Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Off Topic => Topic started by: Darvins on Oct 03, 2015, 01:46 PM

Title: Butcher does Steam-Punk airships
Post by: Darvins on Oct 03, 2015, 01:46 PM
So innocent me was walking by the Bookstore the other day when what do I see in the window... Jim Butchers new book... in his new setting, a steam-punk Fantasy world where everyone lives in 'Spires' and travels between them by Airship, to avoid the world filled with Monsters...

Oh yes and where there are sentient Cats, and magic and... Damn it people buy it. That is all. (The Aeronaught's Windlas be the name) If only so I can have someone to go 'That was Awesome' with
Title: Butcher does Steam-Punk airships
Post by: ladybug on Oct 03, 2015, 02:11 PM
I've been waiting for this to come out. I will definitely pick it up soon - Butcher has yet to write a fantasy I haven't had a blast with.
Title: Butcher does Steam-Punk airships
Post by: Edge on Oct 03, 2015, 02:12 PM
I have it but I'm neck-deep in another series at the moment (Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix); as soon as I finish that, I'll be picking up Cinder Spires and going to town on it.

Love me some steampunk and very interested in where Butcher goes with it.