Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Off Topic => Topic started by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 08:16 PM

Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 08:16 PM
I'm curious whom else is involved in this?  I myself have a half-dragon and with Bass tried to help Lotus lead something like the "Gather all half-dragons together" sort of thing, and no one was interested.  Though I've had much better luck including some half-dragons in Stonehaven, all of which seem content not to baby-sit kobolds.

Also, I'm curious how full blooded dragons would respond, in canon mind you, to a half-dragon having the audacity to 'offer' a neutral ground to them.  They don't tend to work well with others, and even then ... who would fathom an ancient red bothering to 'play nice' or 'behave' when obviously the hosts couldn't stop it.

EDIT:  What it sounds like you want, is a club house for half-dragons, when I don't think any other half-dragons are officially on board.  That could just be me though.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: tenorgeneral on Jan 15, 2014, 08:33 PM
Actually, Lotus was one of the folks Khor talked with and it was decided she would be the "face" of the effort, and it seemed like Raz and Absalon were on board when Khor chatted with them ICly.  

As far as how full-blooded dragons would respond to a random half-dragon, they wouldn't respond well.  However, other Bahamutan metallics, and especially other Warders would react positively to efforts by a fellow warder.  The refuge itself would obviously not be kept under control by PCs, but would much more likely be the basis for an agreement between full-dragons to use it as a neutral ground.  Your hypothetical ancient red would be a lot less keen to piss off a couple of old bronzes and golds...

To be perfectly honest, and this is off-topic I know, I'd prefer it if you would refrain from posting assumptions and...  being obstreperous on various threads.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 08:51 PM
You prefer I stay off this particular thread because I point out inaccuracies and negativity in your attempt.  It's pretty common (I recall another attempt through NPC's you endeavored for).  But I'm pretty sure Lotus has no interest in the endeavor (As was said to me multiple times) and Ra'ziel is with Stonehaven.  ;)
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: tenorgeneral on Jan 15, 2014, 09:24 PM
Again with the assumptions.  I'd prefer you stay off this thread because A) it has nothing to do with you, and B) you're a right ass a lot of the time.

I will agree with you that you seem to feel the need to point out whatever you see as inaccuracies, or things that are problems, even if you have no knowledge of what had been discussed or planned out.  All I can say is what people said when I spoke with them.  if they're no longer interested, that's neither here nor there.  

To be very clear:  Step off unless you have constructive things to say.  You don't see people getting on your case or feeling the need to insert their feelings into things not related to their characters which you're involved in, so don't push your nose in other things.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 09:29 PM
Constructive:  Join a player faction.  Help them do things.  See how a leader RP's a leader.  Then try your own thing.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: Nova on Jan 15, 2014, 10:07 PM
Tenor, Dom is not even remotely relevant to your request. Please ignore him unless you really want three pages of this (and for the love of God, spare the forum of it).

As to your requests, if your character has done anything to work toward these things (or even has any leads), feel free to do a write up and send it to me in a PM. I'll get back to you with my thoughts.

Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 10:12 PM
Nova Avatar
Tenor, Dom is not even remotely relevant to your request. Please ignore him unless you really want three pages of this (and for the love of God, spare the forum of it).

As to your requests, if your character has done anything to work toward these things (or even has any leads), feel free to do a write up and send it to me in a PM. I'll get back to you with my thoughts.

Dom's not remotely relevant with anything, really.  Let's be honest.  He just likes to see himself writing on the intranets! 
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: DubiousScroll on Jan 15, 2014, 10:23 PM
dom101 Avatar
You prefer I stay off this particular thread because I point out inaccuracies and negativity in your attempt.  It's pretty common (I recall another attempt through NPC's you endeavored for).  But I'm pretty sure Lotus has no interest in the endeavor (As was said to me multiple times) and Ra'ziel is with Stonehaven.  ;)
Dude, stop being an asshole.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 10:28 PM
DubiousScroll Avatar
dom101 Avatar
You prefer I stay off this particular thread because I point out inaccuracies and negativity in your attempt.  It's pretty common (I recall another attempt through NPC's you endeavored for).  But I'm pretty sure Lotus has no interest in the endeavor (As was said to me multiple times) and Ra'ziel is with Stonehaven.  ;)
Dude, stop being an asshole.

It's a term people toss out when someone isn't afraid to point out certain issues.  This thread went 30 days without notice, and I tossed in some comments.  Now it's picked up by Nova out of spite of me.  It's not that I'm being an asshole out right, it's that when people jump on a bandwagon of hating on what I have to say, things get picked up/done.  ;)

EDIT:  There's a few instances of this actually.  I'm surprised no ones picked up on it yet. 
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: Nova on Jan 15, 2014, 10:41 PM
I haven't pick up anything. I rarely even visit these forums anymore because of how obnoxious they can get, and my former internet status.

Those are some bizarre justifications tho. Get over yourself.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: DubiousScroll on Jan 15, 2014, 10:43 PM
dom101 Avatar
DubiousScroll Avatar
Dude, stop being an asshole.
It's a term people toss out when someone isn't afraid to point out certain issues.  This thread went 30 days without notice, and I tossed in some comments.  Now it's picked up by Nova out of spite of me.  It's not that I'm being an asshole out right, it's that when people jump on a bandwagon of hating on what I have to say, things get picked up/done.  ;)

EDIT:  There's a few instances of this actually.  I'm surprised no ones picked up on it yet. 
Dude, like I said, stop being an asshole.  It doesn't make you some internet hero, it just makes you an asshole.  Do all the mental gymnastics you want.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: dom101 on Jan 15, 2014, 10:45 PM
DubiousScroll Avatar
dom101 Avatar
It's a term people toss out when someone isn't afraid to point out certain issues.  This thread went 30 days without notice, and I tossed in some comments.  Now it's picked up by Nova out of spite of me.  It's not that I'm being an asshole out right, it's that when people jump on a bandwagon of hating on what I have to say, things get picked up/done.  ;)

EDIT:  There's a few instances of this actually.  I'm surprised no ones picked up on it yet. 
Dude, like I said, stop being an asshole.  It doesn't make you some internet hero, it just makes you an asshole.  Do all the mental gymnastics you want.
I find it funny coming from someone that spent their entire time as an Admin doing just that, reprimanding another for it.  xD  I suppose you're the internet hero, coming to the rescue and tossing out asshole in every sentence.  Kudos.

Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 15, 2014, 10:51 PM
Discussion needs to be civil, regardless.

If this sort of thing becomes a trend for certain individuals, the repercussions will be a lot more serious than just locked threads and deleted posts.

Keep it germane, and keep it polite.

I'm going to leave these posts here just so people know what I'm talking about.  But I'm not going to tolerate more of it.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 16, 2014, 03:47 PM
Okay, having thought a bit about it, I'm moving these posts to their own OT thread, because it quickly degenerated into a non-germane side argument.

First - As Nova said above, Quest request threads are not a place for other players to go negative on the idea.  Constructive suggestions for improving things, or getting others involved, etc, are fine, but the line is a fine one, and it's better to avoid saying something if it's going to get argumentative.  

If someone has a problem with anything there, it can go directly to the staff.  While it would be ideal, we don't expect that everyone will be friends and like everyone else, and different groups are perfectly capable of doing stuff that doesn't have to directly involve certain others.

Second - I shouldn't have to come here and repeat what a DM already stated.  I don't want to see people getting told cordially to step back from a thread that doesn't involve them, only to have them respond with derogatory remarks.  This should go without saying, but I guess it bears repeating.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: Yaldabaoth on Jan 17, 2014, 12:04 AM
Ooookay, the forums ate my post, or something wierd.  Anywho, I really don't want to touch this thread with a 10 foot pole.  I've sworn off participating in flamey threads, as they're a complete and utter waste of time.  I just needed to respond to one point, and i'm out of here.

Jan 15, 2014 20:33:50 GMT -5 tenorgeneral said:

Actually, Lotus was one of the folks Khor talked with and it was decided she would be the "face" of the effort, and it seemed like Raz and Absalon were on board when Khor chatted with them ICly.

It's entirely possible that Khor and Absalon (my character) spoke when I was tired, or the conversation took place a while ago and I simply forgot about it.  I bring this up, because this is honestly the first i'm hearing about it.  Feel free to refresh my memory if i'm mistaken.

And i'm out.  Enjoy your flames, party people.
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: The Red Mage on Jan 29, 2014, 07:38 PM
What exactly are all these evil blooded dragons doing meeting up together? Anything interesting or is it to save the world?
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: morwen on Jan 30, 2014, 10:26 AM
For nookies prolly. Why do you think there are so many dragon bloods in Arabel?
Title: Moved - OT Arguing from Quest Request thread
Post by: The Red Mage on Jan 30, 2014, 10:37 AM
The Serpent of course!