I've written about all of that on the Discord before, but I thought it best to summarize it on the forum so it doesn't get lost to time, so here are some thoughts and suggestions about possible improvements to shifters, being one of the few who've leveled one to the epic levels in the past few months.
Also, I know some of those are already under consideration and I'm already very thankful for all the improvements that have been made in the past months. Huge props to Fox and Vince for all of their work, and to all the other ones who may have helped behind the scene!
Minor spell changes
These applies to Druid too, but seem like minor issues that'd be easy to fix:
Mass TeleportAccording to the
forum spell list, druids should have access to Mass teleport, as it's supposed to be how "
Transport via Plants" is implemented.
Ingame, this does not hold up, as they only get the self-use teleport and not the mass one. Not a big issue, but it's a discrepancy that I think would deserve to be fixed, as the PnP spell allows them to bring other people. If not, maybe update the forum description?
Mass Eagle SplendorDruids get the single target eagle splendor spell but not the mass one. Not sure why, and I don't really mind it, but wouldn't it make sense to get both?
Shifter stuffFirst, I talked a lot about all of this on the Discord so just skip it if you've already read all of it, but to summarize, there is a lot of weird jank related to the class. Some of it is unfixable, but I'm sure that some relatively minor changes could already improve the versatility of the class by a lot and make the vast majority of the bad/useless shapes worth trying once in a while.
I'd also add that despite what some may think, the class is playable. I had (and still have) fun despite the bugs and weird balancing, and I don't think it needs some massive boost in power or anything. Shifters are tanky, especially so at epic levels due to the variety of immunities and DR possibilities, but without suddenly upsetting the entire balance by providing them massive offense, I think some small improvements could be made to help the main issue with playing one: that being the extreme laziness in which the Bioware devs implemented the vast majority of the shapes, making them redundant or even useless.
In sum, the class has some good forms to use, but they're very limited and I'd love for it to have a reason to use the other shapes it gets once in a while.
Tumble & SpellcraftShifter AC caps out very early at good numbers, but it's hindered from improvements at epic levels by the lack of tumble and bad Dex numbers on the shifter shapes. Druids get Tumble on CD, but not shifters. It's either a conscious balancing choice or an oversight, but I think it'd be nice to add it to them as it'd fix some annoying parts of leveling.
For example, I won't be able to get the 25 and 30 skill rank milestone in the skill until lvl 30, where I'll take a final level in druid just for it. This, despite the druid forms already providing better AC than the shifter ones, and T5 equipment or Epic spells (EMA) not improving AC at all for shapeshifted forms as we get Dodge capped very early.
I'd also add that, strangely enough, Shifters don't get spellcraft despite being a spellcasting class on CD. This makes it very annoying to hit those high Epic Spell DC targets. Could it be added, if they're to remain a spellcasting class? Otherwise, I would LOVE for shifter to lose the spellcasting and get massively improved shapeshifting, but I know that'd be a lot more work to balance.
Druid vs Shifter & CD specific changesThe changes to item merging made on CD are a huge boost to Shifter & Druids, but also have had a side effect of messing up the balance of pure druid vs going shifter.
As a whole, the shifter shapes tend to have much lower stats than those of a pure druid: druids get animal shapes and their dire forms faster than shifter get their "strong" shapes (ex: lvl 15 Dire Tiger for shifter, vs lvl 12 Dire Bear for druids), and the elemental forms have plenty of immunities as well as extremely high stat scores compared to anything that's exclusive to shifter.
In the vanilla game, this is balanced out by the fact that Druid shapes do not merge their items, while Shifter get to merge some of them, depending on the form. An example of that is the Air elemental getting 30 (34 for the elder one) dex, while the highest dex on a shifter-only shape is 22 for kobold commando (upgraded to 25 at lvl 27).
Most of the better shifter shapes are also exclusive to epic levels, and the upgrades to the basic forms are only unlocked at very high levels. Epic kobold is great, for example, but you get it at lvl 27 at the earliest, much later than even Dragon shape. Some of the shifter shapes also get worse stats at epic levels: Manticore and Harpy lose their Con or Dex bonus for example.
Currently, abilities like the Slaad (lvl 23 shape requiring 1 epic feat in greater wisdom and the feat in the shape itself) Chaos Spittle only do (shifter level /3 + 2)d4 damage, which is extremely underwhelming compared to the power level you find on CD, where most damaging spells have received a boost and where things like Swordmage exist. The damage calculation for the wyrmling breaths, Manticore spikes and Dragon breaths are similar, resulting in near useless abilities. Some of these also include very low DCs, making them even worse.
Proposal:To help matters, I'd suggest:
- making small changes to the stats of the existing shapes by rounding up all of the uneven stats (here's a LOT of them) and adding back some stat bonus to most forms where one of the phys stat is lacking. This includes for example the Constructs, which all have Str only and no other stats.
- adding the wisdom modifier to any and all abilities DC. Currently, none of the abilities are useful at the level you get them, since their scaling is usually limited to improvements per /2 or /3 shifter levels.
- I'd also look into improving the damage numbers of the damage abilities by making them scale per shifter level instead of /2 or /3.
- Add Spellcraft & Tumble to the Shifter skill list;
- Round up the uneven stats & add the missing stats on most of the shifter shapes;
- Make the shifter shapes special ability damage and DCs scale per shifter level instead of per /2 or /3 levels, and maybe add the Wisdom modifier to the DCs (like Illithid blast already gets)
I've made a spreadsheet with all of the most important stats for the shapes, if anyone wants to have a quick summary of what's available to the class right now.