Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: blackhound on Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: blackhound on Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM
We all knew this would show up, just a matter of when.

 I want to take the time to formally thank Head Trauma for putting a spin on my characters life and pulling from the characters background to help mold an undeniably amazing turn of events. Thank you Head Trauma, you are a king among men.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: dom101 on Dec 16, 2013, 02:16 AM
I'd like to take a moment to offer appreciation to HT as well, for the little Troll raid on Stonehaven.

Secondly, I'd like to thank Wicked for her tireless dedication to the story telling craft.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on Jan 28, 2014, 11:44 PM
Thanks to Daphne.  That was an interesting event, and one that brought about some interesting RP!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Jan 29, 2014, 01:31 AM
Both daphne and Korlash, Daphne for as Bella said above, and Korlash for pushing us to the limit then. Heh Valar was one attack from running for the hills. To protect her baby.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jan 29, 2014, 03:34 AM
Daphne for the wonderful event she ran, and for handling a party just as whacked as ours. xD And for Bad Wolf's adhoc.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: morwen on Jan 29, 2014, 07:04 PM
Thanks to Korlash for keeping things dangerous.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ebola Lola on Jan 31, 2014, 09:26 AM
Thank you Wicked for running such a fun event last night for the Dwarfs and not letting lil ole me and my lowly level go ignored !!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Jan 31, 2014, 09:38 AM
Awesome job on Wicked's part for the Dwarven RP last night!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 04, 2014, 12:59 AM
Thank you once more, Daphne, for doing some additional elven lore and intrigue related roleplay.

And thank you to Wicked for the tireless efforts on the Aliore quests!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Feb 06, 2014, 12:54 AM
One last one for Daphne then I'll stop and praise others but, not just for taking the time to answer people in Quest Requests with a explanation for why they have not responded to requests themselves, which is awesome to see. But also for the little touches like, sending people messages about stuff that their char would know, helping to give the impression that your characters roleplayed stuff is real. It's a really nice small touch that while not vital or a negative when not done, is a really big plus when it is.

Bella for the forced bathing of Dwarfs You know who where there what that means the rest of you await Aryas Screenies to see the awesome.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Feb 09, 2014, 11:11 AM
Props to DM Rapier Wit, that Beatles themed RP was a blast, even if all the characters involved seemed like they were high as hell at the time (Hydaro included)... Actually I'm quite sure that added to it a bit.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 17, 2014, 03:10 AM
I wanted to thank...


Red Mage


All of you made that brief, but juicy trip to the Undercity very worthwhile.  And we got to do our work very incognito! 

Thank you all again for making the intrigue plots fun!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ThayanKnight on Feb 17, 2014, 12:24 PM
Wanted to give a little thanks to:

Lazycat for making dungeon runs much more interesting!

And to Dizzy for another awesome dwarf event!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: morwen on Feb 17, 2014, 12:53 PM
Thanks to Daphne and Redmage for making a 'quickie' extra exciting! ;^)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 27, 2014, 01:25 PM
Daphne: Thank you for your quests involving the drow-elven intrigue -and- the adventuring side of it.  It has been one of the most enjoyable storylines I have been part of in this server, while also allowing space for the old school Underdark RPG video game scenarios where good-guys sneak in and do little things for the common population, gaining favours and potential 'assets.'  

Wicked: Thank you for the awesome quest you did with the mushrooms.  Echoing the contributions that Daphne also did, I also appreciate your feedback on the development of Daeatria's alternate identity in the Night Below.  This is only the second time in my RP history that I had played an elf disguising as a drow, this time the first for on a regular basis. 

You have all been awesome, everyone! Keep up the stories on both player and DM side alike, and keep being great with each other and yourselves! <3 <3 <3 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Feb 27, 2014, 02:21 PM
Wicked, you really came through without much information to go on, and for a spur of the moment thing, it really came together nicely.  :)  Thanks a lot for patience.  It reminded me of good ole days of Drow Rp, and you do it really well.   :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on Mar 02, 2014, 02:24 AM
Many many thanks to Daphne for entertaining almost the entire server on one crazy adventure.  Your DMing is not taken for granted, and I am grateful for all the attention you give.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 02, 2014, 02:50 AM
Ditto Bella!  Thank you again for all your hard work.  And Cyalidris'ana the Ravenshadow has been a rather fun NPC to interact with. :-D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Voice of Kerensky on Mar 12, 2014, 11:33 AM
It was just for a fix for being rather stuck somewhere, but thanks to Vincent for going out of his way last night to free Jae from being a captive within her unit's own fortress.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Mar 16, 2014, 08:30 AM
Reality Jumper for last nights Fairy Tale event, it was fun and you handled the party doing about seven different things at once nicely. Also because you gave everyone theiur own treasure and Caine loves his.... I'm already picturing the Chaos he can come up with now he has his own co-conspirator.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: modronlove on Mar 16, 2014, 09:10 AM
I'd like to echo Darvins sentiments :D.  Thank you I had fun.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 17, 2014, 09:16 AM
Thanks to Daphne for awesomely juggling multiple plots at once, and helping creatively find a way to close two of them at once!  Your plots have not only helped my character develop, but other people's characters develop, too!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 19, 2014, 01:17 AM
Thank you Daphne for running the wonderful, nigh five hour quest for the treasures plot, and giving it a nice, good closure that it deserved!  
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daphne on Mar 22, 2014, 08:14 AM
I'd like to thank Kolash for hairy werewolf fun!
Like to thank RJ for the really nice fable town quest.  It made me feel really special. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Orvil on Mar 26, 2014, 11:34 PM
I just wanna give a quick thanks to Red Mage and Nova for a good DM experience with the event tonight. Was the first event I was involved in and I definitely had fun with it, as well as with the other players involved
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: dagesh on Mar 29, 2014, 01:20 AM
A shout out to the DMs who began the Greengrass Festival and the Wereboar hunt, thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 29, 2014, 05:16 AM
I would like to once more post a thank you to the dms who ran the wereboar attack and the green grass festival today. Much to my dismay I did not see much of the green grass festival as my RL is getting in the way as usual lately, but I saw the wereboar attack and could only try to imagine what kind of chaos and lag induced stress you two had to put up with o.o

So, thank you again for all your effort that you spent on us people "downstairs" tonight! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Mar 29, 2014, 12:30 PM
Despite the risk of server crash of such a big even the DMs in charge of the wereboar event handled it -extremely- well! Thank you for setting this up! :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Orvil on Mar 29, 2014, 11:33 PM
Another big thanks to the DMs running the festival events, and the lagpocolypse known as the werebacon event. Well done I say, well done.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: burningdarkrose on Mar 31, 2014, 01:08 PM
Thank you Avarial for the RP adventure last night was a lot of fun and enjoyed the mini game :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: jixjum on Mar 31, 2014, 04:47 PM

Thanks to the DM who turned the sunflowers I left by the fountain into placeable sunflowers. XOXO
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: The Red Mage on Mar 31, 2014, 10:51 PM
jixjum Avatar

Thanks to the DM who turned the sunflowers I left by the fountain into placeable sunflowers. XOXO

+1 for things like this!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Apr 01, 2014, 02:44 AM
*blushes* ... but .. it was only so little ... thank *you* for little things like that o.o *loves things like that*
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Orvil on Apr 02, 2014, 11:16 PM
I want to say thank you to Twilight and (I officially can't remember who else to save my life) that ran the wild ride tonight. I had fun with it, even after I crashed out. I entertained myself talking "rping" with the dryad trying to set her up on a date with Clay(Elerosse).

I also wanna thank Red Mage for the forum event in Immersea. I've never been involved in a forum event like it before. Thanks for taking the time and reading through all of the players stuff and coming up with something for each individual response. Kudos to you good sir (seriously grab yourself a kudos, they're pretty damn tasty)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 03, 2014, 12:33 AM
Thank you Red Mage for having recently helped arbitrate the PvP situation.  With the miscommunication, it could have easily been messier, but it was not!  We appreciate you keeping an eye on us.  


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Colin Mack on Apr 05, 2014, 11:35 AM
I'd like to thank the dm team and espically a certain DM for the Zombie horde that Ce ran into. She survived thankfully but was very smelly.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Apr 06, 2014, 06:05 PM
A truly great and heartfelt thank you to daphne for her wonderful event about a certain rescue. It was a truly wonderful event that I enjoyed very, very much. Thank you so much!!!

Much gratitude. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 06, 2014, 06:18 PM
I second White Spirit.  That scene was very endearing!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Apr 06, 2014, 06:24 PM
I third White spirit, and second Orvil, nothing original to add really.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 09, 2014, 01:43 AM
Thank you Wicked for the fun adhoc you ran with the kenku!  He certainly seems an interesting character!  I look forward to future interactions with the NPC! 


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daphne on Apr 09, 2014, 09:48 AM
Yes, that was fun Wicked, thanks!  I like Krieke (that is pronounced creaky, right?)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Apr 09, 2014, 12:56 PM
Just wanted to thank DM Avariel for the event with the minotaur. It was a nice welcome to the server!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Apr 09, 2014, 04:31 PM
Thank you daphne, Arya, silverfeather and FirstmanDeparted for having me along on an interesting and foreboding adventure. I wonder what story will unfold from it! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Silveryfeather on Apr 10, 2014, 05:51 PM
YES! I enjoyed it a lot, you guys. I am so curious about what kind of skeleton is hidden in the Caer'Dalis' closet :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 11, 2014, 01:14 AM
Thank you RJ for the chaos in the dreaming world!   Everything was fun and you managed eight people with grace.  And there was the dark parts and the light parts - a good balance!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daphne on Apr 11, 2014, 11:47 AM
I've got to say a huge thank you to RJ as well.  The dream walk was more than I could possibly have expected, and will always be a pivotal, supreme moment in Eilira's life.  It was wonderful, scary, touching, and funny all at once.  Thanks so much!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 12, 2014, 07:26 PM
I want everyone to give Daphne, RJ, and White Spirit a -huge- shout out!  They helped setup the first part of the cultural immersion events and participated, both topside and playerside.  I look forward to seeing what they will do to us --  I mean, how they will make things beautiful for us, in the last part of it!  Thank you! Was so behind and caught up with IRL that I was worried this would not happen.  Thanks to you three, everything worked out as had hoped...even better, that!  You were all wonderful, ladies!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Apr 12, 2014, 08:29 PM
Thank you RJ for the fun Fairy Tale RP with Medusa! I especially loved that everyone on the team each played a specialized part in taking her down, it's always fun to see other characters in action!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Orvil on Apr 12, 2014, 09:42 PM
A large Second to Ogres motion of Thanks. It is always fun to mix combat with RP combat. Always fun to watch the ideas that breed out of that. Fun times in Fabletown
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: oarthias on Apr 17, 2014, 01:48 PM
nonee Avatar
Thank you to DM Rebel for the kick off last night on the unicorn quest! It was great fun. :) Can't wait for the next installment!
I second this! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Apr 19, 2014, 10:19 AM
I'd like to thank DM RJ for a great time last night with Tavaris' first meeting of a wild dragon. Thank you so much! It was awesome in every way imaginable. I look forward to more in the future!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Apr 19, 2014, 12:04 PM
Yeah, had a great time last night! Thanks, RJ!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 21, 2014, 12:12 AM
Once more an awesome thanks to Daphne!  You not only managed to make another fun treasure hunting adventure with the fish crew, but also managed to beautifully fit something, whether through plot hooks, items, or how characters contributed.  Some way or another, everyone was part of the quest.  Thank you again!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 21, 2014, 07:07 PM
Definitely a big shout to Daphne (who bailed before I could thank!) for giving Sumest a chance to explore the life aquatic with his friends and loved one.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: dagesh on Apr 21, 2014, 09:31 PM
A hearty THANK YOU to Nova/BuildMeUp for Aeric's investigative itch. I have been enjoying prodding and scribbling from one lead to the next. You've got my brain working. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Orvil on Apr 24, 2014, 06:12 PM
A big thanks to Nova and Rapier for the fun box chasing worm intestine splitting adventure last night/ this morning. Quite the adventure
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Apr 25, 2014, 11:32 AM
Thanks so much to Wicked for what was an awesome quest to unlock the Silverstar class for Amari. I had a blast!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Apr 26, 2014, 01:32 AM
Thank you once again, RJ for an awesome dragonsong event for Tavaris. It went better than I ever could've imagined, especially given that the merry band was on the verge of sundering just as the event started! Also, the baby blue was cute with Mouse.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: realityjumper on Apr 28, 2014, 12:53 PM
Thanks to Nova for Priya's quest.

My hubby had once said that "Priya gets faced with situations that she has to barrel through, then work through it before she can feel anything." This was definitely one of those!

It was the first time she strongly stood up for what she expected of her group, faced down a respected friend aiming a bow at her, and had the nerve to ask for resolution... which she didn't get! It has definitely given her a new aspect of herself and her past to work on for further growth! Thank you thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 28, 2014, 03:16 PM
Thank you for the awesome quest again, Daphne!

Not only were you able to tie things in together and simplify the ongoing plots as a result (instead of the opposite), but you managed to get other people involved who otherwise would not be involved, making it more than just one or two people. And kept up with our modest sized group.  When you are more energised to follow up, I look forward to how things unfold! Until then, enjoy a good break!

Oh boy. Is Sumest in for some rough times in his own life. Poor sea elf.

...Poor Calruil, too, for that matter!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 30, 2014, 09:56 AM
I'm going to squish some dms together, since it's been a few quests since I last posted here.

Nova, for the grueling six hour Priya quest last week.  I think that's officially the longest single session quest that I've ever been on.  And it was fun, too!

Daphne, for all of the Ravenshadow/Moonsea/etc stuff.  I love the thought that you put into things!

RJ, ah.... honestly, no nepotism here, I swear!  I try to avoid singing up for her stuff because of the connection, so it's fun when I do get to take part every once in a while!  The Fairy Tale Theater quests have been engaging and fun (especially learning about Fairy Tales I'd never heard of before).
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Goat on May 08, 2014, 12:53 AM
Thank you to Wicked for the last couple weeks with the Harper quest lines and also the little spinoff for Theo's family background drama of awesome.  I really appreciate everything you do and have had a great time!! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 08, 2014, 01:41 AM
Thank you Daphne for the hilarious invasion of the suitors.  You had everyone laughing their rears off - especially with "Casanunda."  I so hope I see him in the Arabellan square, pestering unwitting victims amongst the adventuring population. ;-)  Now that Sumest directed him there.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: oarthias on May 08, 2014, 06:54 AM
aDM e-Dating Service - Thank you so much for the plot intro last night. Such a promising beginning to a plot / story that seems sure to bring about some interesting character developments. May the gods take pity and have mercy on the soul of the evil doer as Wolf sure as hells wont. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: The Red Mage on May 08, 2014, 07:25 AM
oarthias Avatar
May the gods take pity and have mercy on the soul of the evil doer as Wolf sure as hells wont. :)

A challenge!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 08, 2014, 05:33 PM
Belated thanks to Wicked for running that private quest for Eve a month back, especially for the willingness to be flexible and inventive with a certain overly demanding player (namely, myself). ;)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: jixjum on May 08, 2014, 10:57 PM
To Reality Jumper for caring and RPing on the forum.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on May 10, 2014, 12:13 PM
Thank you so much, RJ for all you've put into Tavaris' quest for the dragonsongs. I really appreciate the time and effort you've put in both in game and here on the forums, and you did an amazing job last night when the party split up. I also love that you weren't afraid to have Tavaris and company 'fail'. That fact alone adds a lot of conflict and really gives Tavaris something to think about.

You're awesome, and please don't ever stop.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Orvil on May 16, 2014, 11:50 PM
A big thanks and Hats off to Reality Jumper for Orvil's quest to end Amatheus' terror, and another thanks for the forum rp. It's been fun, and it's a great change of pace too! (This would be the appropriate time for patting yourself on the back, or a self high five.... Just saying). Thanks again
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 18, 2014, 09:46 PM
Daphne: You were completely AWESOME tonight.  Not only did you manage eight players with grace, but you gave everyone something to do on the quest and ways to shine out.  It was especially funny to see you play a bratty child for us to call a little sh*t. ;-)  
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Jun 05, 2014, 09:15 PM
Major props to Nevermore for successfully running her first quest, it was a jolly good time.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 05, 2014, 09:19 PM

Over the past week, I have been hearing there being more questage going on. I want to give mad props to all the staff for their contribution to the server. First and foremost, give yourself a pat on the back!

Also especially want to give our aDMs, FirstManDeparted and Nevermore, serious love for taking it on themselves to help the staff who were already active and getting overworked by the varied playerbase (including myself).  I look forward to future DMage from the lot of you, whether seeing it myself or hearing about it! I like hearing things going well!

Thank you everyone!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Jun 19, 2014, 10:28 PM
Throwing a thanks Nevermore's way, I originally wasn't going to participate in the quest, but decided to send in Bodoc. The quest was very well done and I had a blast, thanks!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Atomic Twinkie on Jun 20, 2014, 10:20 AM
Agreed, it was hella fun! :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jul 06, 2014, 12:34 AM
Want to thank RJ for the quest tonight! Especially since I was dealing with a lot of emotional stuff OOCly.  She was patient and dealt with the occasional times I had to take an AFK and keep things in check.  So thank you for that, and for an otherwise emotionally involved quest that ended on a good note.  Definitely could have used the good note! :-D

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daphne on Jul 18, 2014, 08:58 PM
Thanks very much to Firstname Lastname and Lady of Pain for putting on the festival tonight!  It was really fun!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jul 19, 2014, 01:00 AM
Thank you, Anklebitur/Allatum for having been the good helper you have always been when I DM stuff!

And thank you, Daphne, for helping out with setting up the targets during the impromptu archery contest!

Also wish to give a thanks to all the staff who have not only welcomed me back, but also helped me tweak things while I was topside!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Aug 02, 2014, 08:01 PM
Thank you Reality Jumper for an awesome adventure, without mindless dungeon crawling, and with tons of fun included. Three words: We want more!:D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Aug 22, 2014, 08:37 PM
To Sidhe for making me Laugh so much at Erliza's nickname. I'm a little drunk right nows so won't be trying to write a response tonight but thank you, that made me laugh so much.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Aug 26, 2014, 12:00 AM
A big thanks to RJ for constructing an awesome role play to bring an epic conclusion to the Blood Cloaks storyline! Very much appreciated!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Sep 27, 2014, 12:04 PM
Thanks to Redmage for the immensely trippy revamp of what started as "just another run through Tower of Ruin" last night.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Oct 17, 2014, 10:01 PM
Thanks to Nevermore for the awesome Eyes and Ears: Goblins and Ghosts quest! It was really well done and was successfully a major turning point for Mute, despite his silence.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on Oct 26, 2014, 02:00 AM
Thanks to Arya for the patience in dealing with elven debating!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Oct 26, 2014, 09:17 AM
Thanks for the awesome Elven Debate role play!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ermmm on Oct 29, 2014, 12:38 AM
Thanks RJ, for a great fairytale adventure (and all the players involved also, it was fun).

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Nov 12, 2014, 12:57 AM
Huge thanks to Bella and Edge for the event they ran for Mouse, tonight. It was powerful and poignant, and showed that they had paid a great deal of attention to the character, which is really flattering, to me - and the effort they put into it was just amazing. The entire thing was beautiful, and I can't wait for the next part!

Thanks SO much, you two! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Nov 12, 2014, 09:07 AM
BIG thanks to Reality Jumper for the small quest last night.  It was a lot more light hearted than expected, and Dae was REALLY expecting to have to shield herself from more drama. While unexpected, it was more than welcome for her to have less of it.  

Also much amusement from seeing a little rebellious teenager have to deal with the fact he is not getting any fight for being grumpy. :-D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: realityjumper on Nov 17, 2014, 02:03 PM
FirstManDeparted, I'm absolutely loving Celi's quest! I do like moral dilemmas more than smashing, and this has been great! It's making her start to reach out to others now, which is not easy. It's also been interesting to "always" have him watching, making everyone be creative about getting her information on what is going on.

Can't wait to see how this ends!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Nov 23, 2014, 01:29 AM
Huge thanks to Edge and Bella for the event tonight. I loved the interactions in Faerie, and it was great seeing the next part of the quest, and how throwing this group of people who don't always get along together brought out certain less than comfortable secrets for some of them! I can't wait to see what happens next. I really appreciate all that you both do!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Nov 23, 2014, 01:29 AM
Awesome kudos to both BlackCaprice and Belladonna for their amazing DMing skills. Dance of Pales thus far has been absolutely amazing in the way it challenges each character's individual sensibilities with difficult decisions, and what appeared at first to be just an ordinary job for the Crown keeps taking unexpected turns and twists that have led everyone to the Shadow Plane and even Faerie. The Lord of the Hunt was also an awesome touch tonight!

Thank you both for the time, effort, and attention that you give your events and the characters in them. It really makes it feel like the stories I create with my characters actually matter at all.

And to anyone who isn't Bella or Caprice...I highly recommend you try to get in these DMs' events whenever you can. I can guarantee you will have a blast!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Nov 26, 2014, 09:54 AM
Big thanks to onivel for the random event last night, was a refreshing change from the usual square sitting. Was attempting to pull a Ricky from Trailer Park Boys from the time his trailer got blown up from a propane tank.

Ricky: *Walks outside, charred, smoke rising from him, goes for his pack of cigarette, his pack of cigarettes are on fire.*
Julian: Ricky, they're on fire
Ricky: *Goes for a cigarette*
Julian: Ricky, they're on fire, let it go, Ricky!-Ricky, let it go!
*Ricky drops the cigarettes, grumpy*

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Jan 04, 2015, 12:49 AM
That was so awesome, Bella, Edge.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Remmy on Jan 04, 2015, 02:31 AM
Thank you Bella and Edge for the awesome and ongoing plot. Two big thumbs up!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Jan 04, 2015, 08:39 AM
Great fun as always, Edge and Bella. Thanks for taking the time to make things fun, interesting, and scary. Your events always keep me guessing.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Jan 09, 2015, 04:43 AM
Thank you, Sinister! It was brief, but it was flavorful and well-written and thus awesome. Our characters are left thinking!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Jan 10, 2015, 11:55 PM
Nevermore! Excellent to communicate with and wonderful storyteller.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on Jan 31, 2015, 08:18 AM
Props to Sinister for getting a certain apathetic idiot to give a damn about something other than his books for an evening. It was a fun event, family funerals aside.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Jan 31, 2015, 08:25 AM
Come on, now. You know he's put the "fun" in "funeral."
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Jan 31, 2015, 10:03 AM
+1. That was a pretty gripping event last night.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 04, 2015, 01:03 AM
Thanks much to Ladybug for helping me topside tonight.  I wanted to commend her efforts as an aDM to learn the tools and help a fellow DM with a plot, something that I think all DMs need to cultivate in their activities here and there.  Thank you so much Ladybug!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Feb 20, 2015, 10:45 AM
Shoutout to Sinister for two major events last night - some edge-of-my-seat RP on the front lines of the Blood War, followed by some rather realistic and unnerving medical fallout from the former, the whole stretching to nearly four hours of RP. Kudos for willing to go out of your way for between-sessions followup and support, and for encouraging people to follow up with more than "fire and forget" with a spell or two.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: modronlove on Feb 21, 2015, 09:24 AM
I want to second what Edge said above :). Thanks Sinister!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on Feb 22, 2015, 05:47 PM
Forgot to do one yesterday and in the interest of not double-posting...

Props to Sinister and Edge for Hell's Song and Pales. They've been really interesting events and have done wonders for helping me give Xavier some direction as a character. Thank you both!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Feb 24, 2015, 09:46 AM
I would like to thank Rebel for the highly enjoyable quest last night!  I don't believe I've been on one of his events yet, and it was a good time.  Even if Rashan and Thedran got into a modestly heated debate on the morality of slavery as a form of punishment.  And that is certainly -not- a complaint!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 02, 2015, 11:18 AM
So, I realize this is kind of random but I have thought about sinisteromnibus last event that I participated and what amazes me is that .. everything just .. fit together, all those little nooks and crannies... its like.. almost a clockwork.. like

GivE me an e
GiVe me a v
Give mE an e
Give me aN n
And lasTly a t

What does this mean?!



Like this :D Honestly amazing.. so very methodical and precise
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Mar 02, 2015, 06:17 PM
whitespirit Avatar
So, I realize this is kind of random but I have thought about sinisteromnibus last event that I participated and what amazes me is that .. everything just .. fit together, all those little nooks and crannies... its like.. almost a clockwork.. like

GivE me an e
GiVe me a v
Give mE an e
Give me aN n
And lasTly a t

What does this mean?!



Like this :D Honestly amazing.. so very methodical and precise

I'm pleased to know you enjoyed yourself with my events. As for things fitting together...well, I do try, admittedly. Sometimes it all comes together like you said, and sometimes it doesn't, but the key to everything is taking the pieces that you - the players - give me and seeing what I can build with them. :) Without you guys, your interest, and your awesome roleplay my clock wouldn't have cogs, springs, a tick, or a tock. ;)

So thanks to you and everyone else who has ever been in my events. Without you, I'd just be a cuckoo with no clock. :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Mar 02, 2015, 06:24 PM
Hey, I have plenty of springs and cogs and...tick-tocks. :(
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Nokteronoth on Mar 05, 2015, 11:08 PM
A quick thanks to  and  for helping with Kimbell today, was quick and easy even if I am a bit on the absentminded side. Is good people!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 08, 2015, 06:20 PM
I would like to thank for tonights quest about finding and recovering kidnapped children. Any crime involving children is highly volatile material that can easily explode but you handled the quest tactful and very mindfully, involving every person on the quest in various way so that I could see that no one felt useless of left out. Everyone had something to do and contribute. Your protrayal of the quests bad guy was also quite good and your solution to it being a crazed and insane person seemed a well rounded conclusion. Thank you for considering all these things and working out a very involving but not distressing quest with it :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Mar 08, 2015, 06:52 PM
Big shoutout to Edge for his Dance of Pales plotline and its awesome conclusion. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this one. It was amazing as ever!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Mar 09, 2015, 01:22 AM
Dance of Pales Finale was spectacular. Edge and Bella are top-notch storytelling sentients.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Remmy on Mar 09, 2015, 03:18 PM
Thanks to Edge and Bella for the Dance of Pales finale. It was great!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: modronlove on Mar 18, 2015, 08:53 AM
Thanks to RJ for allowing me in to a quest I accidentally wandered into.  I had fun!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 28, 2015, 07:11 PM
to for completely surprising everyone in today's investigation quest with  preperation, detail, decoration, and tactfulness (when it came to handling and describing the story villains mis-deeds). The sheer amount of work that went into preperation and set up for this quest was amazing and I could see it in each area. Even the encounters where you went through the trouble of polymorphing creatures to use a different look (elementals I think) and it wasn't just random. It all had a story. It was all part of the bigger story. And we could all read up on why they were created, how they came to be from the notes of the story villain.

It was simply amazing, also how you juggled all the on goings at the same time and never once failed to respond to anyone's questions, dice rolls or actions. I think one could never ask for more in a quest. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Nevermore on Mar 28, 2015, 07:19 PM
I am honored and humbled by this. Thank you so very much for you words.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: threeguesses on Apr 06, 2015, 11:14 PM
Thanks to Reality Jumper for a great expedition to an interesting locale. The events and happenings were amazing, and Rashan briefly knew the joy of being worshipped by a single individual as a god. He was Beakzor, the terrible metal bird god of the underworld, all hail His symbol the scrambled egg.

No, seriously, top three of all events I've ever been in, considering all servers and all events, ever.

Just interesting, fun, amazing, strange, and unpredictable.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Apr 14, 2015, 06:41 AM
Thanks Arya and Vincent for last night's event. Though those vicious ghosts and You-Know-Who getting mentioned will probably haunt Caprice for a while.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Apr 19, 2015, 07:49 PM
I would like  to commend again. In tonights quest she managed to invoke this magic that you feel when you play nwn for the first time or have your very first dm event. The quest was *so* well thought out and set up.. these hours of preperation really showing. And also the way the quest was handled and run.. thank you so much for another very nice memory of a dm event!!! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Apr 26, 2015, 06:02 PM
Thank you Nevermore for your "Murders in a Port Town, Act III The Allusive E.M." event. I really regret that I missed first and second part, still I had much fun. Also, thanks for the summary of the previous parts you sent me before event, it was really helpful! Looking forward to see what happens next!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on May 10, 2015, 08:07 AM
Shout-out to for the continuing Ohno Trigger events. It's gotten to be deeply engaging, far beyond what I expected from the first event.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on May 10, 2015, 09:23 AM
+1 to that =) It's been a pretty amazing and unexpected run.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on May 11, 2015, 09:26 AM
Kudos to  for what seemed, at first, a fun set of plots that have evolved into a highly moving, intense, character developing plotline.  (Also, kudos for handling in-character conflict in such a professional manner.)  Also, many MANY thanks for the events ran for Rhea and Kel.  I am still in awe and humbled by how thoughtful and involved the events were.

EDIT:  Also, S.O. is totally the Whedon of DMs.  He'll rip your heart out, but the events are amazing and you look forward to each one!

Thanks to  for the personal background quest for Rhea.  What started as a brainstorming session to flesh out her backstory has influenced her growth and altered the character's focus.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: tarriel on May 11, 2015, 01:30 PM
Thank you,  for the ongoing excellence of Orokol's Deepgrave adventures :) 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dark Dreams on May 14, 2015, 08:12 PM
Thank you to all the staff out there who have a decent head on their shoulders and know how to do their jobs right. Love you guys. I hope you continue to have fun with this game for years to come.  :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: valiea987 on May 26, 2015, 01:21 AM
Way overdue on posting here: Thank you all! This has been the best experience I've had with NWN in over 5 years!

Thank you to for your consistent one shot stories. I absolutely adore them. I am going to miss them this summer. Every story you've done has been great, and has always filled me with a great sense of satisfaction at the end of the story. I can't wait until you have more of them! Thank you, and have a great summer!

! Your Fairy Tale Theater stories were the first real RP event experience I had on the server. I've jumped onto every other one I can because I absolutely love them! It is a fantastic way to bring stories we may know into a game we love. Exceptional idea, amazing execution. I love it! Thank you!

: Oh No! Trigger is amazing. It was the first 'serious' storyline I started up here. It has always been really heavy, with so many little Chrono Trigger references. Angelina has developed so much thanks to your great storytelling and story design. The Lucca backstory had me in tears. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on May 27, 2015, 01:03 PM
Big thanks to for the continuation of Heart of Melting Magic on Monday. I'm really enjoying the challenges Voss is facing and look forward to what's still to come.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on May 29, 2015, 01:12 AM
I wanted to take a moment to give some major kudos to for all the work he's been putting in lately on the builder side of things. The updates to dungeons, ai, and balance have been long needed and incredibly well done. Thanks so much for all you put into the server, man.

Also a big thanks to and @belladonna for all the hard work they've done on the recent items that have gone in to flesh out the loot tables for each tier. The new items add a lot of flavor and definitely do a good job of shifting the balance of power so that players are geared and prepared for the tougher dungeons. Well done all around, builders and contributers.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Jun 06, 2015, 11:09 PM
I would like to thank for his Tomes of Time - The Never Necromancy quest. As I stated on the party chat, it was one of the best I've seen on CD. You gave us thrilling experience!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Aug 16, 2015, 06:49 PM
nevermore for Euro-Fridays, Ears and Ears and the High Hunt all of them have been amazing with space for every char to shine, which especially on the High hunt where who would show up was up in the air till the quest started is just fantastic and amazing thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 26, 2015, 12:27 AM
Big thanks and major kudos to @belladonna and . The event this evening introduced something to Voss that I've been wanting for ages, and it could not have been handled more perfectly.

The fact that things have come to this point shows you guys have really been watching the character and put a lot of thought and effort into challenging me as a roleplayer and really push him to his limits. Thank you so much.

I look forward to what's to come next, and I appreciate the opportunity for my character to really come into himself.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Aug 26, 2015, 06:33 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence =) Just wanted to add that was there as well, handling most of the NPCs outside the main conversation and dealing with most of the side interactions.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: theshobit on Aug 28, 2015, 04:23 PM
Thank you for the quest, this afternoon. It was fun and I look forward to following the bread crumbs! : )
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Aug 28, 2015, 08:20 PM
is @ admin as he was the first user on the board =)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: foo on Sep 13, 2015, 04:25 PM
I just wanted to thank all the DMs from last night for the great quest for Tim. I enjoyed bringing Thira along.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Sep 13, 2015, 08:16 PM
+1! That was awesome and greatly looking forward to more from @belladonna
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Nov 09, 2015, 10:11 PM
So, today I was on my first event with .. it was the half hap refugee event. I felt immersed like when I first started playing and that was a magical feeling !!! You and did a fantastic job and I wanted to thank you so much!!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fairyland on Dec 01, 2015, 11:40 PM
Thank you, White Spirit. You brought us together and we had a wonderful time.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Levefre on Dec 02, 2015, 12:27 PM
I just wanted to thank everybody who I roleplayed with yesterday. It was a wonderful introduction to the server and the folks that play on it. White Spirit caught me by surprise with the events that happened and it was super fun! I look forward to meeting everybody in time and I apologise for my rustiness. Need to get back into the swing of things. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Dec 02, 2015, 09:18 PM
<3 White Spirit - The Taure Hive loves you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Dec 03, 2015, 10:45 AM
This is to all DM's/Admins/Devs and all the others behind the scenes as well. Thanks for making my coming here a pleasant experience. You guys are awesome and it has been really fun so far. I have missed this kinda RP for a long time and look forward to continuing down the path!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: drakaden on Dec 03, 2015, 05:14 PM
I wish to share my own kudos, for a long time i had suffered from near inexistant Rp interaction events even in nicely built and populated RP servers, it was very refreshing to get into my first event on this server hosted by White Spirit, my character Keldray felt she was important into it and it really finished on a very good note, i am looking forward for further events, this kind of questing keeps me coming back for more. *Hugs the formians*
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Dec 03, 2015, 10:43 PM
Kudos to Surri and Dismus.

Nikolai Action Figure is literally the best DM item I have ever received, I have never been so happy.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Dec 03, 2015, 11:32 PM
I second, third and fourth that, totally awesome event!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: silentsteps on Dec 13, 2015, 10:29 AM
Have to make a shout out to yesterday event under Wittle Dreamers lead! Additionally, a shout out to those players participating, loved the feeling of tension trying to figure out best steps forward. Surely, a great introduction to the servers events side. Could sense the charisma of certain individuals for taking lead, while others prefered to be in the sidelines and taking their positions that was invaluable for the team and team dynamics. Thank you all for this event.

PS: Funny fact, at one point I thought: "Well, here I come permadeath." :D Lets just say that, my characters tend to have, one reason or another, a low life expectancy :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: allatum on Dec 19, 2015, 07:40 PM
Thanks to RJ and Goat for starting up a fun line of quests! Even if we did almost get eaten by gross things.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fairyland on Dec 27, 2015, 12:03 AM
I had so much fun tonight. Bella, Edge, and Sto Helit were outstanding and the group of players involved got along so well and played off one another to make for such a great interaction. Everyone involved should feel wonderful about themselves!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Dec 27, 2015, 12:34 AM
I have to second, third and fourth that, a great event!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ragnarock on Jan 03, 2016, 11:01 PM
Thanks white spirit, seeing Anen and Fade's adventure turning into a rescue mission was delightful!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jan 03, 2016, 11:05 PM
Indeed. Thanks for adding spice to what was otherwise a run in the Hullack Forest!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Jan 27, 2016, 06:38 PM
I wanna take a moment to acknowledge the Admins, who right now are so stressed out, overbooked, overclocked and becoming burned out, and yet all the while still trying to make the server a great place to be, dealing with applications, dealing with player issues, building, designing, fixing. It takes a lot of time and effort to do what you all do, so to Fire wraith, Vincent07, Belladonna and Edge, Thank you very much for the time, effort, work and crap you do and put up with every single day, when you could be doing 10000 other things.  
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: realityjumper on Feb 02, 2016, 11:43 PM
White Spirit - thank you so much for all the extra love and attention you gave for Priya and Rashan's wedding. You made it amazing!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 07, 2016, 03:33 PM
Second that. You did awesome!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Feb 29, 2016, 08:57 AM
To the three DMs that assisted with the party! Taure players are deeply humbled by the care and detail you all have to us that yesterday! We thank you very much! You are example of why CD is special to us. We hope it wasn't too much trouble too! Then NPCs that interacted with us were absolutely special! I hope Taures get future chances too interact with them some more!

This party was important time for the Taures. Considering there relationships they share among one another. As well as the opportunity to really
Impact the NPCs of highmoon in a loving way. I hope too hoste a few more social events and to consontrate on the city life of highmoon and the Taure's efforts to bring a little bit of evermeet to the city through guidance and examples such as this. There are many festivals to do and the Taures won't host them all but I think three or four through out the year might be beautiful idea. But the most important is Re en'Cormae and we can certainly see that one be hosted again next year. Hehe!

Next time, I hope to find a more player friendly time! I thought Sunday's were excellent time for players. I know these things are so tentative!

Though once more thank you again for making this your own! It was truely a pleasure and a joy.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Myv on Feb 29, 2016, 09:55 AM
I'd like to toss a thanks out to  and for the fun little Murder Mystery. I enjoyed the NPC!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Mar 13, 2016, 05:15 PM
On behalf of the whole party (    and humble self) 

I would like to thank  for the breathtaking event tonight. As Naaliah said, there are no words in tongues of elves, men or dragons to express our gratitude!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Mar 13, 2016, 10:10 PM
Dragon Mazy was Totally Dragony. HAha Even the loop back to the Dragon Statue hahah
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Woodland Mist on Mar 14, 2016, 06:13 PM
What a great event.  Much enjoyed!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: onivel on Mar 15, 2016, 02:44 PM
thank you all.. I am glad you enjoyed it!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on Mar 16, 2016, 10:19 PM
Well overdue to post here, so catching up with some specific compliments:

   - Very entertaining and eloquent dialogue in a quest that promoted thoughtful character conflicts. Looking forward to the next dark installment.

   - Charming and lighthearted lowbie hunt quest for the exotic creature. The rainbow owlbear lives on. Thank you for the fun.

   - Some very beautiful descriptions and tense dilemmas in your Brass Dragon quest the other evening. Lots of prep and energy went into solo DM'ing 8 strong-willed characters in a treacherous environment while still having inspiration left for the distinct personality of the temperamental dragon.

  - You've created a lot of fulfilling rp opportunities and a sense of purpose between characters by bringing the PDK military to life, which has been a ton of work for you. Truly appreciate the effort it took to revive Cormyr's Talon Company and give it momentum -- hats off.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dismus on Mar 23, 2016, 11:50 AM
You might be the best dragon RPer ever. I enjoy watching you every time you posses one and I forget I am suppose to be doing something and just watch. It is amazing and truly fantastic to watch! Thank you for helping me bring to life Shalerth!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Mar 26, 2016, 09:37 PM
Faefae the Giants looked stunning at the Budding thank you so much for helping out!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 26, 2016, 09:50 PM
Yes! Thank you FaeFae for helping everyone out with all sorts of stuff. :-)

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Myv on Apr 10, 2016, 06:40 PM
I'd like to throw out a thank you to  and  for their awesomeness in the festival this weekend! Poppy dragon will be fun to make fun of for years to come.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 10, 2016, 07:04 PM
Definitely told them privately how I feel, and I will echo Myv's sentiments in this thread. You guys were awesome! I could not make any of my coordination work without you. Much thanks!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Apr 19, 2016, 01:24 PM
Thanks Scint, Bella, Edge, for the questy into a forgotten netherese spot.  The end was unexpected, much fun!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Apr 24, 2016, 05:47 PM
Super big props to Bella and Scint for the closure of the questline last night! It was a nice ending, and hinted to more stories in the future!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Myv on Apr 26, 2016, 11:57 PM
Thanks to for all the goats. Really gave me an outlet for my love of whimsy and insanity.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Apr 30, 2016, 07:32 AM
Major props to for last night's event for Kestal. It's a major accomplishment to turn what was, quite literally, a simple dinner with a conflict between the matriarch and the black sheep of the family and make it one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had in NWN.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: trylobyte on May 16, 2016, 11:37 PM
My thanks to for the ad-hoc tonight.  You know what you did!  I feel bad we wound up making it more complex than you originally had in mind, but on the other hand it's some of the most interesting, thought-provoking roleplaying I've had in some time.  Thank you for allowing the situation to evolve in a natural way, even if it meant doing some extra work!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on May 17, 2016, 02:12 PM
Thanks Tarriel in being patient with me and allowing a situation you did not intend, to occur naturally.  As a result, you've opened up new avenues for my character to travel down, thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on May 23, 2016, 08:25 AM
Shout out to RJ, as well as the folks participating in the quest yesterday. Sorry I didn't stick around for the full quest yesterday. Aside from the fact that it was on a day I was planning on heading out anyways, the -real- reason I left was because I was having one of those irritated at everything and completely uninspired days where I lacked the motivation to do anything. When I got home, I just sat down and daydreamed for the rest of the day. Didn't draw, didn't play games, didn't do any writing, my day yesterday was one big ball of blah, and I tend to get those every now and then.

Thanks for the Quest though, what I did participate in was really turning out to be interesting!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 23, 2016, 11:29 AM
I wanted to thank Korlash last night for including me in an event. It has been over a month since I was part of one and did not have many chances last semester (barring a handful; I was busy so am not complaining about anything here!). So it was a nice welcome to be in things, even with just a more advisory role. :-) Thanks to you and everyone who let me feel included!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on May 23, 2016, 11:37 AM
Yeah last night was awesome, took far longer then expected, but awesome!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 23, 2016, 10:41 PM
Thank you to Azathoth for the awesome event! As brief the interaction was with the dragon, it was a serious development moment for Kan'itae, who had only ever met one half-dragon to date on the server, and one other in her history. :-) Thank you for including me!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 03, 2016, 01:00 AM
Thanks to FaeFae for making a simple contract turn into a serious set of consequences for individuals involved! It gave my character a challenge to consolidate certain aspects of her, and I look forward to the resolution of the matter!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: trylobyte on Jun 03, 2016, 06:49 AM
Man, that one went places, didn't it?  A very simple half-hour rescue turned into a six-hour tale of love and lust, intrigue and deceit, and players working against other players.  It's honestly one of the best moments of intraparty conflict I've seen on CD, and not only the DM but the players all handled it spectacularly.  That is how it should be.  Well done.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: spamtastic1979 on Jun 03, 2016, 12:01 PM
Huge shout outs to RJ for the virtue stuff.. Paythin still has a headache thinking about all the stuff he had to absorb!! And to Faefae for such an awesome event last night!!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Jun 14, 2016, 08:08 PM
Pretty awesome fun, Jackal-guy. A well-spent afternoon. 10/10 would sign-up again.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 14, 2016, 08:13 PM
+2 to what FaeFae said. It was fun!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Jun 14, 2016, 08:32 PM
I second, third and fourth the last two posts.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on Jun 14, 2016, 08:55 PM
Awesome job, and great job balancing the challenge too!  Can't wait to see how the story goes!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dismus on Jun 24, 2016, 12:20 PM
Thank you @belladonna    and    for finishing the Granite Axe for Rorik and Wulgar. It finally puts an end to something we have been working on/towards since 2009 witht the twins. 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 27, 2016, 03:47 AM
Thank you  for the event with the gith involved. I did not know a whole lot about that part of planar lore and it was fun to have it come to life in-game!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daughterofaesop on Jul 15, 2016, 10:45 AM
Thank you to TheJackal for the fun last night in Suzail. It's nice to be a part of things and wonder where they may go, and the story about Ullnos was awesome.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jul 23, 2016, 10:00 PM
Thank you @belladonna and for the espionage quests thus far. It is one of the areas where I really feel like my main character is in her element and able to contribute. It has also been awesome to see our group work out and everyone contribute.

I look forward to more of such quests!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Jul 24, 2016, 07:44 AM
Seconding the above with an added, especially considering last night Bella wasn't well, and she still ran for us. It'd have been completly understandable for her to have delayed events for a few days last night
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kothoses on Jul 29, 2016, 11:26 PM
@scint and

Was really nice to finally be a part of that storyline, and it was very cool and interesting, thanks.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Jul 30, 2016, 09:24 PM
Just wanted to say here that did a great job tonight with the Darker Churches events. One of the best I've ever been in, if not the best. Great job, man.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 03, 2016, 08:43 AM
Big thanks to for the great job he did on 's item request for the dove that Voss carved. I was deeply touched that the player even wanted something like this, and to see how brought the rp to life with the item he made for Alestra gave me a surge of pride and gratefulness.

So big thanks to and the DM team not just for the big events but also for the little things that can mean so very much for the focus they bring to those special moments in a character's life.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 04, 2016, 12:46 AM
Suffice to say, some of the plots I have been involved with of late have been extremely pun intended!

Thank you  very much for jump-starting Daeatria's bloodlines plot, and for pleasantly surprising me with some of the NPCs you have introduced. I never thought you the sort able to play a cleverly evil sort, and you have pulled it well. In fact, doing it so well that you have put Daeatria between a rock and a hard place on her existing challenges. It is a storyline element I have not experienced in a while: a combination of both personal and being stuck between a rock and hard place. Yet this is all long time coming, and we are starting to see it in the narrative!

And thank you @belladonna  and  again for your continuous work on the Stonehaven plots. I know I thanked you for something before, but I feel the need to do it again because intrigue is a genre that I know is difficult for DMs to do (whether due to personal tastes or the art involved). You guys have done it well and have made our group really consider the consequences of their actions, as well as what scale they wish to involve in their intrigues. I am very excited to see just how all of this comes together and what will happen once people can start doing more direct confrontations on the questlines.

Thank you for your twists in your storyline with the pirates, as well! This storyline was one of the most memorable ones for Kanitae Ravenshadow and it has made her even more fierce against the evils that seek to do a lot of bad - especially when it comes to children. Goodness, not many things seem to bother my toon because she is such a stick, but this was a storyline that brought her growling at the bad guys' antics!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: theshobit on Aug 04, 2016, 06:42 PM
Thanks to and for last night's event. It was both challenging and fun.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 16, 2016, 02:30 AM
Thanks Korlash () for the first adhoc I had in a while. Was kind of goofy in a good way sort, and it made Dae kick a head (and others throw it). Kodak moment, that!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 18, 2016, 07:39 PM
From one staff member to another, I feel this deserves note.

White Spirit ( ): I thank you a lot for saving our area setup and for carrying out with it while I was on the road, especially with the server being down around the time I was going to setup. The surprise was genuine, but pleasant! It saved me a lot of work and it allowed some goof room when some delays happened.

Edge and Ladybug (  and  ): Thank you a lot for setting up a few of my encounters. You both excelled what I was hoping to accomplish, and I was able to finish my setup stress-free as a result.

Everyone on staff here are a gift to the server. Teamwork is both a staff and player quality I highly appreciate as we create stories together.  I want to take the time to thank both players and staff for working toward such goals.

Much gratitude.

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Aug 19, 2016, 02:41 AM
Kudos for  for the orc invasion. It was enjoyable and funny and I am looking forward to hear "WAAAAGH" again. (I really said that?) ;)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: trylobyte on Aug 19, 2016, 02:58 PM
Dat boy be roit proppa Orky an' I'z tink himz deserve one uv dem kudos.  BRING ON DA BOYZ!  WAAAGH!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: allatum on Aug 24, 2016, 12:08 AM
Thank you, , for crafting an impactful and meaningful event that allowed others to have a good chance to shine in their own ways!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 24, 2016, 12:12 AM
+2 to what  said. I dare say, , you threw a lot of curve balls I did not expect, and my toon developed a lot over it. 

And I am still processing all that happened!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Aug 25, 2016, 12:49 PM
I am sorry >.< I do not like curveballs or to throw curveballs. I apologize :-/
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 25, 2016, 12:51 PM
Are you kidding me!? These were -good- curveballs. IC curveballs from an awesome DM who has the players' best interests at heart are -good- curveballs.

I should have probably used the term 'surprises' or 'twists.' I am sorry for using semantics that gave a negative impression!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Aug 25, 2016, 09:40 PM
To third the compliments to WS, it was an awesome quest and a lot of fun.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: modronlove on Aug 28, 2016, 08:52 AM
Thanks to all the DMs who ran the WAAAAAAGGGHH! event last night.  It was kinda fun defending the gates, especially knowing that other groups were facing their own battles elsewhere.  Felt heroic, which was nice. ?
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 28, 2016, 09:36 AM
Want to post a quick thank you to  here. Not for any particular event or anything, but she has always been quick to hop DM-side to help players with any kind of problem. From needing a relevel to a full-on rebuild to getting someone unstuck or helping me with my terrible memory, has been awesome at seeing the players' non-rp needs taken care of as well as their rp needs.

Give her some love, everyone, and the rest of the staff as well. You guys do a rocking job.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 28, 2016, 05:22 PM
Also, wanted to post a kudos to @belladonna for her hard work with the letos. Thanks for making the time to get to them. Much like above, these OOC things can be just as important as the awesome events and great stories.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Sep 11, 2016, 01:14 AM
I'd like to sincerely thank RJ for the fun! She took up a quest that has been a long time in the wings and it was fun, and every person invited had a role and felt like they belonged to the story. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Remmy on Sep 11, 2016, 01:51 AM
Thank you much for the awesome plot, RJ! Had a blast.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Sep 17, 2016, 11:55 PM
To for lovely, solid questing.. each person was given chances to shine. I adored the set and scenery, loved the attention to detail and I enjoyed the way you ran the quest. It felt like you knew what you were doing. it was very pleasant and made my evening :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Sep 20, 2016, 11:07 PM
- Thank you for the lovely event tonight! Everyone was included somehow and it was a very touching event, even if my toon did not show too much reaction to the unpleasant times. I OOCly felt the feels!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Sep 21, 2016, 10:15 AM
I'll chime in on that too.  The vine-encrusted zombie critters were creepy and the fate of the Tormite at the end was touching and sad.  Thank you, !
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: spamtastic1979 on Oct 18, 2016, 09:28 AM
Thanks for the awesome event last night and !!! I had a blast and loved all the controversy!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Oct 26, 2016, 10:53 PM
A big thanks to for Cymone's quest tonight!  It was fun visiting her homeland and seeing that there may have been some other intrigue going on regarding the search and her subsequent freedom.  She got off much lighter than she had thought possible and even got to meet a representative of one of her gods!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: spamtastic1979 on Oct 27, 2016, 02:46 PM
I will second what said,   that quest was so much fun.. and the twist at the end was awesome!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Nov 02, 2016, 12:07 AM
I wish to thank  for  "Peering into a Silent Past.". Though I could not see the whole plot, I can say with my concience clear that it was an amazing event, touching deep layers of elven lore. Thank you once again for your time and tremendous effort. I am sure it will be an adventure to be remembered and the tale you created will be shared many times by the silver tongues of our server!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Nov 02, 2016, 01:33 AM
This is a little late but I've been wanting to say it - ... You were awesome! Thank you for your time and willingness to advance my character's story. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jolena Ogden on Nov 02, 2016, 07:16 AM
thorien Avatar
I wish to thank    for  "Peering into a Silent Past.". Though I could not see the whole plot, I can say with my concience clear that it was an amazing event, touching deep layers of elven lore. Thank you once again for your time and tremendous effort. I am sure it will be an adventure to be remembered and the tale you created will be shared many times by the silver tongues of our server!
Having been part of "Peering into a Silent Past, Finale (Taures' side)" since the beginning, I wish to give many many thanks, too, to    for a wonderful plot from beginning to end, with its so fun challenging, meaningful, and dramatic finish last night.  You beautifully wove together a tapestry of story elements with revelations that had to come from thoughtful research and NPC interaction, and then time and consideration taken to evaluate it all.  (Our family notebook on this tale, as you have seen, is nine pages long, and after last night there is still much more that needs to be documented and considered!)  Even the items discovered at the end, with their gorgeously written descriptions, were treasures that I am sure every recipient player and character will continue to highly value.

We spoke late last night after finishing and agree this whole story and last night's final event are wonderful examples of what the joy of roleplay is about.  Once again, thank you so much! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Nov 02, 2016, 10:12 AM
I am flattered I did something worth noting. Though, I think one person deserves thanks more than myself, at risk of thanking someone for an event I participated in running.

  kept me close to schedule, and if it were not for his setup and helping with many of the encounters while I put together the quest items, I fear he would have been unable to use his work because we were so behind. He also introduced a few improvisational moments in the story that I definitely should not take credit for, but worked very well. 

Thank you so much for your help! It meant a ton!


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Nov 08, 2016, 11:20 AM
I want to thank  and  for the fun quest last night! There were a lot of moments that hit home for my character.


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Dec 15, 2016, 06:07 PM
Wow, that was an awesome adhoc that well... had a little extra meaning for everyone involved, I can't really say more than about how awesome it was. Especially the Brigand Archer.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jolena Ogden on Dec 21, 2016, 07:12 AM
To for taking the complexities of Nim Elen's past and from them shaping a simply amazing set of twists and turns in that story that surprised, challenged everyone present, and turned what Nim Elen thought she knew of that past on its end.  Last night's event, Intrigues, Secrets and Murder, was a brilliant, darkly beautiful work of story shaping that was a joy to play through, even as perceptions of reality changed right up until the last truth was found and confronted.

I can only imagine the amount of work that went into preparing this, and for that and the wonderful end result, so many times over, thank you, thank you, thank you. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Feb 03, 2017, 11:41 PM
@belladonna and

Thank you both for an excellent and EXTREMELY fun event! Very well done and entertaining dragon-lair delving adventure. Very, very thorough and exceptional ambiance, flavor, and challenge.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Feb 11, 2017, 03:57 PM
Kind thanks to  for a lovely personal ad-hoc today. It was a real religious challenge for Veryn (she can't decide if she handled it appropriately or not!) and has left her incredibly scared, but with a fresh fire in her heart <3 I had so much fun I now feel too happy tonight to adequately play someone who has vowed never to laugh or smile  :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Feb 20, 2017, 06:33 PM
Thanks to  for a wonderful fairytale theater quest! Really great crazy fun <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mystic Warden on Feb 22, 2017, 08:07 PM
Eredruie Avatar
Thanks to   for a wonderful fairytale theater quest! Really great crazy fun <3
+1 that, it was a blast! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mystic Warden on Feb 22, 2017, 08:10 PM
Big thank you to for the epic quest today, it really felt like the "Battle of the Sodden Hill" from the Witcher books, standing against overwhelming forces, trying to holding out... Gave me the (positive) shivers!

Bonus brownie points for helping a bit out with quests us, poor euro-timezone folks! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daphne on Feb 22, 2017, 09:48 PM
As always, the Lady of Pain more than lived up to her name!  Great battle, nasty monsters, personal taunting...this had it all!  Thanks so much!

And it was an awesome party too.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Feb 22, 2017, 11:04 PM
I had great fun!  Thanks so much!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Feb 23, 2017, 02:01 AM
Yep, thanks Arya for a super fun time last night! You terrorised us gloriously \o/
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Feb 25, 2017, 03:23 AM
Edge and Ladybug make a damned fine team.

When she reads this, she is going to think of a pun, too.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Mar 24, 2017, 06:07 PM
Much love to  who totally made me cry IRL tears because of totally emotional eventage.

That tasty delicious character development too <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 27, 2017, 12:04 AM
It needs to go out.

Thank you so much for the event, . You did more than a share of justice to one of the other things besides elves that I really get giddy and nerdy about when it comes to Dungeons & Dragons. It also has provided a lot of time for me to flesh out Fade more as she interacts with people who are not her twin sister, as well as her own personal ambitions.

Thank you again!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: reticence on Apr 21, 2017, 07:23 AM
Just chiming in to give a shout-out to  for last night's little ad-hoc down in the sewers. Not only did it serve as a wonderful introduction to this server, but it also acted as a catalyst for a spot of character development for Laeryn. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on May 05, 2017, 10:45 PM
For tonights quest with the fey'ri and fey and village defense and Rhea's story. Thank you for having me along! It was great to see another character's story some :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on May 13, 2017, 07:48 PM
: for everything you have done for Shaan. The character growth coming out of all this is incredible, in this intense, emotional ride. Every session I learn something new about or see a different side of her. She's come so far beyond what any of my initial wild imaginings could be, and I absolutely love it <3 *cheers, hugs* 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on May 21, 2017, 05:59 PM
for today's planar quest - you know it is a good and well told story when you worry and want to know what happened to all characters, no matter what role. Your quest felt as magical as the first times I played nwn online. Feeling that magic again was lovely. Thank you so much!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 21, 2017, 06:04 PM
whitespirit Avatar
  for today's planar quest - you know it is a good and well told story when you worry and want to know what happened to all characters, no matter what role. Your quest felt as magical as the first times I played nwn online. Feeling that magic again was lovely. Thank you so much!!
+2 here. I have not been involved in anything planar in a few months so it was nice to get into it again! This was a well thought out plot! Dae had moments of being uncharacteristic in it, too. 

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on May 21, 2017, 06:17 PM
Arya Kalarathri Avatar
whitespirit Avatar
  for today's planar quest - you know it is a good and well told story when you worry and want to know what happened to all characters, no matter what role. Your quest felt as magical as the first times I played nwn online. Feeling that magic again was lovely. Thank you so much!!
+2 here. I have not been involved in anything planar in a few months so it was nice to get into it again! This was a well thought out plot!

+3 It all worked so well, everyone I think had a chance to shine and.... the ending, who doesn't love some poetic justice, I had a blast.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mystic Warden on May 21, 2017, 06:42 PM
Darvins Avatar
Arya Kalarathri Avatar
+2 here. I have not been involved in anything planar in a few months so it was nice to get into it again! This was a well thought out plot!

+3 It all worked so well, everyone I think had a chance to shine and.... the ending, who doesn't love some poetic justice, I had a blast.
+4. I can just echoing what was said before me. :)

Also... welcome aboard! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lurkerabove on May 22, 2017, 11:43 AM
whitespirit Avatar
for today's planar quest - you know it is a good and well told story when you worry and want to know what happened to all characters, no matter what role. Your quest felt as magical as the first times I played nwn online. Feeling that magic again was lovely. Thank you so much!!


Everyone got to shine on the quest. And it surely promises ripples going forward. Serra became, and felt like, a hero for the first time.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on May 23, 2017, 10:22 PM
Thank you so much for all the fun the past weeks: Edge, Ladybug, and Arya! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on May 23, 2017, 10:31 PM
I want to thank our two DM's for the fun Book outing, as subdued as Lisa was for much of it, which was interesting to see. I was curious if her new found confidence would carry without her Girls around and it did but I felt quieter, I had a blast.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on May 25, 2017, 05:21 PM
Arya and White Spirit.  :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on May 25, 2017, 05:25 PM
FaeFae Avatar
Arya and White Spirit.  :)
+1 <3 <3 <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Silveryfeather on May 26, 2017, 02:14 AM
Arya and whitespirit, thank you so much! This was fun for all of us, i believe. Also this adds a great deal to Keryth's character, i am not sure yet, hah! Anyways! THANK YOU
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mystic Warden on May 26, 2017, 05:49 AM
Eredruie Avatar
FaeFae Avatar
Arya and White Spirit.  :)
+1 <3 <3 <3
+1001 :) It was a very fun event yesterday, thanks for all the effort put into it!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Jun 18, 2017, 08:42 AM
to for a lovely quest about faith :) the decoration was incredible! And the quest went smooth and despite there being eight people present, it felt like everyone was considered on a very personal level. This is quite a feat! I could feel that planning and preperation went into the event, also in a very personal fashion for each of the eight people involved.

Amazing performance! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Jun 18, 2017, 08:53 AM
whitespirit Avatar
to  for a lovely quest about faith :)  the decoration was incredible! And the quest went smooth and despite there being eight people present, it felt like everyone was considered on a very personal level. This is quite a feat! I could feel that planning and preperation went into the event, also in a very personal fashion for each of the eight people involved.

Amazing performance! :)

Was a wonderful quest, with some emotional ramifications that will be felt by all of our characters for a long time yet, I'm sure :) Certainly it's been an amazing opportunity for Shaan's growth. 

Also, I bow before some of the stellar area decorating done, as well as the excellent handling of such a large party with a lot going on. Was well executed :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 18, 2017, 11:44 AM

I am going to be spending a lot more on this positive DM experience than typical, and this is not a reflection of all the DMing out there by any stretch. Anytime I comment in this thread, it is super awesome DMing I am seeing here, and one huge part of why I enjoy this server! Left a TLDR version at the bottom and bolded for the convenience of everyone. :-D Tagged everything in spoiler for those interested in more details.

So...this was a very hard quest on my main and really brought out a lot of Dae's baggage for her. It was hard fighting everything inside her on the way. And then her typical way of handling matters only became useful when she started to talk down bad guys while the good guys went to work. Everything else did not work and frustrated her. The interaction with the half-celestial was interesting as well, as there was a lot of wariness that it was either not a real being or it was surely out to get her (because of her paranoia). A lot of what Daeatria knew of the world was shattered in everything. I imagine a huge break down at some point. Yuck!

This player could not have been anymore proud of the many surprises that came in this quest and how much unplanned moments threw curveballs in a nice, intricate storytelling worthy of epic tales where eight different characters had to stop potential god-murdering. I left it open ended and did not want to know the details when I requested "reconciliation" (which became more) because I wanted all that happened to be organic, and make most sense in the organic storytelling and player interactions. Thank you so much for investing 6-7 hours of DMing and allowing us all a moment to shine. Daeatria is going to likely be processing all the events she saw in this for time to come. And likely now more than ever struggling with how to handle her relationship to her house's mother deity with what was revealed. Everything she knew, felt, and felt was right was turned upside down on her.

The TLDR version: 11/10 I would recommend! All the surprises, and the turning a very open ended idea where I was letting everything happen and end based on the DM's narrative and not my own, became an epic story where even the less heroic somehow became heroes. 

With love and sincerity,
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Jun 18, 2017, 09:05 PM
+3 to Arya and White spirit, and mirroring much of what Arya said for Valar.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: trylobyte on Jun 25, 2017, 12:12 AM
I'm a jaded, cynical old bastard and it takes a lot to impress me.  That said, I find myself having to give props to and , DMs whose events have managed to keep me entertained and involved in things throughout these past few months, events that have yet to disappoint me in any way.  Cheers to you both, and keep up the great work!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Jun 25, 2017, 05:26 PM
I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation for  and . Edge's quests are always so well planned out and executed I feel like I learn something I participate in one. And Arya's quest today felt lovely and really well handled, I had the feeling that as a player my feelings were important and that made me feel awesome! :)

Thank you for all your time, energy and effort, please feel appreciated!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Jul 01, 2017, 05:09 PM
Kind thanks to  once more for the Shaanquest 'Question of Lineage'. I brought you a vague "It'd be cool to find out who Shaan's dad was and why he left her mom in Westgate" and asked you to surprise me. Oh boy, did you surprise me! Could not have guessed it would go the way it has, that it would bring so much development out of/for Shaan, and that she'd end up with such a bunch of friends she can count on to help her through the hard times <3

Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Jul 01, 2017, 07:32 PM
Want to Thank First Arya for the Shaanquest was an interesting journey and the Gems are fun! And Fire for the Emerald Quest it was different, and equally fun at the end.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lurkerabove on Jul 04, 2017, 12:51 PM
Darvins Avatar
Want to Thank First Arya for the Shaanquest was an interesting journey and the Gems are fun! And Fire for the Emerald Quest it was different, and equally fun at the end.

+1 for Arya on Shaan's quest the ending was totally climactic.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Jul 06, 2017, 02:46 PM
You're probably not going to read this, Korlash-guy, but I appreciate that you bring life so often to the graveyard hours!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: acleverpun on Jul 17, 2017, 12:15 PM
Arya. I don't think I have laughed that much for months now! Thank you very very much!
Also a collective thanks to all those DMs who've suffered through my questions so far!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Jul 19, 2017, 10:27 PM
For who just ran a very enjoyable quest :) Thank you for all the effort and work, I felt this magical feeling of immersion during your quest! I loved the setup and how lively and authentic it felt. And the itneractions with people felt very natural and organic. I really enjoy your style and I am very happy that you grace us with your dming. Thank you :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Jul 29, 2017, 10:56 PM
for and today in the dance of pales quest :) I was really kind of in a constant state of awe and admiration. The npcs had custom names and custom costumes (most of them anyways). The guards had specifically tailored armors and weapons (and background - harmonium something?) and the set up with all these people walking about and the different personalities - and even interludes like the dwrven murderer fugitive who was apprehended? Wow .. I really didn't stop getting out of this state of awe. And on top of it I really felt this magic of immersion also. :o

If you have not already been on a quest with ladybug and edge I really, really recommend you do. These two are a dream team that work so flawlessly together you think its just one dm when it is infact two.

And as if that wasn't enough this quest and all these lovely memories and fond feelings coincided with Nayu getting her last level today :) So I will remember this special day even more fondly and it will be a warm memory accompanying me.

Thank you!! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Aug 07, 2017, 03:57 AM
Thank you to  and  for Planar Adventures Ho! last night. It was a really lovely wonderful little event prepared with such care and attention to detail :) I had lots of fun, and got to play a side of Shaan that is rarely seen. We had such a great time that the group reconvened on main server to eat and drink and discuss all they'd experienced for quite some time afterwards.

(And Shaan got to feed a hellhound a whole bag of sugar cookies. Poor Milky, P'zel is going to be insufferable.)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Aug 19, 2017, 10:54 PM
  and   for today's dance of pales. I already said it online but I want to say out here again. It was awesome! So flawless and smoothly run and I loved the story and narrative and the way and feel you guys generated. It was glorious \o/ This is the kind of quest I always hoped for since I started playing online nwn :)

(special shout out for  for spending hours to help decorate for the quest!)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Aug 21, 2017, 10:32 PM
A shout-out to for a quest that went in every way completely different from expectations. Thumbs up for plot twist central, and very well executed at that. Also huzzah for an opportunity for Aida to add a new title or two to her name.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 28, 2017, 09:17 PM
 - you did awesome with your event! I like the mix of major adventure and minor intrigue. Also liked having Fade practice her persuasion skills, which she often does not use (often an intimidate sort!). 

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Sep 02, 2017, 10:39 PM
okay, I am going to start :)  and  for the dance of pales series which ended today! It was honestly above and beyond amazing, awesome and lovely! I felt like I was in that perfect quest that I always wondered if it existed in online play, the kind you wonder about if it is only in your ideal fantasy world. It wasn't! These two dms made it reality on our lovely server :)

Many people complimented in their own words but what all had in common is that their hearts said "<3" for this amazing story arc in a very loud and clear fashion. Much love to you two dms! And to  who helped with decorations and even co-dmed once.

I noticed that each and every character was considered, given ample chance to shine and attended in ways that didn't make you worry or fear for grimdark situations. To me the quest had a feeling of overwhelming positivity even though, in game of course, the situation was dire and very dangerous!! I loved this, I felt oocly safe although ingame all manners of chaos, peril and dangers were in abundance!

WHat I also liked especially was the way the transitions between episodes and within episodes were done. It all had a very organic feel to them and it felt smooth. Not once did I feel that feeling of "disconnect" which disrupts immersion. Not a single time. I always felt like I was there and then episode ended it didn't feel abrupt or "disconnecting" in any way. So very well done!

There were also a lot ofcustom descriptions and very innovative and creative traps, decorations and systems and mechanisms featured! It really felt like we were entering an evil villain's super laboratory with all those innovations. And the descriptions! They were amazing and full of detail and life and creativity.

All of it (and I mean all of it!) was just so well done that I felt wonderful all the way to the end and even now I have this warma nd tingly feeling. I will remember and think back fondly to this quest arc and I am certain so will the others :)

Thank you so much again! And please take good care of yourselves too now, you have really out done yourselves! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: acleverpun on Sep 10, 2017, 04:45 AM
Thanks to for fixing sleepy me's screwup @@
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: theshobit on Sep 11, 2017, 07:15 PM
acleverpun Avatar
Thanks to  for fixing sleepy me's screwup @@
Anytime! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Sep 28, 2017, 07:09 AM
A very special thank you to DM Fae Fae. I much appreciated the help given to me! :) :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Oct 15, 2017, 01:51 PM
Huge thank you to Ladybug and and everyone else for the fantastic fun on the Sugerbomb quest!! *huggles*
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Oct 25, 2017, 09:49 PM
Thank you to the DMs and players at the witches Market this evening.. I had a lot of fun!! :) :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: vhunelar on Dec 16, 2017, 01:12 PM
Thanks to Mystic Warden for being very friendly and answering so many of my questions!

Thanks to FaeFae for immediately including me in RP and also tolerating a lot of questions and general chattiness.

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Jan 14, 2018, 09:06 PM
for the giants quest continuation, it was, as always pure quality, experience and a bliss to participating in :) for the quest directly following edge's where we prepared for amazingly well crafted and thought out long term server spanning story arc against the zhentarim.

Many consecutive hours of rp and everyone was so active and amazing! :)

Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Jan 15, 2018, 06:11 PM
FTT: Fairy Tale Theater:

Wanted to thank Reality Jumper for the great fun I had today! The creativity and story was much appreciated and tons of fun! :) :)

Thank you also to all the plays.. had a blast!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: whitespirit on Jan 20, 2018, 12:42 AM
and for the Zhentarim/Stonehaven temple infiltration quest to attack a portal. I imagine that was a very, very tricky quest to set up and pull off because we probably only saw the tip of the iceberg in regards to things needing considered and planned.

It felt really seamless and smooth and I found it very intense and it had me on the edge my chair the entire time :o
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: theshobit on Jan 20, 2018, 01:37 PM
Thank you for the amazing Nature-y tale. It was a lot of fun. I am excited to see what happens next!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Jan 20, 2018, 02:09 PM
theshobit Avatar
Thank you  for the amazing Nature-y tale. It was a lot of fun. I am excited to see what happens next!

I second this! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eredruie on Feb 13, 2018, 02:03 PM
A big thanks made of hugs and cookies to , @belladonna, , and for the Stonehaven campaign.

You guys are expert cat-herders and I'm sure I speak for all involved when I say we've absolutely had a wonderful time and fabulous RP throughout :)

Thank you for your time and efforts, I know it's not easy running a huge thing like that!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 13, 2018, 09:19 PM
+1 to   's comments and compliments. For @belladonna , , , and . too! ALL the lurv and hugs. Or if any of those are no bueno, a lot of Girl Scout cookies.

Having run something this scale before, it definitely takes more than one person to do it. And to do it with success. Everyone who has run this plot line at one point or another has done very well, and I honestly could not tell when the plot transitioned between staff members. This plot has been serious development for my main and has put her into her element once more. Something I was not expecting to happen, and I am more than excited to see the aftermath of the series.

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Feb 20, 2018, 11:43 PM
Adding to the utter wall of well-earned praise and thanks to , , and anyone else who has helped them with the Stonehaven plotline over the past year and change. This was easily one of the most epic server-wide quests I've ever had the pleasure to be involved with, and tonight's finale was - pun totally intended - one hell of an epic ride.

Thank you both so, so, so much for not only putting such a fantastic and engrossing story together, but for persevering through the absolute nightmare of technical issues that plagued the server tonight and still managing to put on an exceptional show. You two rock, hands down, no questions asked, end of line.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Feb 21, 2018, 03:44 PM
Indeed. Stonehaven plotline was epic. Thank you FaeFae, Remmey and all the other DMs, and thanks to the players involved. I was very happy to be a part of it. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on Feb 21, 2018, 06:49 PM
Thirding this. Pulling off a very satisfying ending to months of build-up despite technical nightmares is nothing to sneeze at. I had a blast last night. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ironmaid on Feb 21, 2018, 09:25 PM
I just wanted to thank you all for the great fun here, and for quests and campaign. Amazing! ^.^
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Mar 03, 2018, 02:56 PM
Thank you all the DMs for the events and all the other things you do!! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lurkerabove on Mar 04, 2018, 03:02 AM
Big thank you to for helping us host SerraLiza's grand opening last weekend and bringing so much life to the tea house! Also to for being there, and letting little Mary enjoy the celebration as well. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Mar 05, 2018, 06:36 AM
Likewise to what Lurker said above and also to Edge for the Dreamers quest line, it's been wonderful so far as we head into the Finale, and has helped me rediscover my love for Caine, and maybe help him to find a new balance and I think letting me rediscover his voice.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Calabask on Mar 24, 2018, 09:41 AM
Special thanks to ModronLove last night for his quest. It was amazing and great to see the NPCs react to our party in realistic fashions and also to everyone involved in the quest who made every bit of it enjoyable an amusing! Thanks guys, and remember to turn Brin Invisible in every quest.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Mar 24, 2018, 11:06 AM
Calabask Avatar
Special thanks to ModronLove last night for his quest. It was amazing and great to see the NPCs react to our party in realistic fashions and also to everyone involved in the quest who made every bit of it enjoyable an amusing! Thanks guys, and remember to turn Brin Invisible in every quest.
I second all of the above... great story Modronlove, great fun!! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lurkerabove on Mar 24, 2018, 02:45 PM
Thank you to and for adding life to the bardic festival at the tea house today. You both are awesome :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Apr 22, 2018, 07:44 PM
Ladybug ~

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Apr 29, 2018, 06:43 PM
Special thanks to DMs Mystic and Pain for the great time during the Dragon Meet. Always much appreciated For DM events!! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 23, 2018, 07:49 PM
, as always, you make awesome, thrilling events that not only have elements of surprise, but also challenge my character(s) in development that is constantly a work in progress.

Thank you for the greatness. I look forward to the next one!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lurkerabove on Jun 28, 2018, 05:17 PM
Arya Kalarathri Avatar
, as always, you make awesome, thrilling events that not only have elements of surprise, but also challenge my character(s) in development that is constantly a work in progress.

Thank you for the greatness. I look forward to the next one!

Same here. The event last weekend was gritty and suspenseful. Looking forward to the next chapter soon.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lurkerabove on Sep 15, 2018, 07:10 PM
Thank you for making SerraLiza's wedding extra awesome, from the magical glitter rice packets to the refreshments and decorations to little Mary the flower girl. And the officiating was perfect! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: dysmetria on Jan 15, 2019, 09:24 PM
Thanks DM Cunning Lingust for letting my bard tag along and spicing up what would have just been another day in the woods.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: jamaisvu on Jan 26, 2019, 12:24 AM
Lots of love sent out to Edge/DM Szuriel for the Far Realm quest today. Clearly a lot of care was put into it and you did an amazing job of making sure it was well-paced and worked to include everyone. Looking forward to more!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Jan 26, 2019, 12:56 PM
Hey thanks to Edge for a pretty awesome event last night especially considering I usually hate far realm stuff but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 23, 2019, 04:22 PM
Thanks to Nokteroth and Mistakes for the fun little adhoc with the jaunt off into the woods to....

"My, grandmother, what big teeth you have..." :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Feb 24, 2019, 03:38 AM
The greatest grandmother ever!  She even had a budding interior decoration for eccentric home owners!  Thanks for the fun Misty, Nokt!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Mar 04, 2019, 04:07 AM
Thank you to Edge for running the Far Realm plot. It was thoroughly enjoyable and my very first quest here!

Thank you to Ladybug for running the intro to the upcoming quest later this month. Your NPCs' interactions were really cute. :)

And thank you to all the DMs and Admins for genuinely making this place so fun and enjoyable. Seriously, you rock.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on May 27, 2019, 02:55 PM
I want to thank Edge and Lady for yesterdays event and the letting of Tears of the Evergold be useful heh. I mean being able to cry holy water is a really hard ability to find a use for. (Well holy water/Charm potions but soomething about the second makes me go ick)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Jun 10, 2019, 09:08 AM
Thank you to RJ for the amazing plot last night!

Also thank you to ladybug and Edge for their own respective plots, I'm getting really sucked into those plotlines and I can't wait to see what comes of them in the aftermath!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Jul 12, 2019, 06:26 AM
A huuuuuge thank you to Ladybug for the really, super fun plot "From Zero to Hero". We had SO MUCH FUN! :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Shantis on Aug 13, 2019, 07:42 AM
Thanks RJ For a fun and interesting adventure. :D 
I loved the adventure in fabletown!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sciolist on Aug 13, 2019, 08:38 AM
Shantis Avatar
Thanks RJ For a fun and interesting adventure. :D 
I loved the adventure in fabletown!
Seconded! It was a lovely twist on a ooc familiar tale
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Shantis on Aug 17, 2019, 08:01 AM
Thanks DM Nokteronoth for yesterday's quest. It was fun, very unique and gave some interesting roleplay hooks to keep following the plot in the next games.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Galena on Aug 17, 2019, 12:16 PM
A belated thanks to Nokteronoth for the excellent Maraan questline, which packed plenty of emotional hooks for all the characters involved, as well as just a hint of otherworldly legend to make us feel appropriately awed. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience all around!

10/10 would get ass kicked again.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Blackheart on Aug 21, 2019, 10:08 PM
Thanks to all the Admins and DMs that keep the server running. Y'all rule.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Aug 25, 2019, 05:53 PM
Thanks to DM Mystic Warden! Our trip to tackle the gem of life quest intro with a veritable small army, got beautifully derailed ... into the FAR REALM! (Presumably!)

It was my first ad-hoc DM event (And any DM event here actually) here, and it was a great time, with scary consequences possible, and a real looming idea of the goings on behind the scenes. 

Rhiannon has a LOT more to talk about now, so thanks! <3 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Shantis on Aug 25, 2019, 06:18 PM
Loved the surprise event today. Thanks!  So much for the fun :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kaiosprey on Sep 01, 2019, 07:00 PM
Someone needs to give Nok some more love. Not only for all the cool rp stuff, for accepting the headaches of being a senior DM. We love you homie.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jazzmyra on Sep 03, 2019, 08:06 AM
Giving my thanks to   for an amazing and (brainmatter-) challenging plot yesterday. It was really fun figuring out how to handle the situation and how to talk with the land, and how the characters each played a specific role to take down the beast! Thanks for an amazing time~ <3

Also thank you  for the mind baffling end to the wrath's shadow questline I got to be a part of, if only the last two chapters. It was unexpected, but very amazing and well executed.

And a huge thank you to all the DMs and Admins for keeping the server running as it is! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Shantis on Sep 03, 2019, 08:33 AM
Thanks Reality Jumper, the last quest yesterday was so much fun and awesome, thanks! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kaiosprey on Sep 03, 2019, 09:48 AM
Shantis Avatar
Thanks Reality Jumper, the last quest yesterday was so much fun and awesome, thanks! :)

Was a character changing experience. Thank you so much RJ!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Sep 03, 2019, 09:55 AM
I want to second Siniy's praise for Edge. That plot was very long and convoluted, but very emotional at the end, and I enjoyed it a great deal!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Sep 25, 2019, 12:08 AM
The first adventure in the "gem's the breaks" series was super fun, and the NPCs that the Dm team brought to life for us had me chuckling the whole night through. I can't WAIT for the next installment, y'all were wonderful worldbuilders in there, and it felt plenty real! <3 Thanks!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Sep 30, 2019, 01:38 AM
I want to thank Dismus for the Shazzelurt plot thus far. It's been really entertaining and I'm looking forward to more. :)

I also want to thank Edge for his overall plots lately, you are a complete trooper for doing so many, you deserve a break!

And I really want to thank Nok for his music box plot, you have an amazing attention to detail over everything that impresses me every time I hear about it. I'm glad I'm getting to experience it!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Oct 02, 2019, 11:16 AM
RJ - Reality Jumper

Last night on "Family Issues" you provided a story with a fun and subtle beginning, introduced a mystery and a little drama, sprinkled in some danger, and ended up making a story that not only will I not soon forget, but that exceeds anything I'd been able to think of for Rhia (And Korra!) so far! During that adventure, I laughed, I teared up, and laughed some more. Thank you for taking a little information, and making a LOT of story to play with. I'm looking forward to seeing Morrolan again sometime for certain, and love the direction the story went. 

Thank you for being an excellent storyteller, and letting us experience it! 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Galena on Oct 08, 2019, 11:20 PM
A massive thank you to for running my first personal quest tonight! It was pitch perfect and gave everyone spots to shine and room to express their characters. I couldn't have asked for better!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dismus on Oct 08, 2019, 11:27 PM
I second that. Well done RJ.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: tessara on Oct 10, 2019, 04:18 AM
Thank you Dismus for Nola's Pied Piper quest, Tess' first DMed experience here :)

Turns out it was RJ, sorry! Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dismus on Oct 10, 2019, 08:28 AM
It was RJ who ran the quests. I was on the quest. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sciolist on Oct 16, 2019, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the Random potion gnome! I love little events where we get to characterize around the occurrences
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerec on Oct 24, 2019, 04:44 AM
A huge thanks to for running the Lords of Law questline. It's been great, and a huge source of character development for Areúsa.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Rei Jin on Oct 27, 2019, 05:53 PM
A big thank you to the team for the way that they've handled the character corruption issue. A bad situation has been faced and addressed in a non-hysterical and productive manner, and I really appreciate the speed with which it was resolved.

As an aside, I really appreciate how the community has gotten around those who have lost items and such, and is helping them out.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Galena on Oct 27, 2019, 06:36 PM
Thanks and congratulations to for their first-ever quest! The party was left uncertain and terrified, which is indicative of solid DMness!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jazzmyra on Oct 27, 2019, 06:39 PM
Galena Avatar
Thanks and congratulations to  for their first-ever quest! The party was left uncertain and terrified, which is indicative of solid DMness!
I second that, it was an amazing event and very fun to participate!

At this point, also thanks to  and  for their respective quests, both were very amazing and well done, especially for character development! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Shantis on Oct 27, 2019, 09:10 PM
Thanks Dimus and Nok! Amazing and patient dms with a lot to teach. Edge too, for allowing me to participate :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sciolist on Oct 28, 2019, 03:51 AM
Thanks to for the Carnival quest, sadly curtailed by server explosion. There was definite atmospheric grimness, and horror.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: tessara on Nov 01, 2019, 04:51 PM
Thank you for the siege of Naryan Keep.  Felt like everyone got a chance to use their skills and it was fun to turn things around and put the adventurers on the defensive for a change :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerec on Nov 02, 2019, 12:57 PM
As Tessara says, thank you for running the event. It was really fun and enjoyable.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fox² on Nov 02, 2019, 01:31 PM
I squealed IRL when I saw we were doing a preparations before the big battle thing. Ohmygooood yes!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: tessara on Nov 02, 2019, 09:11 PM
Thank you for the Kamon's Tournament event, it made a fun setting for rp and I loved the creative mix of serious and comical events. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Nov 03, 2019, 04:52 PM
Thank you Blackheart indeed for the event the other night. I had a great deal of fun. Looking forward to future interactions
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Shantis on Nov 03, 2019, 05:56 PM
Thanks for another good adventure today! :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: silenceofthreeparts on Nov 06, 2019, 04:03 AM
Thank you Blackheart for the Lys event, it was a wonderful refreshing take on immersive little side stories in the setting and I really look forward to seeing more!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sciolist on Nov 11, 2019, 03:10 AM
Thank you, for morally misguided funtimes at the weekend!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Rei Jin on Nov 11, 2019, 07:53 PM
Thanks to Shantis for the baby (land)sharks fun.

Do do doo do doo
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Nov 11, 2019, 10:04 PM
Thanks to aDm Blackheart for providing an open and rewarding RP experience working in a multi-part quest! It's awesome to feel like stuff's getting done ^_^
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: tessara on Nov 12, 2019, 07:20 AM
Thank you and Dark for the Violet Flame quest, those poor mages!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: trylobyte on Dec 07, 2019, 10:08 PM
A huge thanks to  for his continued work on Mist'as personal quest.  I've seen things I've never seen done in NWN before, and after a little bit of a rough start each quest since then has consistently been high quality.  And props to for helping out along the way, elevating things to consistently top tier.  Much respect for you both.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Dec 30, 2019, 04:37 PM
Thanks to @belladonna for taking consistent time to do "Behind the scenes" stuff for all the players requesting/needing stuff.
It's SO cool to be on a server where this stuff is even possible, and the fact that y'all schedule time to do it is amazing and kind. Thank you, Admins, DMs, and Devs alike for this stuff as well.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Jan 01, 2020, 12:00 AM
After having been here nearly a year, I just wanted to say thank you to those on the team that have made a positive impact on CD.

- To Fire Wraith, for being so kind and helpful, and for constantly remaining vigilant about being server host. You've been a very steady presence on CD and it means so much that things are stable.

- To Edge, for always being there to answer questions the community has about things, as well as being the Storyline Admin. You've run a lot of fun plots and I'm grateful to have been in some of them!

- To Bella, for constantly taking care of the LETOs, for delivering some of the more difficult news, and being willing to weather that storm. You have my respect for such.

- To Vincent, for working so hard on fixing a lot of the imbalances in different areas and with different classes lately. I hope you get some sleep soon!

- To Dismus, for the plots you've run and for being willing to take some of us under your wing to teach us the ropes. I hope you have a very happy New Year and that your life is blessed!

- To Nokteronoth, for being such a positive influence for the other DMs and for going above and beyond the call. You make the most fantastic storylines, your roleplay skills are extremely superb, and you've turned out to be one of the kindest people I know on CD. Thank you for being you.

- To Dark Fangs, for being the *best* supporter-style DM I've seen in a long, long time. You absolutely shine in that role and it's clear you enjoy it. Thank you for being my friend and for always being a listening ear!

- To Reality Jumper, for your completely unique and fun Fabletown plotlines! Thank you also for being so supportive in other things, whether it be the Rosewood or whatever else we discuss!

- And last but certainly not least, to Blackheart, for being one of the most amazing, dedicated, passionate, determined DMs I've ever seen on NWN. Your zest to do so many different plots and provide so much fun for people is breathtaking, and you've been my stalwart friend through thick and thin. Thank you for everything, I can't possibly give you enough praise!

Happy New Year, everyone!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kaiosprey on Jan 01, 2020, 03:53 PM
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darvins on Jan 19, 2020, 09:51 PM
I want to thank Blackheart for everything today, from the Hotsprings to the Ballroom it was all so good and fun. Along with so much work above and beyond.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jan 19, 2020, 10:44 PM
The Grand Revel day of festivities today was amazing. Thank you so much for giving Voss and Mouse a lot of really memorable rp,
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Deleted on Jan 20, 2020, 07:14 AM
I too wish to thank Blackheart for overseeing yesterday. It was a ton of fun. I'm very glad Miriam got emotionally dragged into going to the pool party :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Jan 20, 2020, 08:42 AM
Blackheart, you're wonderful!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: bleuception on Jan 20, 2020, 11:35 AM
Same as the above. Thank you, Blackheart.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kaiosprey on Jan 20, 2020, 12:34 PM
Tha heart of blackness is cool beans
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Blackheart on Jan 22, 2020, 12:14 AM
Thank you  for giving Celeb/Melody a incredibly satisfying and meaningful conclusion to their "Creating Magic" plot. And thank you to everyone who helped us on our quest, and who came to participate and watch! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Jan 22, 2020, 12:24 AM
Thank you for everything, Nok! You're amazing!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kaiosprey on Jan 22, 2020, 08:58 AM
Nok is also cool beans
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Rei Jin on Jan 23, 2020, 10:39 PM
Thanks to Inkish and Blackheart for the two DM events I've been on in the last seven days; I've greatly enjoyed myself
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Feb 04, 2020, 12:12 AM
A shout out to for their work as a DM tonight. Not only did he take on a very, very challenging sort of realm of lore but managed to handle a large crowd of players in one spot! My heart was with you all the way. Good work! I look forward to playing in your events!

Best wishes,

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Feb 04, 2020, 12:13 AM
Seconded. Well done and thanks for all the hard work,
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Feb 04, 2020, 02:35 AM
Well done, Blackheart.  Sorry I left early.  Hope you enjoy yourself :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Feb 04, 2020, 11:14 AM
Blackheart is the soul of this server. Cannot say how much I appreciate the work this dude has done. Wish I had the words. Don't burn out man, love everything you do.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Feb 09, 2020, 09:02 AM
Thank you to the staff that imported my old characters. I greatly appreciate it! ?
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Xaerien on Feb 11, 2020, 07:18 PM
Thanks to  for the event today. It was amazing
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Feb 13, 2020, 12:42 AM
I want to thank  for being such an amazing, amazing DM. The entire Into the Mist(a) plotline was absolutely superb and some of the most fun I've ever had on CD. Thank you for making such a compelling series of villains, Draven and Kul'Tan especially! You really are a masterful storyteller and I'm grateful that you're on CD.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ironmaid on Feb 15, 2020, 11:44 AM
I want to thank everyone here who has RP'd with my characters and all the DMs for the great fun and events. Schedules are so demanding but yet there they all are! So thank you, our time here has been wonderful so far.  ^.^
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Galena on Mar 10, 2020, 05:26 AM
A massive thanks to for Nola's personal quest yesterday! It was pitch perfect for her, and will do a lot to help build her story going forward. Couldn't be happier with it!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fox² on Mar 20, 2020, 05:58 PM
A really big thank you and eternal love to for always being around for me to bounce all of my silly plot ideas off on -- it's great to get a second opinion on ideas I'm mulling over! I also want to thank Bushy for all his assistance Co-DMing with me recently in the Search and Destroy Keryth'Keryn'Suoress group plotline.

A big big big thankyou to for inviting me along on their big elf plotline. I had immense fun plotting and planning with you, and learned a lot from doing these events for the group you handed to me.

I also want to thank for his continued training and availability in answering all sorts of questions. As well as occasionally being awake at odd hours to supervise. ^^

Some love for too! Even though we haven't done anything topside together, your presence and constant push on Diana with dice rolls and questions during the Search and Destroy group plotline really encouraged me to be creative and to do my best. Thank you! <3

And I should also mention my appreciation to . I had fun in the recent Helm's Little One's quest. I felt like I had a lot of freedom to try different things on Katarina. I loooooooove that you let her fly! :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Mar 28, 2020, 12:27 PM
Big thanks to for the event yesterday. It was a lot of fun, and even though we were pressed for time and didn't get to completely wrap things up, I'm looking forward to the next part! Thanks for all your hard work.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Mar 28, 2020, 12:28 PM
Want to thank for all the hard work he puts in handling rebuilds/relevels and other mechanical stuff for characters. It's an often overlooked but very important thing, and I feel like he's always quick to log on as a DM to help out.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 30, 2020, 09:12 PM
Definitely want to second  on  and his dedication to helping people topside. Not only did he suffer me screwing up on my first 'remake' he also took away levels at least twice because I am so terrible with math. He did not need to do it and I was pretty sure I was taking more than thirty minutes because of my screw-ups.

So, please accept my heartfelt gratitude for being so patient with someone who clearly had not rebuilt in forever, and is terrible with builds over all. It means a lot, and I am happier with the results, even knowing I may have to do a relevel later per the forewarning of a person who specialized in this build! You know who you are. <3 


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Terallis on Apr 01, 2020, 05:04 PM
Meant to toss this up last night. Huge thanks to for the amazing event last night. Helped to close a chapter on Aedan's life, everyone had their part to play, and the surprises for my own character's backstory and how things come together was just phenomenal! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Apr 08, 2020, 11:12 PM
knocked it out of the park again with another amazing event. The ups and downs were incredible, and I honestly felt for a little while there that the Sins were done for. lol

Thank you for all the hard work you put into the event, and thanks for putting up with us crazy people. I look forward to the next one!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 07, 2020, 11:28 PM
Despite being an already busy DM, graciously setup some of the props for the Lunar Hallowing. Thank you so much for this! It was a delight.


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 10, 2020, 07:38 AM
Another hat tip for   with the awesome play, visuals, and being very awesome about off-screen roleplay surrounding the play. One time folks could sit for longer than a couple hours, just watching the action and interacting with each other in quiet. 

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on May 10, 2020, 07:43 AM
I really have to second Arya on that. You absolutely set the bar for future plays,  , darn you! *Shakes fist* Now I have to work even harder on the next bits! It was incredibly fun and I'm grateful to help!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on May 10, 2020, 01:09 PM
Major kudos to for his work on the Darker Churches plot and for just being a really great rper and DM. Thanks, man, and glad to see you back DMing again.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Liriel on May 10, 2020, 06:32 PM
Celeb (  )'s play was amazing. I really enjoyed it.  Thank you for putting that on! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Terallis on May 10, 2020, 08:04 PM
I was super engaged in the story the whole time, and while the "actor" names were hilarious, they actually helped to give a visual and audible reference for the lines being spoken. It was super well done and I loved the whole thing!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Darkfangs on May 12, 2020, 11:02 PM
 Thank you for the wonderful experience with Darker Churches!  I'm really enjoying it a lot and I appreciate all the time and effort you've put in!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on May 13, 2020, 12:19 AM
Big shout out to . Your events get better every time, man. I'm really glad to be a part of them.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: luidaeg on May 13, 2020, 08:45 PM
Seconded. I always look forward to the next one!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on May 15, 2020, 03:58 PM
Special thank you to DM-DIZZY for helping me with Pylia's ascending!! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on May 19, 2020, 06:25 AM
Thanks to DM TheJackel and all the participants last night for the fun event.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 21, 2020, 03:38 PM
  deserves applauds for all the work she has been doing topside, helping with DM duties, along with the troubleshooting and feedback on mechanical things. And helping people with their build ideas and making them work with their RP expectations!

Even if someone does not do everything recommended on the build, they (the builds) are still given a gift when going by even 80-90% (ideally more) of what she recommends! And people are still happy RP-wise.


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: cherrycoke2l on May 31, 2020, 04:13 AM
I've been having blast playing at CD in these past few months. That wouldn't have been possible if not for our awesome DMs!

– for the amazing Ssrenshen liberation thread. I've never let any plot line mess with my sleep schedule so much and I regret nothing. These were one of those events that I will remember for years. I loved the scene set up during assault on Ssrenshen's walls. The whole thing felt like playing Faerun: Total War.

deserves a round of applause for the initial (at least for me) euro-friendly event in the KKS plot line I had the opportunity to participate in. It was funny (yay wild magic effects), it was sad (the sacrifice at the end) – and all in all fun to be part of.

for the still ongoing plot with a certain artefact my archmage Runaiwëm loved. This has been a great opportunity to dust him off and let him have something to be excited about again. Big kudos for the silver wyrmling events too!

All DMs who assisted in the events mentioned above deserve applause but I can't name them all, sorry!

And of course big thanks to all other DMs helping with rebuilds, relevels and last but not least to the Admin team for their hard work!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Garage Trashcan on May 31, 2020, 09:36 AM
  seriously deserves accolades and a standing ovation for what he's done over the past few months. Out of all of the "server plots" I've been in, even with my delayed start into the plotline, this has felt the most "epic" of all of them. It's been a long, long time since I've seen a finale like this and it has only served to rekindle my love of this server. Your talent for large-scale combat events that truly challenge parties with mechanics, rather than just overwhelming odds, is awesome. You add so much fun to what is otherwise a bland combat engine (at least for me, I play a lot of Right-click-and-go characters). There were so many moments last night that were touch-and-go but, even then, I don't feel like giving up.

Additional shout outs to ,  ,  , and   for helping with last night. Y'all are gentlepeople and scholars. Cheers.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Liriel on May 31, 2020, 02:17 PM
In all my days playing NWN, I have never - seriously, never - encountered a boss fight with phases. Like, there I was, pewpewing the boss, she summons some Vrocks. Gross. Gotta kill them. Okay, back to the boss.

Why...why are there more Vrocks? WHERE DID THEY...


Seriously   that was a fine-ass raid dungeon you put together, and that final boss was a bitch to bring down.

I was seriously proud of the raid team, too, because y'all swapped between boss and adds like pros, with no previous practice, smoother than I've seen in many Mythic Raid Teams in WoW. Bless.

Also: I'm going to have nightmares about Vrocks for weeks! Weeks, I tell you! And the tree!  The tree was my fault, and boy did I ever pay for it!  (rofl)

Good job! It was an epic plot, and I am so glad to have gotten a chance to participate in it.  :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on May 31, 2020, 04:27 PM
Seconding what has been said here, this has been one of the most epic storylines I was part of and am glad to be in part and for Alyss'ana I would definitely say that it was just as memorable as her trip to Hades. Overwhelming odds, chances of potentially dying forever from an in-character standpoint, and so much at stake near the end. The fact that she lost one of her closest friends who helped her in the Hades plot also added a full-circle element (especially how he died), that devastated her. Her, Felix, and Jay are going to never be the same now. Someone from that crew is gone. :-(

Plus the fact that she resolved a serious area of guilt in her life (Ssrenshen), regardless of who was at fault it plagued her for 12 RL years, almost a decade in game.

Thank you so much for running this story. Now I shall go find my kleenexes so I can be a baby. :-D

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fox² on Jun 01, 2020, 01:55 AM
A big thank you to for all of their DMing in their elf plotline and for inviting me along for some of the ride, as well as the immeasurable amount of time they spend supervising the aDMs (and myself when I was one) and for all the time they spend doing relevels and rebuilds. <3

Both and as ever are wonderful delights to work with both during quests and with planning them. Both of your feedback, second opinions, and ideas of your own you both put forward are invaluable. I'm in awe at both of your abilities to come up with unique personalities and backstories with the NPCs you play, and at how fast at improv you both are.

is an amazing, kind, and honest person and DM. I hope we do a quest together someday soon! Arabel Man meets Marsember Lady? :P

cherrycoke2l Avatar
deserves a round of applause for the initial (at least for me) euro-friendly event in the KKS plot line I had the opportunity to participate in. It was funny (yay wild magic effects), it was sad (the sacrifice at the end) – and all in all fun to be part of.

Ary'Keryn accidentally conjuring a Hellball on the party with his on hit: cast spell weapon made me giggle. Oh wild magic, you so crazy!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jun 04, 2020, 07:39 PM
I want to thank  for helping with some quick fixes to St. Kale's Home for Wayward Children. The area just went in, and we're still working out the kinks! Thanks so much, Fox!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Jun 05, 2020, 12:59 AM
Thanks to aDM Graveman for a fun random AdHoc quest! Good fun was had amidst the chaos, and it was intriguing, with a good tie in to server events! Cheers!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jun 08, 2020, 11:43 PM
Thank you for helping set up the grand opening tonight! I couldn't have pulled it off without you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Terallis on Jun 09, 2020, 12:04 AM
I want to give a huge shout-out to for her awesome twists in the reveals on Aedan's personal plot. It's been blowing my mind every step of the way and I love it! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Jun 18, 2020, 01:35 AM
deserves an incredible, monumental amount of praise for running the entirety of KKS. He ran dozens and dozens of plots, orchestrated with various groups, dealt with lots of griping, and still soldiered on until the end. The ceremony was a blast, and I'm grateful to be your friend. Thank you for all you do for this community. You lift it up, and people should recognize that.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jun 18, 2020, 02:20 AM
Seconded. really sets the standard in a lot of ways, but I'd like to praise him in particular for his patience, personability, and willingness to chat OOC about pretty much anything. Approaching BH on discord has never been intimidating or an issue, and talking with him is always easy. I appreciate the time, dedication, and effort he put into his plots, but more than that I appreciate his willingness to be accessible and forthcoming (without giving spoilers) as he has been. It made me feel like I was at a table playing a campaign with an actual DM with how easily I was able to ask questions without disrupting the flow of things in-game.

Thanks for your hard work, and thanks for all you do for the server. Please enjoy your well-deserved break, and we all look forward to when you feel ready to get back in action, Blackheart!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jun 18, 2020, 10:00 AM
Agreed with what has been said already. Having been in the spot of DMing a server wide plot where a lot of strong personalities were involved, I knew it was not an easy task. Yet persisted and ran a stellar storyline. There were times Alyss was definitely afraid for a repeat of what led to Ssrenshen falling and the plot had become a personal closure for her on a matter that plagued her for 12 RL years. I know the Matron plot was definitely a huge undertaking, not even planned as a server-wide plot, but this plot has definitely rivaled many elements of it (which is definitely a good thing!). The finale arcs were a blast, despite the tragedy that befell Felix, Jay, and Alyss in it all. ;_;

<3 <3 <3 I look forward to future events, and playing with everyone who participated in this storyline.

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: JadeDragon on Jun 21, 2020, 11:42 AM
Thank you for taking the time to give to the player base. Always and deeply appreciative and thankful for the efforts you put to make our time enjoyable :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jul 04, 2020, 04:35 AM
Big thanks to for the hard work he put into the Darker Churches plot line. The finale was great, and it has been a joy every step of the way. I also really appreciate the memorable npcs in your events. Sawyer, Isaac, and even McArron were truly wonderful, and each had an impact on Voss that will last and shape him as a character.

Keep up the great work. You rock.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: luidaeg on Jul 04, 2020, 04:20 PM
Seconded! Sawyer is my new favorite NPC of all time. Can't wait for further interactions with him. Darker Churches was amazing. You really do have a way of instilling that chill-inducing feeling into your plots, and I'm excited for your next quest!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mystic Warden on Jul 05, 2020, 04:37 AM
Big thanks to for the fun quest yesterday! :) For having really creepy antagonists, and also for the pigs' milk. ;)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fox² on Jul 05, 2020, 05:28 AM
Mystic Warden Avatar
Big thanks to for the fun quest yesterday! :) For having really creepy antagonists, and also for the pigs' milk. ;)

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jul 08, 2020, 11:08 PM
Shout out to  for the awesome Immoral Tales series of events. I greatly enjoyed the narrative style, and it was a very unique take on an event. Much fun was had, and I'd love to be a part of others in the future.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: luidaeg on Jul 09, 2020, 08:18 PM
Huge thanks to @belladonna for the Winter Court quest the other night! I've always wanted to get Sylwyn more involved in the Winter Court and the quest was amazing. Thanks to  and  for helping out, too! Can't wait for the next part!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerrick on Jul 13, 2020, 01:51 AM
Big ups to for the latest in "Strange Tidings on the Dragonmere." Good tension, rewarding exploration, and critical thinking saving the day was an excellent touch! This has been a tremendously fun questline to be part of with Rhia, so thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Silveryfeather on Aug 03, 2020, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the help with the beach party! It was an absolute blast. It sure won't be the last party Samdyrion hosts :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: platinum01 on Aug 25, 2020, 12:51 AM
Thanks to for the great event. You kept Daisy on her toes. The teamwork among the other players was great and Daisy got to face her first Dracolich!! I look forward to the next event.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Aug 25, 2020, 04:43 AM
Thank you for the last Red Event.  I had a lot of fun!  
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mystic Warden on Aug 26, 2020, 05:30 PM
sornduskryn Avatar
Thank you  for the last Red Event.  I had a lot of fun!  
+1 to that! It was great fun. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Sep 09, 2020, 11:19 PM
Big thanks to @belladonna for Arduinna's event the other night. Despite complications that put a crunch on time, the event was still very enjoyable and had me on the edge of my seat. It was a blast, and I look forward to the next.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Sep 14, 2020, 01:31 PM
Much thanks to DM Dumpster Fire for his help with my characters yesterday!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: JadeDragon on Sep 22, 2020, 12:59 PM
A big thank you for all the staff that puts in the work for the players. You're awesome.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Oct 03, 2020, 09:53 AM
Wanted to do a quick shout-out to the builders/scripters/admins of the server. You've all been putting a tremendous amount of work in keeping the server fresh with new goodies for us to enjoy as well as fixing bugs and problems. I think it's fair to say that you guys do as much work as paid game devs, and this is just volunteer. Thank you for all you do.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sirnathan on Oct 28, 2020, 05:38 PM
Thank you Adm gywnbleidd for taking us through the scary pocket plane of horribes the undying monster of death was awesome and the creepy little girl was a very neat story.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Nov 12, 2020, 06:09 PM
Thank you to and  for help setting up the bar for the party today. I really appreciate it!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: hyrulee on Nov 22, 2020, 01:53 AM
I just wanted to give a quick thanks to DM Fox for running Bloody Letter. It was a really enjoyable experience, and I appreciate the effort you put into it. I didn't realise that this was a thing, so I also want to mention that I really appreciate the staff in general. I've never been on a server with a team that cares as much as this one. Thanks for making the server feel so welcoming. <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Esilynn on Nov 28, 2020, 09:36 PM
A big thank-you to Dm Darkfang For the quest today Pots and Pans. Green wardens Hin based Adventure, this was my first Dm led story I was nervous but the starting explanation and then the immersive plot storytelling and characters made the time pass way to fast. It helped me solidify a lot more of Arillia's quirks and  motivations. 100% engaging and thought provoking quest. Fun quirky and unexpected.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: platinum01 on Dec 01, 2020, 10:31 AM
Thank you so much for the Pots n Pans event for the Green Wardens. It was a lot of fun and the perfect launch event for the team to tackle, together. There's no denying the power and love of Daisy's fresh baked chocolate chip cookies now!

You are keeping me guessing with the Crimes of Fashion storyline. I am enjoying the character interactions and the unexpected turns this tale is taking. Thank you so much. I look forward to the next chapter.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Embra on Dec 13, 2020, 03:54 PM
Huge thanks Cherry Bomb/Nibbles for the very entertaining Stone Cold Throne storyline.
I am very happy to have been able to see it through! :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Apr 03, 2021, 11:34 AM
Thank you for our meeting the other day. We're barely scratching the surface of HWC and you're really letting me use everything I've learned to try and contribute and giving new opportunities.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on May 18, 2021, 01:52 PM
I wanted to thank  for being such a magical scripter/programmer/artist/wizard with all the amazing things she's been doing. You're an absolute wonder and you've honestly raised the bar for CD - I think anyone here who knows what you've been up to has been legitimately slackjawed.

I also want to thank   and  in helping her test. Ironing out the kinks, pointing out bugs in the scripting, and all that is every bit as valuable, so thank you for taking the time out of your schedules to help make CD a better place!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Remus Prime on May 22, 2021, 06:19 PM
Thank you to DM Raysiel (Impresario) for my first DM event on the server!  Even though Bethryn was vastly out of her depth, it was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed myself.  Glad that despite being an itty bitty lowbie, my skills came in handy!  Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Terallis on Jul 04, 2021, 03:28 AM
belladonna Avatar
Jul 4, 2021 1:45:26 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
I cannot say this enough tonight:  Thank you to , , and   for the amazing job with the Thundarlun finale.

The pacing was excellent.  The changes to mobs--the colored nameplates, the balance, the tactics they used--made each fight challenging but not a slog.  Getting to watch the story come together, and all our efforts and planning pay off, was uplifiting and exciting.

Thank you for all the hard work you've put in the past few months.  Thank you for bringing such a complex story to fruition.
This. I mirror all of this. This battle finale was so much fun and initiated so well! I thoroughly enjoyed the entire thing!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on Jul 04, 2021, 01:03 PM
belladonna Avatar
Jul 4, 2021 1:45:26 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
I cannot say this enough tonight:  Thank you to , , and   for the amazing job with the Thundarlun finale.

The pacing was excellent.  The changes to mobs--the colored nameplates, the balance, the tactics they used--made each fight challenging but not a slog.  Getting to watch the story come together, and all our efforts and planning pay off, was uplifiting and exciting.

Thank you for all the hard work you've put in the past few months.  Thank you for bringing such a complex story to fruition.
Fully agreed. It's astounding how much thought has gone into this plot.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Jul 04, 2021, 01:49 PM
Thirding what has been said here. I really enjoyed seeing the fight between the ghazneths, and seeing the heroic against the one nasty spell (*omits details to avoid too much spoiling*). That was a terrifying moment in both cases.


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daedalian on Jul 07, 2021, 07:16 PM
Ironmaid and I would also like to add our appreciation to them, and also to any other DMs and players for the great work and play on this whole story-line and events.  Not an easy feat keeping everything coordinated, including interactions on Discord. Great job, and thanks for the fun and allowing us to be a part of it.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: daedalian on Jul 07, 2021, 07:23 PM
I also want to give a shout-out to all the DMs and Admins here for doing a great job managing things, helping players and keeping things running well.
The amount of work going into this community and this game is a lot and so - thank you very much. It's very much appreciated.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: rohuli on Jul 23, 2021, 05:14 PM
Wasn't sure if there was a more proper channel for it but wanted to thank both Banshee for a fun adhoc the other day that was a nice way to meet other non epics and Raysiel for a very fun and dialogue heavy quest, you both kept things flowing admirably.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ithildur on Jul 24, 2021, 03:35 PM
Thanks to Arya and Bella for getting Arandir finally sorted/releveled a couple of weeks ago.

Also, thanks to Banshee for the ad hoc yesterday, and  persevering through the technical difficulties.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Epi on Jul 30, 2021, 11:16 PM
Ty for the recent update and everything else you guys do! <3

edit: Also really appreciate the aDM Banshee ad hocs + the quests with Terallis as of late as well
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: JuJuBeez on Jul 31, 2021, 01:41 PM
I just wanted to post here again and make my appreciation for both the staff and the community on CD known. It's been a very long time since I've had this much fun and getting to know each of you has been an absolute blessing. The staff is marvelous and you put so much work into everything that you do for the community. The new update is amazing and I find myself making Kamaria go on trips all around to see the changes, I can imagine the amount of time that was involved with it. I can't tag everyone I wish to but just sending my thanks and my love.~
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Aug 14, 2021, 01:17 PM
and , Thank you so much for everything over the last few months. Voss' Rashemen events really pushed me as a roleplayer to examine him as a character and figure out what's at his core and what that means for him moving forward. Anyone who is lucky enough to have either of you run a personal plot for them will be treated to the best of the best, in my opinion.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: pilgrim on Oct 06, 2021, 09:01 PM
It's been awhile since the quest concluded, but I'd like to give big props to  for her work on the Avenging Mother Dearest plot. There were a TON of plot threads going on and I can't fathom how she managed to keep them all together into such a thrilling and exciting storyline. Extremely thoughtful and knowledgeable DM to participate in plots for. She really goes all out in every aspect, A+ stuff. 

And that's only mentioning the work on a single plot thread, not to mention fun, silly ad hocs and interpersonal interactions with NPCs. That shit is my jam. 

Thanks, Arya! <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: hera on Oct 06, 2021, 10:32 PM
Arya Kalarathir: Thank you so much for the constant high attention to detail, the consideration, the care and thoughtfulness you have put into the personal quest so far. Kiriku has always been very deeply rooted in her culture and traditions and you have honored that all so well, and listened to everything I asked, given so much thought to things so personal to the character. I am looking forward to how this continues to unfold.

DM Team in general: So often we become so caught up in the game we forget to appreciate how much effort, time and work you all put into things. Unpaid workers who sometimes get a little thank you at the end, but dont get told how utterly amazing and appreciated you really are for how much you bring a that extra spark to the world. Our characters are part of a living community and you give them something beyond scripted quests, you give them that extra drive. Thank you.

Terallis: Thank you for the Guardians bond plotline. Not only had it caused the characters to question morale issues, to become caught up in the lives of some amazing npc's, but its helped a very odd group learn to work together and overcome extreme personality issues... its been amazing so far.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Terallis on Oct 07, 2021, 12:28 AM
 - Honestly, my own thoughts are much the same as Hera's. The Nameless plot for Kiri has been an absolute blast and shows you know so well what you're doing with it as well. Such a huge amount of fun, so far, having done the Little Heiress in Marsember event, the fun tea time stuff that followed, and the further lead up into this plot. It's flowed together so well as a natural progression and it's just been a huge amount of fun with all that. Thanks so much for all your hard work and attention to detail in running this plot, and really excited to see more of where it goes.

 - Putting the two of you both into a combined comment to mention how awesome both of the different Runelords plots have been, overall. Being able to be involved in both on separate characters has been an honest blast. Seeing where each event ultimately goes and ends up and how my two different characters have been able to react to things so differently. All the information dumps have been great for keeping track of different parts of the whole, and overall, the entire utilizing of the Seven Deadly Sins has just been awesome.

 - Also putting you both together to say how great things have been with the HWC plot. I can't honestly fathom keeping all this information, actions, etc, organized. A truly herculean task to manage all those things. Piecing things together from the start has been a lot of fun, and feels so rewarding when bits of information is found or even put together from other bits, and so forth. Really has put investigative puzzle solving to the test. A lot of major, world changing things all the involved PCs have been able to have an impact on and all. Really gives everyone that feeling of aiding in their own way.

And much as Hera pointed out as well, to all staff, it really is difficult to know how much you (and me, as well, being a DM) are truly appreciated for what you do. Bringing amazing stories and events to people, keeping players engaged in all sorts of things, and just breathing life into the whole world of the server itself. A constantly evolving construct. But more than that, that this is a game and all that you do isn't anything paid for or anything like that. Entirely to have fun and excitement, to tell those stories that you wanna tell, and keep things going strong. That selfless urge to just hop on and help others, as well, alongside these great stories. I can't say enough how appreciative I am of the staff as a whole, and the time they always put into this community, and to the players. It truly makes this such an amazing place to play and have fun. And that goes for more than just the storytellers, but everyone working on all that keeps the server afloat and evolving.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: LichKnight on Oct 24, 2021, 02:38 PM
I tend to forget to give feedback after an event and i'm sorry about that! I'll try to be better at it going forward. I'll start with this thank you post :-)

I'll start with a big thank you to and for all their hard work they've put into making this amazing HWC plotline (Seriously, the amount of research that has gotten into this is incredible). I first met Melody on a different server many years ago, where he also did amazing work as a DM, so I was not surprised at all to find him DM'ing here on CD, nor surprised that HWC is so well received. Thank you both again, and thank you for involving my filthy exiled Drow. I also really enjoy reading both of your IC posts regarding the happenings around CD - It makes the server seem more alive imo. 

Next up, ! It's amazing what you can do script wise! We're all very lucky to have you here on CD and I can't wait to see what else you can cook up :) You're a great storyteller too, as you proved with your Tombstone plot. I loved every minute of it - It took us to some exciting places and I never knew where it was going next.

The entire DM team here on CD is just very friendly and helpful.

A big thank you to (Congratulations for a well deserved promotion), and for involving me in your plots - They were awesome and so much fun! (Who the hell would ever had guessed Kron would ride a dolphin through the deep sea :b) 
The three of you especially have been so lovely and friendly. I appreciate you <3 

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: thorien on Oct 27, 2021, 06:45 PM
I would like to thank  for DMing Eina's personal plotline related to her (private) PRC request! Autumn Winds will remain one of the most memorable events I ever had on CD and I wish to express my absolute gratitude for keeping me on my toes all the time and making me second-guess every single choice I made, for showing an extreme amount of patience and kindness outside the game and for being merciful, despite the constant dice curse that lingered upon me during your event. ;)

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: hyrulee on Oct 31, 2021, 07:24 AM
I just wanted to take the time to thank a few DM's who have always made this place feel welcoming, and told stories that I've genuinely been invested in.

Melody -
I really appreciate how much time and care you've put into HWC with the help of Blackheart and more picking up ad-hocs and other quests. It's been an absolutely amazing story that I'm invested in until the end! I look forward to seeing where this plot goes, and the effect that it will leave on the server. You've always been kind and understanding to me IC and OOC. I appreciate you as a DM, and as a person. I think you've done wonderful things for this server as a whole. A very unique DM who absolutely deserves praise.

Banshee - 
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for picking up Soley's personal plot. You've put in so much effort in such a short amount of time, and I genuinely appreciate the care and dedication you've put into telling that story. Even when we messed up, or missed opportunities, you ran with it! It all felt really personal and real, and I absolutely adore the quest. Thank you so much for doing this. I look forward to the Atonement, but admittedly I'll be sad when it's over. I look forward to seeing more quests from you.

Nuclear Nibbles - 
Rin's personal plot was a genuine blast, and I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me OOC about what my expectations were, and the story behind my oldest character. You really brought more life to his story, and surprised me at several points in the plot. You did wonderfully, and I don't think anyone else could have done it as much justice as you have. I'm sad that it's over, but you brought the story to a very heartfelt and meaningful end. For that I'm very grateful. Thank you Bushy.

Blackheart - 
I really don't know where to begin. I have always enjoyed your events. When I first joined this server, you made me feel welcome and were a genuine blast to RP with. Whenever I'd join events, you made me forget that I was a new player. I felt welcomed and cared for regardless of how long I had been there. You've made this server a genuine blast to play, and I'm very grateful for that. Be it Player-side or DM-side you're a genuine treat to interact with. I can't give thanks enough, especially, for your plot 'Radiance'. I absolutely adore the story, and you have created something I will adore for a very long time. Each NPC feels like a real person, and you've created an atmosphere for the players in that plot that makes it feel like we're all so much closer to one another. I've gotten the chance to talk to players I didn't speak to as much on Cormyr. It's such a unique experience that I won't forget. You've really set the bar high for DM's and their plots. I cannot give enough praise for your work on Radiance. It's absolutely wonderful and I am so glad that I get to be a part of that. Thank you so much.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: platinum01 on Nov 21, 2021, 01:58 PM
& ~ Thank you thank you for running events with such intense story and player-driven consequences. It has been a blast to participate in HWC & join so many others in a mass effort to save Cormyr and the Dalelands. It offered the opportunity to engage in role play with other characters with whom I do not often interact. Additionally, it helped the Green Wardens get their name out there, nurturing their reputation, while they bonded!! I have enjoyed both of your events so far; I definitely look forward to more!! Kudos to you both!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: JadeDragon on Nov 25, 2021, 11:32 AM
platinum01 Avatar
 &  ~ Thank you thank you for running events with such intense story and player-driven consequences. It has been a blast to participate in HWC & join so many others in a mass effort to save Cormyr and the Dalelands. It offered the opportunity to engage in role play with other characters with whom I do not often interact. Additionally, it helped the Green Wardens get their name out there, nurturing their reputation, while they bonded!! I have enjoyed both of your events so far; I definitely look forward to more!! Kudos to you both!!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Sir Ven on Dec 16, 2021, 01:04 AM

From light hearted fun, puzzles and tests, stories with depth, treasure hunts and Fox's scripting "Magic" - so often praised, discussed and praised and adored by the community.   CD would not be the place it is without them.

I and many others are very grateful.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Dec 16, 2021, 11:54 AM

I second what has said. The snowball hunting has been a nice way to turn off my brain when I need breaks from the Toolset, and the names and titles for Phildave have been amusing. :-D

I do not think I will reach the best snowglobe, but it has been fun regardless! Thank you for adding some lighthearted fun that we have definitely needed lately.


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: DubiousScroll on Dec 21, 2021, 07:19 PM
Giving a shout out for always helping me set up with my altitus and always being a good sport about it.

Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Nymera on Dec 21, 2021, 08:20 PM

Because an impromptu cooking class was some of the most fun and creative RP for so many PCs that I've seen in awhile!  (And for so many other great quests, but this one delighted me most recently)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: DubiousScroll on Dec 26, 2021, 03:06 AM
and @belladonna

The ad-hoc Snow King quest and waiting in line (twice!) for Santa Phedra was so much fun.  It also helped me get into the holiday spirit while fighting with work deadlines and other stresses.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Malefic on Jan 02, 2022, 08:55 PM
Thank you for the fun time in candyland!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: SpacePope on Jan 02, 2022, 10:00 PM
Agreed, thanks for the experience!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: FaeFae on Jan 02, 2022, 11:04 PM
 - Thank you very much for your assistance and your patience!
and  - I enjoyed the roleplay scene immensely, and so, thank you for your lovely narrative chops!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Malefic on Jan 03, 2022, 07:39 PM
runs a good business meeting. It was really fun and I am looking forward to what comes next!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fox² on Jan 15, 2022, 04:43 PM
Heya folks, just a reminder that if you're sending feedback about an ADM's quest it should be sent directly to the SDM team. I've moved your posts to our feedback area.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Jan 22, 2022, 06:06 AM
Thank you to Fox^2 and TheCunningLinguist for taking the time to answer my questions via Discord PMs!

And thank you again to TheCunningLinguist for offering to smite my PC into the next life with a 6-Ton Tiger Plushie. I await it eagerly!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Jan 29, 2022, 08:25 PM
Thank you Malefic for the Lathander event, it was fun!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: haroshia on Jan 31, 2022, 09:37 PM
Hey Ladybug.  Thanks for the tasks.  Was fun to be creative and show a bit of my character's personality!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Feb 01, 2022, 09:39 AM
Thank you to Nokteronoth/TheCunningLinguist for being there to answer my questions via Discord DMs!

And thank you to Melody for deleveling my Chargen Character so they can be LETOed and prepared for Half-Celestialhood!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Feb 03, 2022, 11:13 PM
Thank you Malefic for the adhoc Undead mystery today; it was fun!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: hyrulee on Feb 06, 2022, 03:42 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone involved in the Radiance plot. I've never been ~genuinely~ sad for a plot to end before, but I am really going to miss Radiance. Thank you  for the most genuinely unique plot experience I've had on NWN. Though I'm sad that it's over, I truly am overjoyed that I had a chance to experience it. 

Thank you so much. 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edwardfalcona on Feb 06, 2022, 04:21 PM
I want to mirror Lee here and thank Black heart and the crew of Radiance , it was a truly lovely plot and had some great interactions in it thanks for the hard work put into it , it was really just the best time.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: turtle on Feb 06, 2022, 05:39 PM
Yes thanks to Blackheart for the Radiance plot and everyone else involved with it! It was a very enjoyable experience.  I do apologize to everyone for Njal's behavior he isn't the brightest and can be a bit of an a-hole at times.  I did enjoy everyones RP and the questing it was very fun.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: platinum01 on Feb 06, 2022, 05:39 PM
Thank you for the invitation into the unique Radiance plot. I had a lot of fun with the story, the original lore, the fellow players, and the NPC's. I am sad to see it end; but like all things...

I look forward to taking part in other quests you run should I be able to sign up fast enough to take part. Thank you thank you thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Feb 18, 2022, 05:27 AM
Thank you Ladybug for the Miner Concern event, it was fun, and Dwarvish, with a bit of a twist! I'm looking forward to the the next installment :-)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eruheran on Feb 25, 2022, 05:07 PM
Thank you  (Eidolon) for the wonderful short quest. I really enjoyed the way you portrayed the NPC's and the environment, and the attention of the NPC's to us as our characters.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Caerylia Durothil on Feb 25, 2022, 05:39 PM
I thank Malefic (Eidolon) for the Wondrous Tales - a Mad Whorl event! ♥ It was short and sweet and satisfying!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: LichKnight on Mar 01, 2022, 12:47 PM
A big thank you to aDM Rykka for all the love and hard work she has been pouring into the Underdark and us evil-doers. The new Underdark expansion is amazing and a joy to walk through.
We just concluded one of her plotlines two days ago and what a journey it was - I look forward to more!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Mar 10, 2022, 08:59 PM
Thank you Ladybug! Maybe a Miner concern, but Major fun! ;-)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: haroshia on Mar 11, 2022, 05:25 AM
snorriht Avatar
Thank you Ladybug! Maybe a Miner concern, but Major fun! ;-)
Echoing this.  It was a great quest and makes for a great story :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: psieco on Mar 11, 2022, 11:05 AM
Thanks for lady bug for quest miner concern
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: SpacePope on Mar 11, 2022, 11:24 AM
haroshia Avatar
snorriht Avatar
Thank you Ladybug! Maybe a Miner concern, but Major fun! ;-)
Echoing this.  It was a great quest and makes for a great story :)
Same here! Got surprised by the direction it went, and I had a lot of fun. Now I've got plenty of stories to tell about creepy demon-moles :D
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Mar 12, 2022, 09:20 AM
Thank you to Wolfgar for implementing my rebuild and guiding me through the process!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eruheran on Mar 13, 2022, 01:45 PM
Had a really wonderful scene with   's guidance. Both Caerylia and I enjoyed it so very much.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Running With Razors on Mar 14, 2022, 08:09 PM
Eruheran Avatar
Had a really wonderful scene with     's guidance. Both Caerylia and I enjoyed it so very much.
I am objectively not sure if Eruheran is talking about the same session I was part of, but if it was, then I too thank ! Even as a (indirect) witness, I enjoyed it nonetheless :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eruheran on Apr 11, 2022, 04:15 PM
I was really surprised by the amazing work DM and  did for Evelyn's garden party. Handling all those various NPC personalities and player interactions was really quite something. I hope you both got some good rest after that. Know that we greatly enjoyed it.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: isthisthingon on Apr 12, 2022, 12:12 AM
I wanted to thank for their traveling artist event from a few days ago -- it was a great change of pace, and the kind of small happening that makes the whole setting seem more alive. Really enjoyed the chat my character got to have in reacting to it. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Apr 12, 2022, 04:26 AM
I wish to thank Edge for a wonderful experience. It was truly more than I expected, and I'll be thinking about those beautiful scenes for a long, long time :-)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Apr 14, 2022, 05:53 AM
Many thanks to Wolfgar for Ashes of a Mother quest! It's been riveting so far!

And many thanks to all the DMs/Admins who helped with the Lady Protector's Garden Party event! I'm sure it was a lot of work, but I can definitely say it was well worth it!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Apr 14, 2022, 07:54 PM
The Spoofini event was at the couverture level of quality and fun, Thank you Ladybug!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: psieco on Apr 15, 2022, 03:43 PM
would like to thanks and congrats the dm klud (i dont know if this is the name ) that make quest of old man that make pictures
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Epi on Apr 16, 2022, 03:06 AM
LichKnight Avatar
A big thank you to aDM Rykka for all the love and hard work she has been pouring into the Underdark and us evil-doers. The new Underdark expansion is amazing and a joy to walk through.
We just concluded one of her plotlines two days ago and what a journey it was - I look forward to more!
I just need to echo this. I love all DMs equally, and then one DM more equally than the rest. Ty for bringing all my fantasies to life with text and ambiance and areas. <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fluffyduck on Apr 16, 2022, 03:35 AM
I wish to thank Melody for being an absolutely wonderful help ever since I joined this server. Let it be her extensive knowledge of FR to help out with some feedback, telling stories in-game, open to communication and so on. An amazing roleplayer to be around for sure and I am looking forward to more experiences with her!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Sidhe on Apr 16, 2022, 04:57 PM
Shout-out to Cherry Coke for a simple, fun little run-in with a peddler that broke a lot of ice and provided more than a few conversations of the "what's in the box??" variety. The efficiency in terms of activity generation for such a brief interaction was something to behold, and it really deserves mention. Kudos.  8-)


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Apr 17, 2022, 04:08 AM
Sidhe Avatar
Shout-out to Cherry Coke for a simple, fun little run-in with a peddler that broke a lot of ice and provided more than a few conversations of the "what's in the box??" variety. The efficiency in terms of activity generation for such a brief interaction was something to behold, and it really deserves mention. Kudos.  8-)


Please keep in mind this is for DM kudos, we have a separate thread for player feedback here! (Cherrycoke is a player on CD.)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fox² on May 01, 2022, 10:24 PM
I had an absolute blast in Jazzmyra's plot, especially in today's finale. Thank you !
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on May 02, 2022, 04:12 PM
Melody Avatar
Sidhe Avatar
Shout-out to Cherry Coke for a simple, fun little run-in with a peddler that broke a lot of ice and provided more than a few conversations of the "what's in the box??" variety. The efficiency in terms of activity generation for such a brief interaction was something to behold, and it really deserves mention. Kudos.  8-)


Please keep in mind this is for DM kudos, we have a separate thread for player feedback here! (Cherrycoke is a player on CD.)
I'm guessing they meant Cherry Bomb, who is =)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jazzmyra on May 04, 2022, 08:37 AM
Fox² Avatar
I had an absolute blast in Jazzmyra's plot, especially in today's finale. Thank you !
I want to second all that, it was amazing and the ending was awesome! Really loved it and made me happy that I applied for it to happen <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eruheran on May 14, 2022, 08:39 PM
Little late on the post but many thanks to BH for running the El'Tael quest to MD and our inclusion. A neat story that has opened a couple doors.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: aliirielle on May 15, 2022, 09:21 PM
I just wanted to take a moment to once again thank for the amazing questline. I'm so honored I got to be a part of it and truly had a wonderful time, from the very beginning to the very end tonight.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on May 16, 2022, 06:41 AM
I also want to thank  for the awesome ORTA plot he ran. It was so much fun and I'm so grateful for all the hard work you put into it. It was a dream fulfilled for Melody and for me.

Genuinely, thank you.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Garage Trashcan on May 16, 2022, 09:02 AM
I would also like to thank for ORTA. I don't have much to add beyond echoing what others have already said. Thanks for the fun ride, buddy, and I look forward to the next one.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lackofimagination on May 16, 2022, 07:11 PM
I want to thank for the ORTA plot. It was amazing and the developments that it created and all the subsequent roleplay with other players has been absolutely awesome.
Thank you for the exps, the fish and the items, but most of all, thanks for your time and I hope you had as much fun as we did!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on May 17, 2022, 07:42 AM

Many Thanks to Melody for doing my Relevel! And many many blessed thanks to Nokt for helping me through my Toolset setup related idiocy!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: haroshia on Jun 05, 2022, 12:29 AM
Thanks to Wolfgar for everything involved with the Samia plotline, the scheduling nightmares, the crazy effort they put in to making their environments (even if we blow by some of the easter eggs), helping me with releveling and generally being a cool Hugbear.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Jun 06, 2022, 05:55 AM
Seconds what Haroshia said
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: isthisthingon on Jun 13, 2022, 08:54 AM
Want to thank for their string of 'heist' type pop-up events. All unique and well thought out, with interesting threads keeping them connected. Even a few follow-up consequences that helped make them feel like they were a part of the overall world. Had a blast!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Jun 16, 2022, 08:49 PM
Thank you all the DMs involved in today's THTF Ad-hoc!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: forte on Jun 16, 2022, 11:01 PM
Thanks to everyone who participated and especially the DMs for handing out such a well balanced little ad-hoc today and getting several characters involved or interested. Very solid stuff today!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lackofimagination on Jun 17, 2022, 12:11 AM
Thanks to all the staff of C&D, because we're not sure exactly who did what, but I'm pretty convinced at one point or another, you all pitched in.

So, Thanks for the whole main server/event server setup, the quests and events you're running.
Today had, what... probably around 50 and 70 people fighting two separate and large battles on the Event server. It was not a "peerless" experience for everyone, but I for one hardly got a faintly noticeable latency at the thickest of the fight. Most of the second battle of Highmoon happened with spotless responsiveness.

I was one who complained about growing lag and latency over the past few months, well I want to give you my respectful and grateful cheers for what you have done about it and the experience you continue to deliver to us all.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Jun 17, 2022, 03:36 PM
I don't think a DM plot could have shaken Annaya's view of the world much more then what Nibbles put her through did in the impromptu event.

Loved every moment of it. Thank you Nibbles (and the others in the party)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Jun 18, 2022, 09:09 PM
It's 3am.

I've played CD since 2pm yesterday essentially uninterrupted; that's 13 hours on the trot.

I have the most adorable Plushies. A Wind-Up Succubus. Tremendous Exhaustion from re-fighting three historic battles from the Server's history.

Today was AMAZING. Thank you to the entire DM Team for making it happen!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: sirnathan on Jun 22, 2022, 07:14 PM
Thank you dm black heart and adm songstress for the wonderful work you put into the story teller events!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Jun 22, 2022, 10:06 PM
Thank you Blackheart for the Mine experience. That was truly scary, my heart was pumping! :-)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: aliirielle on Jun 23, 2022, 12:08 AM
I wanted to take a moment to thank multiple DMs

-Thanks Melody for the crazy quests, so intense in such a good way!
-Thanks for jumping in to help with our split party and delivering such a terrifying encounter!
-Thanks for sticking around tonight while I relogged to make sure my new PC could move around

And honestly just in general, thank you all CD staff, wanting to stress once again how happy I am to be a part of this server <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Jun 24, 2022, 06:46 PM
I have just recieved my DM Blackheart item and I am more or less bouncing off the walls with joy. It's thematically amazing and lovingly described. I am awed by the care that's gone into it and I couldn't be happier with it.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Jul 11, 2022, 06:53 AM
I'd like to thank Wolfgar and Edge for their excellent events, both of which concluded yesterday. Wolfgar especially, given the sheer quantity of content he prepared for it. It made the journey epic.

Also thank you to Nokt/TheCunningLinguist (and honorary DM Misty) for helping me troubleshoot my flailings with Alter Self.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on Jul 29, 2022, 08:12 PM
I would like to thank DM Illithid (Yang) for a great little event, seems it's just the start of something darker, simple and to the point, plenty of rping and a good time. Now my character wonders who was that mysterious man that also wanted the neat!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snaer on Jul 29, 2022, 08:26 PM
agreed Dm Illithid did a great job it was rather refreshing to see dm work on here so nice .this was frist event iv been able to make it to on this server two thumbs up
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: branchie on Jul 29, 2022, 10:36 PM
I would like to thank DM Eidolon for the Croaking death event she ran for us!~ It was quite fun and we took a fair number of screenshots :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Aug 06, 2022, 11:55 PM
Want to thank  for the awesome combat event today. I know I mechanically died a few times and there were some in-game glitches, but especially considering this was a first time handling a mass-scale combat event, with varied level ranges, and some, I thought she did a fantastic job! It also was nice to see the background ongoings with the larger dragons, both allies and enemies.

Keep DMing! You are a gift to the server staff and I also can say between both in-game and voice chat, I have heard that there are many who feel the same as I do! <3 <3 <3

Thank you for running a short but sweet combat event. I also want to thank and for their assisting and for handling things smoothly even when snafus happen on the mechanic side (including with lag). Good call on the pauses, too, that happened, due to the head DM having had some technical stuff come up. 


Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: awakeninfinity on Aug 07, 2022, 09:08 AM
I want to say that I appreciate last night's event   - it was a definite blast; and I appreciate the time and effort that you put into it.  and  did a very good job in running their parts of the fight as well. Thank you all for it.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Aug 13, 2022, 12:44 PM
I'd like to give a huge compliment to ALL our DMs. Thank you for volunteering your time to entertain the players. You don't have to do that, and all your selfless kindness is genuinely appreciated. You're awesome, and I'm grateful for all of you for making CD a fun place to be!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eruheran on Aug 23, 2022, 10:53 AM
A bit overdue but to , I really had a wonderful experience with the muse questline. It was beautiful in many ways and I've rarely had many DM's in my years that could really produce that kind of magic, that consideration, and many more adjectives, all good in terms of storytelling. As a DM you were communicative, approachable, and understanding. Guiding when you needed to be, and firm when it was important to be. Thanks for the memories and the friendships along the way.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Running With Razors on Aug 23, 2022, 05:31 PM
I'm going to lean on Eruheran to thank for the wonderful tale that strongly involved Daniel and for having portrayed the Best Swordsman in the Faerun so flawlessly well! You're awesome.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Caerylia Durothil on Aug 24, 2022, 04:05 PM
I, too, would like to thank  for such an amazing experience. ♥ Thank you so very much for all those meticulous, beautiful stories! I already miss the Fellowship of the Muse!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Skeleton on Sep 17, 2022, 10:24 PM
I need to mention and give respect and love to DM Rykka for the Drow event, it was awesome, the way you were able to juggle us all, the intricate detail in the area, in the characters, the small goals tailored for us all, and the overarching story was incredible. Truly it was a action packed and fun NINE HOURS! Rykka you are literally a god, I dont know how you did it, but it was awesome.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Sep 18, 2022, 03:46 PM
Seconding everything that Skeleton says. Rykka, we don't deserve you.

Also many MANY Thanks to Fox^2 for weaving the Codemagic and making Rykka's area actually be able to be imported! Our Saviour!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: rahimus on Sep 18, 2022, 04:28 PM
Agreed with the previous post ! Rykka did an amazing job with the party ! I was extremely impressed by the number and quality of npcs, and the overall place. I think though that one dm for that many player was obviously a huge task, especially with the various activities/ interactions possible.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: trylobyte on Sep 18, 2022, 05:05 PM
Been a long time since I've had an event that was nine hours long, and I didn't even realize where the time went.  The Soiree was truly amazing, Rykka.  Thank you for all the hard work you put into it.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: aliirielle on Sep 21, 2022, 11:15 AM
Just like to leave a note of thanks for aDM Harlequin for adding the CW: Arachnophobia in their recent announced quest. It's much appreciated <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on Sep 23, 2022, 09:36 PM
Just wanted to offer thanks to for the chance to use the Doomguide abilities I so rarely get the chance to and props for being able to roll with the resultant curveball. :)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Black Venus on Sep 24, 2022, 11:59 AM
Thanks for the amazing fun you created. That was so creative and great fun. I loved all the puns and interesting creatures you made. Keep up the great work!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dorca on Oct 09, 2022, 07:39 PM
made me cry tonight. 10/10 would quest again.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Epi on Oct 12, 2022, 07:34 AM
^this. Super thankful for the custom areas, and personal plot, as well as tasty sacrifices (friends) <3 Rykka
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on Oct 14, 2022, 08:36 PM
Thank you, Dungeon Master Ladybug, for a wonderful sugary event, you had me laughing from the beginning to the end, that was a lot of fun!!

so much sugary fun!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snaer on Oct 16, 2022, 07:22 PM
thank you ladybug  for a great events both times in candy land were awsome love the creativity .I look forward to many more adventures in the future
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snaer on Oct 16, 2022, 07:24 PM
thank you Dm harlequine that was a fun thank you for the work you doin
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Melody on Oct 20, 2022, 06:14 AM
I want to praise  for his plot last night. All those areas were solidly built, the ambiance was wonderful, the NPCs were interesting (including the Easter egg), the VFX added to the last area were awesome, the plot was engaging, and the payoff was awesome! Thanks so much for all your hard work, I had a lot of fun and came out of it feeling like I wanted more!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Black Venus on Oct 25, 2022, 05:04 PM
Thank you and !! You both have done some amazing events. I love the crazy creativity you both show and the fun you bring to each of your quests. Thank you to for that fun spontaneous pumpkin smashing event! I needed something fun and boy did that get my blood pumping.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: DubiousScroll on Oct 25, 2022, 09:51 PM
I've been playing NWN for more than half of my adult life now and while I've been involved in a lot of great events (including the fun series Darkfangs has been running!) I don't have words to adequately describe how amazing the last session of THTF plot for the Willows Group B was. 

Edge and Rykka, thank you so much for the best 3ish hours I've ever had playing NWN.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Oct 28, 2022, 01:31 PM
Wanted to give a thanks to who went from playing Pierce to DM'ing in the event yesterday and delivered us all from much lag by allowing the huge group to be split.

Thank you! Truly!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Nov 12, 2022, 06:39 AM
Thank you to Fox for moving my request to the proper subforum/topic.

It's the little things, you know?
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fluffyduck on Nov 18, 2022, 10:16 AM
I want to give massive thanks to  for running an AMAZING adhoc for me while I was going through the gnoll dungeon. I didn't even care not to finish the damn thing because it just gave such a new and refreshing experience to the usual dungeon running and I'm just was amazing. And it did sort of make me feel like a hero <3
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Malefic on Nov 20, 2022, 02:58 PM
Thank you so much to for running Yrlisa's personal quest. It was just a perfect lighthearted but serious quest that really shone the collaborative storytelling that NWN servers can do. I know personal quests can be tricky but I thought it was handled masterfully.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Dec 17, 2022, 08:07 AM
Many thanks to Nokt/TheCunningLinguist for logging in to record a pair of Plot-Relevant rolls for me!

And many many many thanks to Rykka for taking time out of her horrendously busy schedule to find an artful way to involve non THTF people in the Underdark's THTF (Act?) Finale.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Running With Razors on Dec 17, 2022, 09:07 AM
A big thank you to for running my character's small personal arc from the quest "Hinue'illae" into a small questline of its own. Despite the group's insuccesses and a much tragic ending, I've enjoyed the questline a lot and I believe it established a good degree of roleplay opportunities for the nearby future.
Once again, thank you! You're awesome.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Dec 22, 2022, 07:22 PM
Just got my THTF DM Item of Edge manufacuture and I am gushing. Excellent work, and thank you so so much!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: DubiousScroll on Dec 23, 2022, 12:34 AM
Diestormlie Avatar
Just got my THTF DM Item of Edge manufacuture and I am gushing. Excellent work, and thank you so so much!
Me too!

Mine was so sweet, I loved it!

(Also, you're a nerd, Stormy)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Silveryfeather on Feb 03, 2023, 08:34 AM
Thank you for the amazing personal quest for Holly. You went out of your way to make sure we as players are feeling at ease and comfortable, despite the darker tone of the story.

You're creating awesome, vivid NPC and a surprising and intricate story for my character. I am so greatful for that <3

And of course i'm looking forward to see how the tale continues!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: haroshia on Feb 05, 2023, 12:17 PM
Thank you  for helping with all the shenanigans required with a relevel and odd Dragon Disciple type.  
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Dorca on Feb 18, 2023, 08:30 AM
Shoutout to   for a wildly fun event! It was the best kind of quest, the kind that leaves us with all sorts of drama to roleplay about going forward and will certainly leave a lasting effect on our characters. 

Thank you for not only allowing, but indulging our crazy bullshit.

Special thanks to   for the assist, to ensure we could all have a personalized and meaningful experience!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: DubiousScroll on Feb 18, 2023, 02:22 PM
I want to echo the above shout outs to  (and everyone else on staff involved, for us it's been , and  ) for how entertaining this MSQ has been for the past however many months it's been going on now.

Such a huge, impressive undertaking both in coordination and storytelling.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Mar 01, 2023, 06:13 PM
I want to thank  and ADM Glorious chancellor for a very exciting (censored due to time bubble) with a (censored) and a very (censored)!! Thank you both!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on Mar 01, 2023, 07:52 PM
I want to thank Raysiel and ADM Glorious chancellor for an exciting adventure, I rarely get to do dm events and I loved every moment of it, Great DMIng and fun time!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: lordi on Mar 01, 2023, 09:34 PM
I wanted to sincerely thank Melody for the quest he run today for a group of druids and nature wardens. It felt so good to see the effects of our efforts, and just being here as a part of the story.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: monique on Mar 01, 2023, 11:06 PM

I want to thank Raysiel and ADM Glorious chancellor, for the event ran by them it was at least for me my very first DM event ever it was fun, exciting and I enjoyed it very much. Every minute was full of wonder and excitement, thank you for the fun time.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Arya on Mar 02, 2023, 09:54 PM
I know it's been a spell but rest assured to staff, I am planning to send a load of compliments via the feedback form, too!

Recently I want to thank , , and  for the recent Abyssal adventure. The blurbs of lag aside and click-errors, it legitimately felt like we were dealing with the dangers and were seconds from storyline death or worse, especially when our group ran into the mini-boss fights and when and where. It was probably one of the few times since encountering Chloracridara in 's one event that I really questioned my choices and I was about to get pwn3d by the mobs.

Blackheart, I know you have not run the recent posted events yet, but thank you for the storyteller events! Just from the descriptions alone, I am excited to be a part of them and see how some very ancient and obscure lore in our part of editions and timeline get fleshed out, particularly in my areas of interest. :D

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: arkadem on Mar 08, 2023, 02:35 PM
Hey, just want to say thanks to the dungeon-mastering stylings of @pierce, and Adm vengeance for the amazing quests and ad-hoc events. They were SUPER brilliant!!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Anidith on Mar 09, 2023, 07:46 AM
I would like to thank aDM Vengence for two wonderful mini events I participated in recently. I had a great time in both of them, but I would like to report I am becoming rather paranoid That Anidith is going to be ported to some room somewhere surrounded by dragon rats.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snaer on Mar 17, 2023, 06:42 PM
it hard to name all the dms iv had good experiences iv had nothing but good sofar here but lately been loving all the work and ad hoc that aDM Vengence has been doing
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Mar 23, 2023, 07:01 AM
, it was quite a spectacular ride with a suitably horrific ending! I loved it! (Annaya did not.)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: arkadem on Mar 23, 2023, 07:27 AM
, It was a right fantastic experience, thank you so much!! One day, I will pull the red lever, this is my life's mission.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on Mar 23, 2023, 09:11 AM
, Thank you for the story, I had so much fun, Great dming!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Mar 26, 2023, 07:23 PM
, the stories were great once again. I loved the last two especially! The way you can juggle 60+ players on your own is astounding and the fact you're willing to do it time and again deserves a huge thank you. 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fluffyduck on Mar 26, 2023, 07:26 PM
I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon. Cudos for BH to be able to handle these massive events, making them both challenging and entertaining at the same time, as well as juggling so many players.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Running With Razors on Mar 26, 2023, 07:35 PM
Echoing the sentiments expressed above, and jumping on the Hype Train to thank for the time and energy poured into making these six events for us to enjoy!

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: aliirielle on Mar 26, 2023, 07:57 PM
Adding my own kudos a well for . Fantastic as always!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: ladybug on Mar 29, 2023, 09:31 PM
A big thanks to for coordinating everything with The Hand That Feeds. It's been a wild ride.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: KAObserver on Apr 06, 2023, 05:14 PM
  I already gave my feedback so this isn't it.  I just wanted to say thank you for doing Yang's Grandmaster Quest.  You didn't have to do that, but you did, and I appreciated it.  So thank you!

  Thank you for being a fantastic DM and running our HTF's plot group, humanitarian-aid.  I know you're busy teaching Rugrats all day so I appreciate you finding the time for this too.  Thank you!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Edge on Apr 06, 2023, 07:40 PM
It's been a long time coming, but I want to take this opportunity to give a MAJOR thanks to all my assisting co-DMs throughout the past year of running The Hand That Feeds.

I could NOT have managed a plot of this size without your assistance and cooperation.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on Apr 26, 2023, 08:05 PM
DM Vengeance was an absolute pleasure having you dm the opening of Shadow Arena, can't wait for part two!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: platinum01 on Apr 27, 2023, 02:17 PM
aka DM Vengence

Thank you for the Shadow Arena event. The unexpected twist was nice and I am looking forward to the next one. Plus, we had a pretty good team who coordinated.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: arkadem on Apr 27, 2023, 04:12 PM
Jumping in on this as well, mad props to , really had great fun with the Shadow Arena so far, can't wait to see what happens next
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Fury on May 08, 2023, 01:16 PM
A huge thank you to for running Some Sins Won't Stay Buried. The twist was great and she did an amazing job playing both Derek's loving older brother and the bad dad experience.

May Chipper rest in peace.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on May 10, 2023, 07:17 PM
A Huge Shout out to DM Vengeance, Shadow Arena was truly amazing and loved every moment of it!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: arkadem on May 11, 2023, 04:28 AM
Agreed! Absolutely massive props to for their incredible work making the experience fun and challenging.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: avatar6666 on May 18, 2023, 06:49 PM
Really good time with DM Eidolon little murder mystery, it was a total Goose much fun!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mibs on May 22, 2023, 04:36 PM
Bones of Sschindylryn event was a blast, many many thanks to DM Dorca! Would do politics (with kobolds) again 10/10
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 11, 2023, 12:39 PM
Long overdue thanks coming up! I've got an awful memory, and I'm the worst at giving compliments, but here we go:

: Our Kraken adventure was some of the most memorable quest I've been on, and I absolutely loved how you always tried make everyone feel involved and useful, despite the difficulty in making certain locale have things to do and react to for everyone. There was always some critter there to give Nylah something to do, and the whole quest truly felt -unique-.

: Your prose and the stories you tell and get us involved in are always a delight. You're awesome at making us feel connected to all the rich lore that's found in this setting we all love, and I've learned a -ton- about the FR thanks to you. Your NPCs always feel alive, well grounded in the setting, and I'd die for Manynests, Algallarch and Meliae!  I also love how much freedom of actions I always feel like I have in your quests!

: I've not been in a ton of quests with you, but that last event we had in DoM was intense in all the best of ways. Difficult choices to make, and you roleplayed that NPC to perfection. I've rarely met a character that felt so slimey and -evil- while still being so believable. To be honest, I wasn't sure how to feel about the event at the time: it took me some days to reflect and play out its impact to really begin to enjoy it, and now that I've had some time to think on it, I'd honestly say it's been the one event that had the most lasting impact on my character, leading to some of the most fun RP opportunities I've had afterwards as I played out its aftermath. It was a difficult one, but it's through these sort of events that our characters can grow the most.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: aliirielle on Jul 11, 2023, 01:35 PM
Wanted to quick drop some feedback I've been compiling together for awhile!

I can't tag all of you so I first just want to offer my appreciation to all of the staff and DMs here, you all do SO much great work! I hope you all know how wonderful you are and take enough rest from all that effort I know you all put in to making CD as great as it is <3

Looking forward to how Deeds of Cruelty progresses, I've so enjoyed interacting with Evita again!!!

Even though I chose the wrong character for it (not due to the plot itself) I enjoyed Coinflip, glad to have been able to be in your plot!

I've been so fortunate to be in several of your plots and I never cease to be amazed. Each time I think, "THIS is my favorite NPC" and then you bring out another. I feel no difference in NPCs you make up or NPCs that have canon behind them, they all feel firmly integrated and real.

I knew going into Destiny of Man I'd thoroughly enjoy myself, mostly because of how enjoyable ORTA was! The amount of juggling of various groups, keeping us all updated with the various lore and flavor posts, with rumors and maps and all the juicy bits has got to be so much work! So thank you for all you're doing! I've thoroughly enjoyed the events for the group I've been in, the surprises and set dressing, the lore I've learned through it and the path it's taken us has all been so fun. I've learned Faerun lore I never knew and enjoyed exploring it all as we've gone. I've run the full gamut of emotions through the quests (I knew you'd get me crying at least once!) and I can't stop going over each one for hours after, thinking over all the possible ramifications of each choice, what was learned, and thoughts on going forward. I'll second SpacePope's words regarding the last event, that NPC was perfectly evil but captivating at the same time. I'm excited to see how Destiny of Man proceeds and how it affects, not only the regions, but the characters as well
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Jul 28, 2023, 12:58 PM
Time to give some feedback!

Thank you . Your events make the PD even more rewarding and interesting to be a part of. I loved the trip to Willowband brook bank something so much I took half a day off to be able to attend part 2 in US evening times. That's a real compliment there. You're also a goof. Also a thanks to  for the assist! I bet there would have been much less passing of Catoblepas gas without you!

Thank you  for the work of art you dubbed Destiny of Man. I don't know how you manage to juggle so many parties but I really enjoy watching the story unfold (and taking a small part in it!)

Thank you  for the longest adventure I have ever been a part of. Your attention to detail and ability to weave a story really made the long voyage very very enjoyable.

Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: aliirielle on Aug 04, 2023, 06:29 PM
Okay, I have to add this. I've greatly enjoyed the DoM conference! Watching the politics, the delegates back and forth and they way the NPCs interacted was really fun to see. Also though, being able to speak to them. I can't imagine it was easy to go back and forth, having so many speaking to the NPCs and you jumping between. Plus they all just looked so awesome!! The Lion and the Fox, man if they were in a Dragon Age game they'd be in my party FOREVER. Mad props
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Running With Razors on Sep 19, 2023, 06:58 AM
Mkay I should've pushed this post sooner, but here it goes.
I wish to thank for the amazing Destiny of Man plot. It contained all of the things that I like in a D&D campaign: intrigue, plotting, nations and factions fighting for power, a cast of realistic and diversified NPCs and meaningful stakes, without fantastic creatures and extraplanar beings getting in the way. And you did all this alone!
This campaign has and will remain one of the highlights of my time here in CD. You're amazing!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fluffyduck on Nov 03, 2023, 05:24 PM
I'd like to to thank  for being a great help during Opening event for our drug den. I don't think it would have been nearly as successful as it was if it wasn't for her presence, making NPC's feel alive as well as helping us with a dice tournament. A true hero!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: snorriht on Nov 20, 2023, 09:28 PM
Quest: A Cunning Ruse - Beggars at the Feast

Outcome: I was laughing that much, I lost track of time xD

Thank you :-)
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Nov 27, 2023, 09:34 PM
A huge thank you to Dorca for her amazing Hag quests for the Underdark folk.

It was amazing.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Mibs on Nov 28, 2023, 05:11 AM
A big thanks to Dorca for making the Underdark so alive during the past few months. Every event I have participated in or heard of has been such a uniquely fun, interesting, and intense experience.
Dorca has gone above and beyond, being so creative in giving players things to do even between events. So once again, thank you so much Dorca for all of the effort put into the Underdark scene!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Tarostar on Dec 09, 2023, 03:29 AM
I'd like to give kudo's to  for the fantastic way she ran the Trial of Isthimus event.

Iron masterfully tuned the tone of the event from comedic to serious (gotta love that uh oh moment)  to bittersweet at the end and it was a delight to be part of that. I also liked the pacing of the event and the lack of a time bubble so we could rp what we saw and ask for advise even as the plot ran. While there was plenty of combat it never felt combat was the focus of the event, it always was the story and I always felt challenged to roleplay. 


*ahem* Excuse me. So yes, thank you Iron for an awesome journey. 
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Oddity on Dec 20, 2023, 08:24 AM
A big thanks to the staff for the holiday events and how you have executed it. Love the snowball arena!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: on Dec 31, 2023, 12:15 AM
A big shout-out to  for his Reindeer Games questline! This is the first DM run questing I've done since joining the server, and it was an absolute delight. I thought the story was wonderful, and the theme was so much fun! Really made this holiday season all the merrier!

And also, a shoutout to the entire staff for all of these holiday events! This has been so very wonderful. Players alike, for having your own little parties, events and celebrations. This has been a particularly lonely Christmas season for me personally, and this place has truly made it so much better than it could otherwise have been. So thank you to the staff, players and everyone who makes this place a happy second home! <3

<3 from Elsie & Kindra.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: fluffyduck on Jan 16, 2024, 08:33 PM
Big shoutout to and  for the whole Maerimydran siege/war experience that had been happening for quite a while by now. I dont think I've had so much of engaging roleplay that occured so actively and for so long such as these, with the persistent zone of conflict against the enemies that we face, the activity achieved either through various adhocs or the prompt table these DMs made and honestly, I would personally love to see more stuff like this, though I admit this is certainly a lot for one single person to achieve.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Blackheart on Jan 28, 2024, 07:15 PM
Thank you to @anatheme and @melody for the Evereska intro today.

I know this plot has been teased a while, and I know that some people are kinda new and maybe don't know that much about it.

For those that have asked themselves "ah, is it too late to request to join?" I would tell you that you should 100% ask Melody to let you in. This will be one of those dont-want-to-miss plots. All you need is an elf/half-elf, doesn't matter the level.

Trust me, you won't regret it.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Feb 04, 2024, 09:24 PM
A major thanks to Nokteronoth and DM Fury for stepping in to help with me doing something really stupid and needing a massive fix >.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Wargtimmen on Feb 05, 2024, 11:13 AM
Thank you to the DM team who worked on the part of Evereska story last night. I enjoyed and I look forward for the next.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Eruheran on Feb 14, 2024, 02:18 PM
If I could have a novel written by Melody to study, that'd be great. Even just a large record of dialogue would be swell.
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: destinysdesire on Feb 17, 2024, 03:14 AM
This has to be placed here, a special thank you to Fire Wraith for her hard work and dedication. Seriously, the updates have been amazing and I can't imagine the stress when it doesn't work out as hoped. Thank you very much for everything!!!!!
Title: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Jerec on Feb 17, 2024, 03:54 PM
And just in time for the ending of Paradox of the Hound, I have to congratulate   for the story. It felt like I was playing a 7th Sea adventure from start to finish, and that's a fantastically good way to feel. I can't recommend other players enough to try their future questlines when they have a chance.

Also, props to   for helping out during the third session, it really helped make Sembia feel a lot livelier! 
Title: Re: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Xaerien on Jan 11, 2025, 01:38 PM
Thanks to @probot for making a surprise appearance and providing support for today's player-run storytelling event
Title: Re: Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)
Post by: Diestormlie on Mar 13, 2025, 06:53 PM
I'd like to thank Edge for the event they just ran- especially how readily and aptly they handled/enabled the utter BULLSHIT my Wizard was pulling off.