I just wanted to throw this idea out there. I'm not sure if it would be difficult to do, but a lock in place button would be helpful to prevent the frequent running away, and running back that happens as people use alt and tab to go from the game to other stuff.
Basically just have a command like /lockinplace and when used, it makes it so you can't click to move, use abilities, etc. Your character is stuck in place. Then you use /release to get rid of it.
If it would be easy to do, it would be a really good addition, I think. If not, might not be worth the hassle.

Just throwing the idea out.
For those interested:
There is already such a command to do just that, actually, but I can't remember the exact command off the top of my head. The /help option should point you to it, however... or read the journal entries.
There is? I'll look through the journal again. I tried looking for it.
Yup, you're right. /lockaction. I asked others, and they didn't know about it either. I'll spread the word!