This one requires a 2da change, but is easy enough to do and helps make most of the different categories of armor more desirable. Obviously, these changes wouldn't affect special types of armor such as Adamantine Plate.
AC 8: +1
AC 7: +2
AC 6: +3
AC 5: +4
AC 4: +5
AC 3: +6
AC 2: +7
AC 1: +8
Easy enough to do, and nothing too drastic. It mostly just helps ACs 2-7 be a -little- more desirable.
Personally, I would go slightly further and make armors have a little more sustainability until high levels of dexterity:
AC 8: +2
AC 7: +3
AC 6: +4
AC 5: +5
AC 4: +6
AC 3: +7
AC 2: +8
AC 1: +9
A good dexer can still exceed these values; even, say, a human rogue that starts with only 15 dex at level 1 can meet a +11 mod at 20, exceeding the 10 total value of any (non-special) armor + dex mod (and they can 'meet' the value as early as level 12, which is quick enough to get to on CD). Most of the good dexer armors pre-16/tier 4 are base AC 1-3 anyhow; most of the good dexer clothes/base 0 don't really come into play until tier 4.
If you wanted to thematically justify these changes, that's also easy enough to do. Just re-envision the types/names of some of the armors (D&D is horribly inaccurate in that regard anyhow, for those that care about such things).
AC 8: Plate Armor
AC 7: Plated Mail (not to be confused with the misnomer "platemail")
AC 6: Brigandine
AC 5: Mail (Haubergeon)
AC 4: Lamellar Armor/Scale Armor
AC 3: Mail Shirt (Hauberk)
AC 2: Padded Jack/Gambeson/Aketon
AC 1: Leather Jerkin
AC 0: Clothes
(Note that these would be typical names/types and not include special armors and weird stuff... after all, we do have light armors made out of dragon scales, druids making hide armor, elves and dwarves making special types of mail, etc...)