 2 stay in the tub with a pair of trash cans beside them while I head off to strip my bed, their beds (the thundergod managed to get it on both his bed and his vacant sister's bed which is beside his), and grab all their dirty clothes along with the many towels I needed to use to clean up and cart them off to the basement... I am currently on puke laundry load #4.
I get laundry started and head back up to give full baths to the two middles. I get them settled back into their remade beds along with trash cans beside them for emergency use. Fast forward about 40 minutes to sound of shrieking little girl . Repeat previous reference about girl sitting in her own mess and repeat bathtub cycle, repeat bedstripping and add to massive pile of vomit laundry.
For good measure... add Thundergod scurrying to the bathroom with brown liquid dripping down his leg just to top the night off right.
So yeah..... its been a fun night. Did I mention this is the 2nd busiest travel week of the entire year and I have a shit load to do at work (pun intended)? condolences to you it sounds like you really have it bad...
That is horrible. I'm so so sorry an praying for them to get over this NOW! (Archives Oni's message as proof of Super Dad Status) They really are lucky to have you. Now for you, this day I suggest Coffee and immune boosters, good Sir! We'll see you when you have a gotten things settled and have a moment to yourself.
Thanks all ... things have calmed a bit now. Middles are asleep and little man curled up on mychest cuddled until my wife gets home. Doing some work from home until she gets here and I can head into the office.

Hope they feel better soon!
Sorry to hear this Oni. :/ Hope they start feeling better soon.
Thanks all. Little man is doing better. Middles are lathargic, but at least able to hold down food. My eldest has now begun.
We have canceled our holiday travel plans and will now stick to a thanksgiving at home with just the sickly six of us.
Bleaugh! Hopefully it all passes soon.
Thanks I hope so too! Wifey came home from work this morning. She got it as well. I'm the only one left in the house who hasn't heaved his insides out.
Downside.. no sleep. Up side... More Turkey for me !
I have not been spared it seems.... no turkey for me...