This is where I spent my Saturday. The sad truth is that most of the kids in the video below wont live to see next Christmas. I cant imagine all that the kids and the parents have gone through and what they have yet to go through. I look at my four kids and am so happy and thankful for every moment I have with them. I have to say participating in something like this makes you truly cherish and be thankful for all the little things that we so often take for granted. I look at my problems.. and then look at what all these kids and their families have gone through and just think.. " How selfish am I? How can I complain or get angry or worry over the trivial problems I have when they can face what they are facing. And they do it with such strength. "
Jaime's Dream Team : A Christmas to Remember (news article)
Thank you for sharing this. It humbled me, and reminded me that while I am quite miserable with my situation at work, at least there are some things I need to consider adding to my 'grateful for' list.
Postscript: shared it on my Facebook just now.