Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Nov 04, 2015, 06:28 PM

Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 04, 2015, 06:28 PM
For those unaware, there is a dungeon feedback forum. It's a sub-forum of the builder forums.

But outside of that, I wanted to ask all of you some questions and get some feedback.

What is your favorite dungeon?  
What do you like about it?
What don't you like about it?
What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
Which do you just not go to?
How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of?  (Go explore more.) :P

Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: Nokteronoth on Nov 04, 2015, 08:47 PM
I'm still writing up my reviews dungeon-by-dungeon in that particular forum.

Though those questions are a bit difficult.

At the moment? I like Sakkors. I find it a lot of fun. Even though a lot of people would say it's difficult, I think it gets interesting with the wild magic and enemies that cast all over the place.

Least favorite? Likely the Twilight's Edge Tower. That one's just disappointing as hell, as I said in my review of it. I wish there were a higher level Dead Magic dungeon, or even epic. EVERY dungeon spamming dispels with every caster/cleric/druid gets -really- fucking old. Just dispel everyone and prevent them from casting if you really don't want them to have buffs.

I don't go to most any of the low to mid level dungeons, anymore. They're too easy and not worth the time. Why bother searching through those little Semberholme dungeons(Malarites/orcs/trolls), or stuff like Thunder Gap, when there are more fun, challenging, and rewarding dungeons elsewhere?

I've found almost every dungeon on the server (I think), except for maybe one or two out by Lightning Peak. We've been exploring for the rest.

I'll keep making specific dungeon feedback as I get time/inspiration/inclination.

Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: whitespirit on Nov 04, 2015, 10:04 PM
What is your favorite dungeon?
Deepgrave! <3 (Keep of the Witch Lord's alternatively - before it gets changed)

What do you like about it?
Undead, the way it is built and that it has so many floors and is so long. I love knocking myself out there when I am in the mood. (Withlord's -> underwater area, golem fight at the end and zombies till you drop!)

What don't you like about it?
I feel there are too many graves/sacrophagus and too few treasure chests that you can "loot" in good conscience. So if you play something that has conscience troubles for disturbing graves you are out of luck there <.<  (Well, duh, WS! its deep-grave! What do you expect? - I dunno .. don't mind me .. >.< )

Witchlords: I don't like that its going to get changed :( but I honestly understand why it is desired and I won't stand in the way :)

What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
.. I think the bandits near half-hap... because the entire area just looks so weird with these dozens of torture equipments lined up all over the place. And I think the lighting is artificial too but I am not certain about that...

Which do you just not go to?
There is a *ton* of dungeons I have not yet explored but I am going to .. I want to. Someday.

How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of?
oh dear, let me check ... 9 out of 14 .. I think
Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: Dismus on Nov 04, 2015, 10:23 PM
What is your favorite dungeon?
What do you like about it?
The diversity of the differenet areas
What don't you like about it?
Not worth the trip with my current PCs
What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
Lightening Peak. A lot of work with very little return or it was like that before.
Which do you just not go to?
All the underdark ones because none of my PCs have a reason to go there.
How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of? All but the underdark I know the general area of where they are and can get to them. 
Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: Misty on Nov 05, 2015, 07:42 AM
What is your favorite dungeon?
Tough choice between Tilverton and Frozen Valley, I think.

What do you like about it?
I love Tilvertons atmosphere, look, everything. It's just awesome and sad.

Frozen Valley I think I like because there's not very many giants to be found elsewhere(Fighting ice giants tickles some fun factor for me just based off past experiences elsewhere), and I like the design and challenge of the place. Also the fact that you can go and get value of worth even if you die to the final boss. Helps take off the sting.

What don't you like about it?
Tilverton looks awesome, but seems to be little reason to go unless you can reach that end goal.

Not sure if there's a reason for me to dislike Frozen Valley, other than screams of anguish over double crit deaths XD

What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
Har'ol d'Solen, I think. Because of no save effects, and little reason to go. Though I remember disliking several of the underdark ones because they simply didn't seem to all work right when I went months ago.

Which do you just not go to?
Refuse Pit, The Mushroom Fields, Har'ol d'Solen, (Yep, the underdark ones)

How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of?
I think.. Two of them on the lower level list. 
Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: ladybug on Nov 05, 2015, 07:57 AM
What is your favorite dungeon?
Ogre Lords' Redoubt

What do you like about it?
The story. It's the only dungeon I can name offhand that has a perfectly clear explanation of what's going on and why it's there, discoverable as you explore it. I'd love to see more dungeons with similar internal lore.

What don't you like about it?
Petrification's somewhat annoying.

What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
Deepgrave. Far too long a slog for the current risk/reward factor.

Which do you just not go to?
Underdark dungeons, most epic dungeons (though I now have a character of appropriate level to look into these)

How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of?
...a lot, though I'm fairly sure some of those listed aren't connected at present.
Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: Edge on Nov 05, 2015, 10:16 AM
What is your favorite dungeon?
It depends on level:
3-8: Hullack Goblin Bolthole
9-11: Immersea Slaad Tower
12-15: Ogre Lord's Redoubt
16-19: Sunset Mountains Gnolls
20+: Sakkors

What do you like about it?
Goblins: Good dungeon for low-level characters. Challenges for just about everyone without being too difficult. Good length. Good rewards.

Slaad: Slaad are a bit underused. Associated story is entertaining. Very reliable dungeon.

Ogres: Probably one of the best-designed dungeons on the server as far as length, content, challenge, and risk-vs-reward go.

Gnolls: Same as Ogres - good challenge, well-designed, good length, good rewards.

Sakkors: Wild magic is fun. Golems are a pain in the Anti-Magic rooms, but challenging even for epic characters.

What don't you like about it?
Goblins: King's Room can very easily swarm a party if the last people there left the doors open.

Slaad: Too short. Way too short.

Ogres: Petrification is a bit annoying. Chess Room is a massive difficulty spike compared to the rest of the dungeon; it changes an area designed for mid-teens into a much higher level bracket for that one room.

Gnolls: Buggy AI. That's really it, no other complaints.

Sakkors: Like Slaad, it feels too short, and lacking. Though FW has said it's not complete yet so that would explain why.

What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
Probably Deepgrave. Too long, very monotonous, risk-vs-reward is extremely out of balance.

Which do you just not go to?
The Underdark ones and most of the Semberholme ones (Bugbear/Dwarf Ghost Mine, Malarite Lair, Cradle of Mielikki/Minotaur Maze, Troll Lair, Drow Treehouse, Ogre Cave) and Tilverton. The former due to difficulty of access, the second and Tilverton due to outdated design, challenge, and/or rewards. Sadly, because some of those dungeons used to be very fun and the primary dungeon-running places during the server's heyday.

How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of?
Underdark ones. Any of the Semberholme ones besides the ones I listed, the Goblin Log, the Gem of Life, and the Bandit House (though that's more due to bad memory than lack of knowledge). Any Epic dungeons we might have other than Frost Giants and Sakkors. Twilight's Edge Tower, I don't even know where it is, I didn't even know it existed until Nok's review was posted.

Special Shout-Out: Tower of Ruin. I don't quite like it enough to make the list, but it's a fun dungeon that gets a little overlooked sometimes.
Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: threeguesses on Nov 05, 2015, 10:22 AM
What is your favorite dungeon?
Sunset Mountain Gnolls

Second choice is the Netherese Vault. Tilverton is also fun, but for roleplay reasons and fond memories.

What do you like about it?
The frentic pace of combat, and challenging mixture of enemies.

What don't you like about it?
Power creep - the place is at LEAST twice as hard as it used to be, but it gives "decentish" loot, maybe - but never a weapon or shield or highly noteworthy reward - the enemies are much harder than they used to be but the reward is the same.

What is your least favorite dungeon and why?
Frost giants - only because I don't have my 20/- Cold Resist and the area always reminds me about it.

In actuality, the place with the instant kill light traps - I don't get how jumping over or blinking through is somehow different from walking through, and the mechanics of jumping through and over are tedious to me.

Which do you just not go to?
Aforementioned light trap place. I don't even know it's name.

How many on the dungeon list do you not know the location of? (Go explore more.) :P
Shaundakul demands I explore, therefore I don't look at the list (and don't remember most places).
Title: Dungeon Feedback.
Post by: Edge on Nov 05, 2015, 11:21 AM
In actuality, the place with the instant kill light traps - I don't get how jumping over or blinking through is somehow different from walking through, and the mechanics of jumping through and over are tedious to me.

Which do you just not go to?
Aforementioned light trap place. I don't even know it's name.

Tower of Ruin.