Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Fox² on Dec 15, 2023, 06:39 PM

Title: Bladesinger Application Process Update
Post by: Fox² on Dec 15, 2023, 06:39 PM
We have updated the application process for bladesingers with the goal of making the PRC more accessible and reducing the amount of friction required for applying for one. Bladesinger was admittedly difficult to apply for as it required a long mentoring process that required either another PC bladesinger (of which there were few of), or required a DM (of which a DM wasn't always guaranteed to be available).

We have removed this requirement for mentoring.

Instead, there are two routes for a character to become a bladesinger:

1. Apply for bladesinger in your proposed character build and goals with a new character in a Unusual or Noble Character Application request that explains the character's path toward becoming a bladesinger.

2. Apply for bladesinger post-creation, having met either one of these requirements during roleplay: Aided and protected elven society in a DM quest OR can be vouched for by a current active bladesinger PC or NPC.

As bladesinger elevates an elf's standing within elven society to being noble-adjacent, characters applying for bladesinger post-creation require a more complete application form akin to an Unusual/Exotic Race Character or Noble Character request. This application form can be found in our PRC Requests forum:

Characters approved to become a bladesinger are assumed to have passed their bladesinger trials.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any SDM or Admin!