Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Player Announcements => Topic started by: winterhawk99 on Apr 26, 2020, 09:47 PM

Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 26, 2020, 09:47 PM
Ok, after working I had a long phone call with my wife to sort of make Lauriella more server friendly. We were bouncing mud off the wall like we use to do with Dallo and Nereng for The Harvest Moon server. She helps with keeping my mind straight on various NWN projects and novels in progress or for the future. My secretary so to speak.

I kept coming up with ideas, and she would shoot them down. You already did this on broodslayers. You did that in Alangara rising, You, did that in Anchorome. A little frustration on my part coming up with something new. Finally, we decided Lauriella should leave Cormyr.

I am starting the last children of hell novel in august or September. I needed a break because I went straight into the second novel after the first. So, I am practicing writing with Lauriella and of course promoting my book series. She is really done it too. I picked up about 15,000 downloads of my books since I made her about 4 months ago.

Once I get into writing a novel I really don't have too much time for anything else. A little playing on Dragonlance Chronicles reborn, making a few quests for the server or dming. Black Rider is a pretty good friend of mine. Wish he was around when we were working on CTP I would have told Bannor Bloodfist to pick him up. BR is still working on the Solace tileset and doing a bang up job.

So My wife and I had to make a decision. Lauriella will finish out her vigil do her thing with Azalea. She'll pack her bags up, buy a small Sloop and sail off to the next server for review. I really have to do as many reviews as possible before I start working on the next novel. I wont be able too when I start really writing.

We will be writing a novel about Lauriella and her travels. She's going to name her sloop the Moon Lily and as I review other servers she'll be my main character on them and the book will be about all her travels around Fearun. *wink*

From that regard one or more of these characters may be in the book. If anyone remembers the 2009 custom content fight with CEP, I was heavy involved with sticking up for the CC people including myself over CEP outright stealing peoples work and not giving them a pat on the back in the comments section of the placeable's, tilesets, items and other things. This was all about Barry1066 who at the time was the lead of CEP and was making it look like other peoples work was his.

I may put one or more of these characters in Travels of the Moon Lily unless the owner of the character does not want me to do that. Then please post on the tread. Then I'll change their names and some of their characteristics. I'm really big on property rights of the individual. I'll do this with order of how much the pc influenced Laruiella




Azalea (even though Lauriella just met her)

Nightwater (May put a scene where he is the one that saved her and brought her to Cormyr)

Buurag (of all people)

Theodure (Someone she finds easy to speak with)



I must find the next server to review. You were all such wonderful role-players. And I believe I have enough information and notes to do a solid review. I did not go on a dm quest but have had a few encounters with them along with noticing a few technical things that show me about how the dming is done here and have spoken to a few players about how it is done. So, I'm fairly confident I can cover it.

So long and thanks for the fish. It was fun.

Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: The Red Mage on Apr 26, 2020, 10:18 PM
Have fun and good luck with your writing.
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: on Apr 27, 2020, 12:47 AM
Good luck with your writing.
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 27, 2020, 01:31 AM
Thank you Red Mage and sornduskryn. I do ok for an old gunsmith with no writing training. just loads of books read and figured I could write a yarn or two.
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: Arya on Apr 27, 2020, 02:32 AM
It was nice to roleplay with you for the time we did.

As to using my characters...

If you did, I would rather if you did use the experiences with Alyssana to change first and last name, and adapt the story to an original setting (including names of folks in her life). This is in part because there is the question of whether I will be writing something with an original setting in mind that is completely independent of the D&D Great Wheel/Cosmology/etc. Yet there are names or elements of my own, *plus* things that other creatives have contributed to the story over the 12 years, and I do not want to do anything that would disrespect their contributions in the process. Ravenshadows in the CD: Rebirth setting (not saying anywhere else) were a compilation of a couple folks' stories DM side and playerside, and not just my own. :-) That is all!

Otherwise, I wish you the best truly in your novel writing! I know I want to get some writing done of my own. The server is around if you need to say hi.

Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: Terallis on Apr 27, 2020, 03:51 AM
I have to say similar to Arya, in regards to Aedan. The name is something that's kind of a part of me, especially, as there are so many different iterations of Aedan across different servers as well as different games entirely. It's not something I'd be willing to allow use on, as bad as that may sound. His experiences and how they would've affected his interactions with Lauriella are, similarly, all parts of his story that I've crafted over my time on the server. So even with the little bit of interaction, that story had heavy impact on those. I'd say to feel free to adapt it all and make it something far more original in your own work. But the name and experiences aren't something I'm willing to part with.

I do, however, wish you luck on your writing, and that the RP was interesting! Maybe we'll see you around on the server again, some day. :)
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 27, 2020, 08:19 AM
Absolutely, I'll change their names and most likely for Alyss the sub-race (moon to other elf type). And I can adapt things pretty well. The one thing I will really miss is the reaction to Alyss and Jay getting their flowers for the first time. Lauri would probably ask them if they want to her to investigate and find out who is sending them. trying to throw them off her trail.

Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: Arya on Apr 27, 2020, 12:28 PM
Like I said, the base of the interactions and what happened I am happy for you to adapt I just want the very specific things, like names, and maybe setting (as that is another matter anyway due to Forgotten Realms). Specific experiences of the character herself like noted above I am not as willing to part with. As long as it is not a case of someone from the server can read it and tie it to the characters it happened with on the spot. Like we will likely know for you asked and I much appreciate it. For anyone else who may not know the adaptation, as long as they cannot put two and two together is kind of where I would gauge it I guess?

As you already had in mind to change enough to make sure it is not the same character all together (guessing shadow related content different, first and last name, and maybe even changing some of the background of the character but still leading to the same end), I think that is fine from what I know. I may have to glance over passages that address her to be sure. I am not trying to create headaches, I promise! 

I wish you best on adaptation! Everyone has character base concepts that can be found across stories, but what makes the stories original are multiple other factors. Some for instance told me that elements of Alyssana's personality (or demeanor) reminds them of Alhana Starbreeze from Dragonlance and I definitely was not aiming for that (my mother read that series more than me), but am no less pleased. :-D The idea of a woman of noble descent or royal bearing feeling the burden of seeking and maintaining her family's legacy while also serving a People is something that can be found across stories. In this case, Alyssana did not start that way. The differences in the stories come in the details and other considerations. 

She also is not a queen of a region. :-D No matter how many times Kaleandruil and select others call her 'princess.' 

Well wishes,
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 27, 2020, 01:38 PM
No problem I've already got a few stories in my head about that. Something like Letters to a lost love. where she writes you time to time and tells you about her journeys. I can even send a draft for you to approve if you like. I've done that before with parts of my novels to old players for approve of their parts in it. or put a draft in a folder on my site for you to look over or my one drive.
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 27, 2020, 10:05 PM
How about something like this Arya?

 Letters to a lost love

     Alluin Vyshaan, a pretty gold elf with golden blonde hair and green eyes comes to the door when she hears a knock. She comes from a large house of the old line but does not quite take to the restrictive standards of her family. Opening the door there is a human male in a waterproof overcoat reminding her of someone quite different.

     Her betrothed, Crayaras another from a long line stands a few inches higher than her. His skin tone is deeper. His hair is black and his eyes the rare color of gold. He comes behind her, "Is everything alright?"

     The sailor tips his hat, "Alluin? Alluin Vyshaan?"

     She looks up at the bearded brute almost a foot taller than her, "Yes that's me. What do you want?"

     "Letter from the harbor master." He hands her a scroll tube.

      Looking at the scroll she thinks she knows what it is. Her lips quirk a moment before looking back at the sailor, "Thank you."

      The man tips his hat and departs.

      Crayarus looks to the scroll in interest, "What does the seal say?"

      She looks at it and reads, "Mulhorandi House of life. There is a wizard mark in the center. Crayarus my dear could you help my father with the back for a few moments?"

     He raises his eyebrow in understanding, "I leave you two alone then." He leaves to the back of the house.

     She breaks the seal and removes the scroll. Her lips again quirking.

    Dearest, Alluin Vyshaan,

     I had to go. I want to explain. The day I disappeared Azalea sent me to the lake to reflect for a time. I felt silly at first. Like a brooding paladin. On the fifth day I drew pictures of my flashes. My visions. The next day I called my hound.

     With no memory of recall we pieced together the past. It was brutal at times. When he left. I walked the lake. Burning each as I resolved the past.

     One I could not. For days I studied. I sat at a desk. A Shou woman sleeping at the other side. I smiled down on her as she slept upon a book. All the things I love surrounding me. On the last day I found my answer. For I now know there is no sin in being with the same. I knew in my heart I loved both. But how-to level desire? Only one way I know. Have both husband and wife.

      I took to temple then harbor. You should have seen the Harbor master raise his eyes looking up my name. Lauriella lost at sea. Awarded lieutenant pilot posthumously.

      You'll like her, Alluin. She's 42 foot. Bought with my coin from ventures here. Her name's the Moonflower. She cuts a low draft. She'll outrun most and is worthy for sea. Polished and new. She's meant for a crew three. but I will have to do for now.

      I went for my daughter. It didn't take me long. I did not find her. Instead I found a grave. It was the first time I cried since finding myself on that beach. I prayed to the lady into the night. They said that she caught fever after the storm. She languished a few weeks but gave into fugue. I am suspicious.

     I love you, Alluin. And I'm in love with you. It's not something I wish but fate intercedes. You are a noble, have duties to yours. I am but a pilot and mage. No one of import. You are my lost love, heart and soul. I think that's what I'll call you now. Sometimes I look up on moonless nights in the open sea. That is when the stars are brightest. It seems like you can put your hand up and touch them but ever untouchable. It is like your soul. So bright and clear. You know I know souls.

      Perhaps I'll stop by. Now and again. I think you know my sign now. If your love agrees. You can come to me. Perhaps woo me in that dress again. This time I wont so frightened now my heart and mind are one. I promise. I'll make your night memorable. Some year when you have your grand on your lap you can tell her of your girl of the sea. Going to lands plagued by abominations to stop them.

     As I go from port to port I eventually marry man then a woman. This ship is meant to have a three- man crew. I didn't buy it without reason. I'll marry a man first. They're easy to convince to let another in. Women are smarter. And much more jealous. We'll go round the sea of fallen stars helping kingdoms. I have papers for over a dozen countries. I'm legally my own merchant now though its more for getting into ports.

     And you tell your man he had better protect my girl. Not that you need it. If I find out he's laxed in his duties I may have to turn him into a salamander. I like salamanders. I won't be cruel. I'll put him in a glass cage and give him 10 or 12 lady salamanders to take care of. Ok, that may be even more cruel.

I will write as often as I may. You are welcome to write back.

When the time comes for you to stand at the Gates of the moon. I will be waiting at the entrance. Bare hand out in invitation, My Love, Heart and Soul.

Lieutenant Lauriella Sithmore Merchant Marine Pilot.  

Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: Arya on Apr 28, 2020, 09:49 AM
That looks like it is fine so far, yeah, in terms of addressing the concerns I had. :-) Feel free to PM me more if you have doubts or delve into details that might be pushing the envelope a little more.

Just a few suggestions...

I am going to guess this is Forgotten Realms based still. If not, I might suggest finding some minor modification on the name "Vyshaan" only because there's actually an Empire dedicated to that clan in the FR and having a gold elf tied to it reinforces that concept. If there were other details and setting things it would not be a deal. It could be minor tweak on the name, that could make the whole difference. <3

In the Forgotten Realms, if you are indeed still using the setting per the semi-fanfiction/original character direction, feel free to read on if you want. You may or may not know this bit.
There would also be a baggage to have that surname even if it is no longer tied to the period where the baggage was made. The FR's history has led to the surname Vyshaan being turned into a derogatory term for a corrupt elf, particularly a corrupt sun elf/gold elf. Anyone who believes the Vyshaan Empire started the Crown Wars in the FR consider it a term worse than "dhaerow." There is no indication that the Vyshaan Clan are still around and if any scions exist, they likely will not carry that name openly. Lore has hinted that the remaining princes of Vyshaan did escape - and their fate unknown. That has been used by a DM when addressing an otherwise vague, open ended plot hook involving the Ravenshadows.

Otherwise, again, my other suggestion may apply. As if you plan to make an original world and setting, Vyshaan combined with gold elf would point to Forgotten Realms and go beyond creative transformation/fair use/etc. I am not with a J.D., but as a librarian who is in charge of our digital initiatives and scholarly communications, I have to pay attention to copyright and fair use as well as how it has been applied, so that is where I am coming from on that end. 

Otherwise, I had no way to tell it was Alyssana if she's the Vyshaan in this case. :-D And goodness there is an irony there that I do not think Lauriella knows about ICly in the CD-verse. <.< My commentary aside, this looks like a good start on making the story one's own. 

Good luck and happy writing!


Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 28, 2020, 11:13 AM
I am making an original world concept but that's still about three years down the road. To much work write now finishing the last book in my Childern of Hell Triology. Im working will add to this late. And thanks.

Sorry about that Arya. Work is crazy right now. I'm pushing 10 hour work days and may have to stay another day to get the rust bluing done. General concept as it sits right now is. I'm going to try to pull off a Braum Stoker type book in that it will be letters going back and forth between the two though their lives and relationships. it will be forgotten realms fan fiction like my other books. although Angel will be a little angry. Im suppose to be moving on from that but the practice will be good.

as I review servers Lauri will tell her of her adventures there. I got till aug-sept to review then the other novel. I should be able to whip out this one in 3 or 4 months and edit in a couple if I can keep it below 50,000 words. I usually go about 250,000. change of names and such so protect your works with your character and Aedans. if Aedan is in. I don't know yet if they will ever meet again. I could just write a few encounters in or have lauri come back for a short time. the story will work with or without encounters just have to decide which will write into the story better. I already have an ending in mind too. 
Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: Arya on Apr 28, 2020, 03:15 PM
It's no problem! I just wanted to throw some feedback from what you shared. :-)

Life comes first, and the process is always ongoing. Keep in touch.


Title: The end of Lauriella's stay in Cormyr.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 28, 2020, 04:49 PM
Hey if you want to work on this with me you're welcome too. Even take lead on it We could write up and knock out Letters put it on the vault, and HMC. I don't write for money I already got it. And I got plenty of laurels already a hall of famer, old ctp guy and helped with Q-team a bit. worked on so many servers I got burned out. so I started writing. Might be a good project. As far as Allyss new name I picked it out of memory. I can certainly change it.

If you don't have an HOF yet, you should get it pretty fast with my fans and old friends, and my advertising on social media. 

and yes copy write stuff is always hard to work around sometimes. I just make it fan fiction. On the fantasy world my wife and I are creating we're gonna have to dig to make sure nothing is copied for another world. We did it for Harvest moon when it was up as far as world concept. It was very unique. Still in the multi-verse but very different. with a couple of races we completely invented. we have some pretty good ideas on that part.

There are a lot of people that helped me learn everything about NWN back in the day. My turn to help the next generation. I willing to put some projects away to work on this. So what do you say. I can make a sub-forum on Harvest Moon consortium for the project it you would like. Then we can bang out a short novel and go post it.