Had a couple quick questions about placeables use.
When using a custom placeables, do I need to make custom resrefs for each object? Should I make a custom palette placeables when using the placeables from the unedited nwn?
Static vs non static placeables and the new ctrl+scroll feature?
Upper limit of placeables in an area?
Thanks to anyone who can help!
1) No. You can make palette placeables for yourself if you'd like, they won't be imported into the server module so they'll just be there for your own building convenience.
2) As many of your placeables should be static where possible. Dynamic placeables add an overhead cost to the server's performance & networking. Reserve dynamic placeables only for things that must be dynamic, such as usable placeables; visually transformed placeables; placeables that are animated like VFX fires, smoke, butterflys; etc.
3) I don't know if there's any hard limit, someone else can answer that; but be reasonable and follow common sense and you should be good.
So as far as I know, static status has to do with pathing. If the non static placeables are outside of areas a player can walk, does that help with the overhead? And thank you much!
So as far as I know, static status has to do with pathing. If the non static placeables are outside of areas a player can walk, does that help with the overhead? And thank you much!
That doesn't help, no. Dynamic objects have to send all their data to players when they come into perception range. This is stuff like description, name, object flags, hp, transforms, animation state, etc. So its more overhead on the server and an area full of unneeded dynamic objects contributes to server lag.