I feel like Battle Rager As implemented was intended to (and should) add some rage uses to a barbarian. It does early, but mid to late level, it does not. Battle rager grants the same feats that barbarian does, so when a barbarian would qualify for it, they already have it. Essentially they get their uses per day earlier.
There is a really easy way to give them more uses: Mighty Rage already exists as a separate feat. Give it the same properties as barbarian rage, and give the feat to battle rager for free at level 1. The default for the feat is 3/day uses. That 3 per day could be adjusted of course to 1 use per day at BR level 1, 3, 5, or whatever else is deemed appropriate. That way they could select from barbarian rage with how many uses per day they get from their Barby levels, and the separate Mighty rage with the uses they get from battle rager, and they'd have identical bonuses.