Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Art & Stories => Topic started by: clownbaby on Jul 27, 2020, 07:15 PM

Title: Furgil’s Notes on Cormyr Locals
Post by: clownbaby on Jul 27, 2020, 07:15 PM
A travel-worn and weathered dwarf covered in thick furs and leathers has been coming and going from the Seraph inn, occasionally stopping by the commons to meet new folks and hear new rumors. He keeps an old leather-bound book on him that he uses to record his interactions.

Benari: The ladydwarf is unique among our kind, preferring the martial training of fists over steel. A strange choice but not without merit, so I have learned. As fair a rinn as they come but deadlier than any shieldmaiden I have seen.

Uxcaex or "Ux": A half-man half-dragon creature. I approached Ux asking about his strange appearance and he was friendly and forthcoming. Apparently the result of a silver dragon mating with a human... I wonder if dwarves can mate with gold dragons?

Tindra: Met her at The Seraph and exchanged some kind words. She's in charge of the local orphanage. A red head elf as kind as she is beautiful.

Kyle: A quiet man, apparently married to Tindra...

Raz-something: Another result of dragon mating with man. This one is quiet and from what I can tell is the spawn of a red dragon.

Celdor: A blue skinned elf, pulled him out of his arcane studies to find out why, apparently the elf was born with that blueberry skin. Seems to be an adventurer and likely has some interesting tales to share. Hope he likes ale. Korgan learned he uses magic and is what some call a "Bladesinger" ..Never heard of one.
Title: Furgil’s Notes on Cormyr Locals
Post by: clownbaby on Aug 02, 2020, 01:41 PM
Ashcliffe: Now here is a fellow with a strange way of talking. I nearly crippled the hin for wiggling his magic on me, but it's good I didn't. He's got some connections and can find some proper dwarven ale in these lands, which he uses to stay on my good side. So long as he can keep the fine ale flowing, I'll have him around. But I'm still watching him around my coin.

Hinnie: A hin lass that has the look of a warrior about her. She speaks a bit of the golden tongue, albeit poorly, and has a fine spirit. She seems to be a friend of Ashecliffe and I'm looking forward to watching her drink him under the table at the next contest.

Nari: This elf either has a few screws loose or is likely one of those half-mutts that change form in secret when none are looking. Nay to trust this one.