Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: whitespirit on Nov 02, 2015, 11:44 AM

Title: Search and Rescue Initiative
Post by: whitespirit on Nov 02, 2015, 11:44 AM
Hello everyone :)

I had this idea recently and was wondering if it was feasable.

A sign in central where people can click on to enlist that they are adventuring in the case they get defeated and want to wait for a search party. Clicking on that sign shows who is in which area. If someone got defeated and is waiting for a search party, the sign could be sporting an unobtrusive visual effect.

To be more precise... I envisioned the sign to be clickable and starting a conversation with the pc who clicks on it. In this conversation, the pc could browse through the enlisted people (if there are any). It would list names and general area like this... maybe it would even be possible to let the person you are going to search for know that a search party is underway. By clicking the name it might send them an automated message or so...

Gobbo the Goblinator - Goblin Caves (Hullack Forest)

That may give people an idea who is where and may enable them to organize a search party. Tell contact with the person to be searched for is, in this instance, a good thing I think because it lets the person know others come looking in favor of them having to wait and get bored.

The idea of this is to promote an additional approach to dungeoning ((more reasons to go dungeoning are always good ^.^)) and to generate rp. Enlisting on this sign would be completely voluntarily. But if one does not enlist, then goes adventuring and then gets defeated, people won't know. But then, people can always respawn ^.^ This is a voluntary initative aimed to offer additional possibilities.

If this is a bad idea I apologize :)