Hey everyone.
Though I am just a player, I feel I am speaking for all concerned when I say patience and enthusiasm has been more than appreciated lately with all the bad timings and strange occurrences in the air. I know it is a bit of a hassle and disruption to people's individual routines when they regularly play on a server and it suddenly goes down. Anyone with any sliver bit of OCD symptoms can definitely feel the 'feels' on this topic (speaking for myself here).
So, I just thought I would come up with a list of options that one can consider for continuing the flow of roleplay that is cherished here. We all know how many creative minds we have when this place is active, so it just requires a small little extra creativity to keep stories going while we wait for a visual return to Cormyr and the Dalelands!
1. In-character posts, or old fashioned play-by-post (PbP).
Before I ever became immersed in online multiplayers, this was my original medium for gaming only surpassed by real life pen and paper (PnP). It takes time to put these posts together, but those who enjoy writing stories certainly will enjoy this for the while. This can mean an opportunity for making some memorable roleplay posts. You never know: a DM might take interest!
2. There is a list of Skype contacts in public. This is an opportunity to review this list and make roleplay buddies!
It takes a small bit of coordination, but Skype group conversations are good for having players get together and roleplay a story. Common sense for what can feasibly happen without DM assistance is a given, yet there are a number of scenes and adventures parties can have without in-game compensation or killing a powerful NPC or god. I enjoy doing this even when a server is not down, just so I can catch up on higher priority projects on the side!
3. Catch up on non-NWN games for a few days.
Many have Steam. I am going to echo what someone said already and say this is another opportunity for finishing up games, or binge-playing new ones for those with time on their hands. (I know I certainly am not among the latter.)
Thank you for your time, energy, and patience these past few weeks! I look forward to seeing the lot of you once all is resolved!
Much good wishes,
4. Sacrifice a virgin to Comcast to bring it back. In an emergency, virgin olive oil can work but tends to leave an odd aftertaste in the wifi.
Free to Play games I'd recommend, for bored people:
Warframe - Farmy FPS
GW2 - Farmy MMORPG
Path of Exile - Farmy Diabloclone
5. Fight each other to the death
Instructions were unclear. Got hand caught in blender.
At least it wasn't Bender.
6. Hit up Roll20 and run through some D&D Adventure League adventures. Get your characters leveled up for that local con you're dying to go to!
I see much goodwill and willingness to help and share what works for you in your post. Thank you for the positivity

I really miss logging in. :*( Hehe. I do miss all of you my new friends. I hope your enjoying the art work I have purchased for my character too!
As for what I've been up too? I've been just spending more time with my husband, and chatting on skype. As well as some additional attention to my pen and paper campaign that I play on Mondays.
Playing Pokemon Black2. Skyla's gym was created by a psychopath to drive players to murder. Stupid wind physics.
Also playing Castle Crashers with Ladybug. Very cathartic.
While the server has been down I have been playing the new expansion for Baldurs Gate 1, Siege of Dragonspear. It is pretty interesting so far.
Also Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, a Warhammer 40k spaceship RTS in beta. It is very fun, though still has some balance issues and features to be added before its April 21st release. Eldar are likely to be added tomorrow or Friday.
I can vouche that it is... look up fuzzypinkunicorns666 on steam if anyone wants to play.
Eldar aren't in the game yet though for testing. However- the orks are fun as heck. Just ramming and boarding everything.
Teehee, looks really neat. I had a chance to play miniature BFG and it was fun! Also, suits my current Rogue Trader P&P campaign. <.<
Praise the Emperor and strike down his foes!
Also would be down for a bloodbowl tournament for anyone whom might have BB: Chaos Edition or BB2
Playing Pokemon Black2. Skyla's gym was created by a psychopath to drive players to murder. Stupid wind physics.
Also playing Castle Crashers with Ladybug. Very cathartic.
Can confirm.
I'd say it's even worse than ParaFlinch Togekiss. And that says something.
Actually I think it is time for me to post the answer to the questions which are on everyones mind.
Brock, what sort of things do you play other then NWN with your steam library with WAY too many games (Over 300)?
I am glad you all finally asked. It's true I often play 3 games at once and it has driven me to have an extremely short attention span, but I am changing your question to "Hey what multiplayer games are you down to play?"
Well friends, romans, lend me your ear.
I am down for literally -ANY- table top game conversion. As my prior two posts went. I am down for creating a spontanous blood bowl tournament. I am also willing to crash some orks into some ships in BattleFleet Gothic. I also have Mordheim and probably 3 others which I am forgetting.
I also am down for literally -ANY- 4X. Anyone down for some Civ 5? Maybe some Endless Legend? (Highly recommend btw)
Side from that MOBA's, like everyone else I enjoy a good MOBA. BUt with Leagues Super Toxicity what do I play? Mostly Heroes of the Storm. Though I have been playing a new one call Supernova which is particularly interesting.
Miscellaneous games? Always down to play Warframe, and I've been playing Dungeon Defenders 2 now that the Abyssal Lord has came out.
Now I know what you're thinking "Brock how the heck do I even contact you to play these amazing games?" well I posted my steam. I'll post my Battlenet ID. Skraaj#1660. If you want my Skype to just chill. Well send me a PM.
Nothing, nothing is as annoying as the goddamn Milktank in old Silver version.
Actually I think it is time for me to post the answer to the questions which are on everyones mind.
Brock, what sort of things do you play other then NWN with your steam library with WAY too many games (Over 300)?
I am glad you all finally asked. It's true I often play 3 games at once and it has driven me to have an extremely short attention span, but I am changing your question to "Hey what multiplayer games are you down to play?"
Well friends, romans, lend me your ear.
I am down for literally -ANY- table top game conversion. As my prior two posts went. I am down for creating a spontanous blood bowl tournament. I am also willing to crash some orks into some ships in BattleFleet Gothic. I also have Mordheim and probably 3 others which I am forgetting.
I also am down for literally -ANY- 4X. Anyone down for some Civ 5? Maybe some Endless Legend? (Highly recommend btw)
Side from that MOBA's, like everyone else I enjoy a good MOBA. BUt with Leagues Super Toxicity what do I play? Mostly Heroes of the Storm. Though I have been playing a new one call Supernova which is particularly interesting.
Miscellaneous games? Always down to play Warframe, and I've been playing Dungeon Defenders 2 now that the Abyssal Lord has came out.
Now I know what you're thinking "Brock how the heck do I even contact you to play these amazing games?" well I posted my steam. I'll post my Battlenet ID. Skraaj#1660. If you want my Skype to just chill. Well send me a PM.
I'll take you up on 4X if you like. I have both Civ 5 and Endless Legend as well as a few others.
Nothing, nothing is as annoying as the goddamn Milktank in old Silver version.
STARMIE used Recover!
Playing Pokemon Black2. Skyla's gym was created by a psychopath to drive players to murder. Stupid wind physics.
Also playing Castle Crashers with Ladybug. Very cathartic.
Can confirm.
I'd say it's even worse than ParaFlinch Togekiss. And that says something.
The battle with her was actually really easy. Crobats never flinch, my Ampharos got a Static off in the first round, and my Magmar just tanked her Skarmory.
The gym itself on the other hand was a pain in three or four different backsides.
I've been playing Diablo 3 and crying in to a bag of chips.
EDIT: I suppose I should actually post some usernames for people to hit me up at.
Battle.net: Bladecutter#1888
I have been spending time with hubby, Playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (old memories), babysitting and dreaming of my event with Bella....which the server seems to hate for some reason lol.
I can vouche that it is... look up fuzzypinkunicorns666 on steam if anyone wants to play.
Eldar aren't in the game yet though for testing. However- the orks are fun as heck. Just ramming and boarding everything.
Trailer for Eldar dropped today and they said they are being added in next week. I hope the 2v2 and friend matches will also be added in at the same time.
I keep resisting the urge to post an apology for not playing much this week and how I miss everyone ... but then I realize you're all on break with me, and I'm just a derp.
Meanwhile, I have been...
Reading the The Song of the Lioness novels by Tamora Pierce (Thank you for the recommendation, Surri!)
Playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. On the last dungeon now! Hooray.
Catching up on Netflix Series
and last, but not least ... restoring my drawing tablet. It had a poor experience, which resulted in a loss of all my current projects. Working on redrawing some things!
Nothing, nothing is as annoying as the goddamn Milktank in old Silver version.
Croconaw uses Rage!
Miltank uses rollout!
Croconaw's attack rose!
Croconaw uses Rage!
Trying to level up a Pidgey or a Rattatta in Yellow version to try and even do damage against Brock....
You need to go to the grass patches west of Viridian City and grab a Nidoran - either gender - or Mankey. Both learn Fighting moves (Double Kick and Low Kick respectively) at low levels in Yellow only (much higher levels in RB) and can help you power through Brock.
Sounds like an advocation of WEAKNESS. Pikachu or bust!
Yeah good luck with that. The games don't allow for silly things like water sprinklers removing a Ground-type's Electric immunity =P
I still don't understand why that would have even worked in the first place.
The cartoon series made me mad and I actually wanted Pikachu to get permadead forever for ignoring game mechanics. >.>
You put him in the box for sassin' you. You take the thunderstone, you little rat. I wants me a Raichu. Oh, you refuse? Guess it's Jolteon time.
Ash violates the type chart in probably every episode. I guess that's what you can do when you're immortal.
Ash was put into a coma the first time Pikachu shocked him, he gets to make the rules about what works or doesn't, it's his brain shutting down.