Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Off Topic => Topic started by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Jan 05, 2017, 03:38 AM

Title: Siege of Dragonspear - Worth a Buy?
Post by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Jan 05, 2017, 03:38 AM
Basically as the title asks. I trust at least some of you have played it, so I'd like to know if you think it's worth picking up. I've been carefully reading a lot of reviews, and I'm pretty torn; from what I hear, the writing isn't exactly terrific (not even considering that controversy that impacted the game, something I couldn't give less of a shit about, in truth), and the game progression is pointedly linear, though the latter part doesn't bother me so much, I don't think. The Baldur's Gate games are easily my favorites, so I'm itching to see what they've done for original content, especially considering they've managed to round up a lot of the original voice actors (!).

For anyone that snagged it: Is it worth it, or should I give it a pass?
Title: Siege of Dragonspear - Worth a Buy?
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Jan 05, 2017, 08:07 AM
Do you want more BG? yes.

Is it as good as the originals? No.

Are you going to get mad that "Some SJW bullshit shoving trans agendas down my throat in my FANTASY game!!!!111!1" for some random side-character that isn't important to the plot, or any side-quests, and you don't even have to talk to? No.

You'd probably at least be satisfied with it, but wish it was better.