Greetings!I'm not 100% sure where to post so I figured I would drop this here before posting in the RP thread (please let me know if it needs moving dms).
What am I on about?I'm looking at a player run event that Krugg is trying to put on to involve folks basically getting together, songs, music, heroic tales, nice clothing, tarot readings and food and drink and the like aka a social event.
There will be rp prizes (aka certificates etc) for those who help or are involved as part of a thank you for taking part. A few people have reached out already, please feel free to post up here if you are interested and what you think you might do.
Also looking for a venue as apparently inns and the like are owned by someone/ group, if not it will be likely in an open area in Arabel.
Hopefully some of you want to get off the benches in Arabel and come see what other players have to offer

If you are interested please leave a note here and what you might want to do (song/ dance/ story etc).
It will be hopefully rp not (dice rp) though dice rolls are obviously more than welcome it's about getting folks together for some fun (hopefully!), so do not panic if your perform is zero if you have a tale to tell or a joke to tell, come join in the fun.
Who is invited?Anyone is welcome it is not an exclusive event, please don't start bar fights though XD If you are openly hostile in Arabel, bear that in mind.
When?Depending on interest Sunday
12th November 7 EST (shifted for Guy Fawkes night)- I am flexible on times and can push back a week if needs be depending on peoples responses

- hopefully run for an hour to two so will not be a prolonged frawn out caper unless all teh server shows up ha !
Anyone who wants to help out, please let me know and let the creative juices start flowing !