It seems like there are a small number of spells that were left off of Druids spell list. I would think they have the following 3 spells added to their spell book:
1) Mass eagles splendor: it seems like a huge oversight that they have access to regular eagles but not mass.
2) negative energy protection: druids in general dislike the undead. Sure their are exceptions (blighters) but over all, Druids exceptionally attuned to stamping out unearth as it is a a perversion of the natural order of life. Given that, it seems silly that being able to cast negative energy protection is not in their spell books.
3) and the last one I'd advocate for: haste. There are several Druid abilities and spells attuned to moving faster.... But not the ultimate expression of that? It just seems like they would have access to haste from their deity for rp reasons.