I was playing with Arilyn and then crashed suddenly, and can't get back on. If it was just me, then I apologize, and hope to catch you again later!
It's down on both the main entry and event servers
Ah. Well, at least it's not just me!
Momma's nature prolly smack the hosts power
The portal scripts on Login and Event aren't working for me. I can get into them fine and I can ping the main server, but I can't portal from either Login or Event to the main server, it just times out.
The event portal hasn't worked in months (since we went to the passworded main server). Do not try to use it.
The IP address changed last night. This means that the login server needs to be updated (by FW or Vincent) to correctly redirect to the main server's new IP address. Please be patient; the servers should be up sometime this afternoon/evening.