Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Regions and Planes => Topic started by: Fox² on Oct 03, 2023, 08:12 PM

Title: Maztica
Post by: Fox² on Oct 03, 2023, 08:12 PM

In 1361 DR, bold mercenaries in the service of Amn dared the Trackless Sea, sailing into the sunset for week after week until they reached an unexplored land beyond the sunset - Maztica. Fighting against the strange warriors of the land, they established a foothold on the western continent. Several powerful merchant companies now struggle to wring wealth from this new land. Trade, discovery, and no small amount of fighting against hostile Mazticans and competing Faerûnians is the result.

Even less is known of Maztica than of Kara-Tur. It is a land of forbidding natural barriers and hundreds of remote, reclusive cultures, most of whom are hostile to each other. Every year more gold, gemstones, and valuable new crops such as vanilla and coffee are brought back to Faerûn in Amnian carracks, a one-sided trade that promises to enrich that nation beyond belief.