I know it is not the way it's done in tabletop 3.5, but I would really like to see the non-mechanical, RP-only skills opened up to more classes, perhaps even all classes. Skills such as Persuade, Bluff, Perform, Sense Motive, Intimidate and Knowledge are skills that don't feel like they should be tied to the training or discipline of any specific class, but rather be choices in how characters practice behaving or spend their free time. I know you are able to cross-class these skills, but this quickly becomes an extreme investment when skill points are already so limited for non-rogues and non-bards (the two that have most of these RP-only skills available to them, anyway).
I think it would really open up characters to being more interesting and diverse, with more room for quirks and hobbies shown with their skill ranks. Rogues and Bards still have the perk of getting so
many skillpoints, it would be nice if other classes could spend those that they do get on more flavor.