Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Mechanics and Systems => Updates and Roadmap => Public Update Previews => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Jan 07, 2019, 04:52 PM

Title: Warlock Class Conversion - Final - 3-30-22
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 07, 2019, 04:52 PM
Warlock - NWN 3.5 Conversion - Final Update


Born of a supernatural bloodline, a warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul. Unlike sorcerers or wizards, who approach arcane magic through the medium of spells, a warlock invokes powerful magic through nothing more than an effort of will. By harnessing his innate magical gift through fearsome determination and force of will, a warlock can perform feats of supernatural stealth, beguile the weak-minded, or scour his foes with blasts of eldritch power.

- Hit Die: d8
- Proficencies: Simple and Rogue Weapons, Light Armor
- Base Attack Bonus: +3/4
- Primary Saving Throws: Will
- Skill Points: 6 + Int Modifier

- Alignment Restriction: Any Evil or Chaotic

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Taunt, Tumble, Use Magic Device


A Warlock does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of arcane magic do. Instead, he possesses a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as invocations that require him to focus the wild energy that suffuses his soul. A Warlock can use any invocation he knows at will.

Invocations are Spell-like abilities that take a standard action to cast.
Invocations are subject to spell resitance unless otherwise noted.
A Warlock's caster level is equal to his class level.
The DC for an invocation (if it allows a save) is 10 + equivalent spell level + Warlock's Charisma modifier.
Warlock invocations suffer armor related spell failure (from medium and heavier armor and shields) in the same way as arcane spells.  A Warlock can cast in light armor without a chance of arcane spell failure as long as they do not equip a shield.
OOC NOTE: (Due to the nature of how warlock abilities have to be implemented, ASF will be a kludge.  Equipping anything heavier than light armor, or a small shield will simply disable a warlock's abilities.)



1: Warlock Pact, Eldritch Blast, Entropic Warding
2: Devil's Sight, Darkness
3: Uncanny Dodge I, Walk Unseen, See the Unseen
4: Draining Blast [Essence], Bonus Feat
5: Brimstone Blast [Essence], Energy Resistance
6: Flee The Scene, Pact Ability I
7: Hellrime Blast [Essence], Deceive Item
8: Fiendish Resilience I, Bonus Feat
9: Wall of Perilous Flame
10: Eldritch Claws
11: Vitriolic Blast [Essence]
12: Pact Ability II, Bonus Feat
13: Chilling Tentacles
14: Eldritch Cone [Shape]
15: Devour Magic
16: Utterdark Blast [Essence], Bonus Feat
17: Edritch Doom [Shape]
18: Pact Ability III
20: Dark Foresight


21: Epic Entropic Warding
23: Bonus Feat
25: Bonus Feat

Warlock Pacts:

All Warlocks must select a Pact on first level.  The Pact is the supernatural source of a Warlock's power, usually made with an Outsider, Fey, or other Supernatural entity.  The Warlock will gain 3 abilities based on the Pact chosen, at levels 6, 12, and 18.  Pact selection is a permanent choice, and cannot be changed once selected.  Warlock abilities will not function if a Pact is not selected, or is otherwise broken.

The following Pacts may be chosen, depending on the Warlock's alignment:

Demonic Pact (Demons) - Chaotic Evil, or Neutral Evil

Infernal Pact (Devils) - Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil

Fey Pact (Fey) - Any Chaotic

Star Pact (Far Realm)- Any Evil, Chaotic Neutral

Celestial Pact (Celestials)- Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral

New Warlock Feats: Hideous Blow, Eldritch Chain, Epic Fiendish Resilience, Empowered Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Master, Practised Invoker, Invocation Focus, Greater Invocation Focus, Epic Invocation Focus, The Dead Walk
Title: Warlock Class Conversion - Final - 3-30-22
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 30, 2022, 11:24 PM
Warlock Abilities and Feats

Eldritch Blast:

School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long (40 meters)
Area of Effect: Single Target
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Special (See Description)
Spell Resistance: Yes, unless Vitriolic

A Warlock attacks their foes with Eldritch power, using baleful magical energy to deal damage and sometimes impart other debilitating effects.
The Warlock must make a ranged touch attack to strike their target.  There is no saving throw for the normal version of this attack, but Spell Resistance can negate it.
Eldritch Blast deals 1d6 points of magical damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlocks Charisma Modifier.

Saving Throw: By default, Eldritch Blast has no saving throw. However, depending on the Blast Essence selected by the Warlock, one may be added for an additional effect.

The following Essences may modify Eldritch Blast. Added saves are noted next to the essence:
Draining Blast (Will)
Brimstone Blast (Reflex)
Hellrime Blast (Fortitude)
Vitriolic Blast
Utterdark Blast (Fortitude)
Noxious Blast (Fortitude)
Hellfire Blast (Reflex)
Bewitching Blast (Will)
Frightful Blast (Will)
Healing Light (Healing light is its own ability, rather than an essence toggle, due to targeting issues.)

Fiendish Resilience:
Use: Selected
Duration: 10 Rounds
Usable Once every 10 minutes.

The Warlock gains +5 Regeneration for the duration.

Deceive Item:
Use: Automatic

Warlocks automatically take 10 on any UMD checks.

Implementation:  If the d20 rolled for UMD checks results in less than 10, the result will be 10.

Epic Fiendish Resilience:
Use: Automatic
Requires: Warlock Level 20

Increases the Regeneration of Fiendish Resilience to +10.

Empowered Eldritch Blast:
Use: Automatic
Requires Warlock Level 6

Increases the damage done by Eldritch Blast by 25%.

Eldritch Master:
Use: Automatic
Requires Warlock Level 20, and Empowered Eldritch Blast

Increases the damage done by Eldritch Blast by 50%. This bonus replaces the bonus granted by Empowered Eldritch Blast.

Practiced Invoker:
Use: Automatic
Requires: Spellcraft: 4 Ranks

Increases the Caster Level of the Warlock by up to 4 levels, not to exceed the Warlock's total Hit-Dice.

Invocation Focus:
Use: Automatic
Requires: Warlock Level 1

Increases Invocation DC by 2.

Greater Invocation Focus:
Use: Automatic
Requires: Invocation Focus

Increases Invocation DC by 4. This bonus does not stack with, but replaces bonuses granted by earlier versions of this Focus feat.

Epic Invocation Focus:
Use: Automatic
Requires: Warlock Level 20,  Greater Invocation Focus

Increases Invocation Focus by 6. This bonus does not stack with, but replaces bonuses granted by earlier versions of this Focus feat.
Title: Warlock Class Conversion - Final - 3-30-22
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 30, 2022, 11:25 PM
Eldritch Blast Shapes

Hideous Blow:
Use: Selected
Requires: Warlock Level 2

School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Self
Duration: 1 Hour / Level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Warlock adds a portion of their Eldritch Blast damage to their equipped melee weapon or glove.  Damage types selectable depending on what essences the Warlock has access to. Some will vary with Pact selection.  Possible options are: Normal (Magic), Brimstone (Fire or Hellfire), Hellrime (Cold), Vitriolic (Acid), and Utterdark (Negative or Divine).  Secondary Essence effects will not be applied to this Shape.
Damage is 3d2 + CasterLevel/3, the same as Elemental Weapon and the Swordmage weapon buffs. It will not stack with either.

Eldritch Chain:
School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long (40 meters)
Area of Effect: Colossal (10 meter radius), 1 target/ 5 level
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes, unless Vitriolic

The Warlock shapes their blast into a chain, which arcs through nearby targets in a line from the initial target. The chain jumps to an additional target per 5 levels.  All secondary targets take 1/2 the initial damage.

Eldritch Cone:
School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short (10 meters)
Area of Effect: 10 meter cone
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes, unless Vitriolic

The Warlock shapes their Eldritch Blast into a cone that reaches out 10 meters in front of them.  All targets within the cone are allowed a reflex save for half damage. There is no ranged touch attack required, and therefore it cannot critically hit.

Eldritch Doom:
School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Area of Effect: Huge (6.67 meter radius)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes, unless Vitriolic

The Warlock shapes their Eldritch Blast into an Eldritch Doom.  The Doom savages every target within a Huge area with Eldritch Blast damage.  As this is an area attack, there is no ranged touch attack required, and therefore it cannot critically hit.
Title: Warlock Class Conversion - Final - 3-30-22
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 30, 2022, 11:26 PM
Eldritch Blast Essences

Draining Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

The Warlock alters their Eldritch Blast into a Draining Blast.  Draining Blasts cause the target to suffer a 1 round slow upon a failed fortitude save.

Brimstone Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to deal Fire damage.

The target will be ignited, taking 2d6 Fire damage per round until they succeed a Reflex save.  Ignite lasts 1 round/level.

Infernal Pact Warlocks who possess the Rank I Power, Hellfire Blast, will instead do Hellfire (Positive) damage. Ignition damage increased to 3d6.

Hellrime Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to deal Cold damage. Additionally, the target must make a Fortitude save, or take a -2 Dexterity penalty for 3 rounds.

Vitriolic Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to deal Acid damage.

Vitriolic Blasts ignore Spell Resistance.

Utterdark Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to deal Negative Energy damage, and drain 2 levels on a failed Fortitude save.  Targeted Undead will be healed by Utterdark Blast.

Celestial Pact Warlocks that possess the Rank III Power, Divine Light, will instead deal Divine damage, with no level loss, and deal increased damage against Undead.
Title: Warlock Class Conversion - Final - 3-30-22
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 30, 2022, 11:27 PM

Entropic Warding:
School: Abjuration
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 24 Hours.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None

The Warlock wards themselves against attack, gaining +3 Armor AC, and 25% Ranged Concealment.
The Armor AC bonus increases to +4 at level 6, and +5 at level 12.

At Warlock caster level 21, the AC bonus increases to be on par with Epic Mage Armor, scaling with worn armor.

Devil's Sight:
School: Transmutation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 24 Hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None

The Warlock gains Ultravision, allowing them to see through magical Darkness.

School: Evocation
Components: Verbal
Range: Long (40 meters)
Area of Effect: Huge (6.67 meter radius)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

All creatures within the area are shrouded in a haze of magical darkness, which can only be pierced by Ultravision.

Energy Resistance:
School: Abjuration
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None

The warlock gains damage resistance 40/- against all elemental forms of damage. The spell ends after absorbing 360 points of damage from any single elemental type.

Walk Unseen:
School: Illusion
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Warlock becomes invisible and impossible to detect using normal vision. Any attack or spellcasting action taken by warlock will immediately cancel the invisibility.

See the Unseen:
School: Divination
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None

The warlock is able to see all invisible creatures within their line of sight.

Flee the Scene:
School: Conjuration
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Range: Long (40 meters)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None

The Warlock translocates themselves and whatever they are carrying to the targeted location.

Note: Unlike the PnP version, no mirror images are created. As compensation, this spell is an instant cast.

Eldritch Claws:
School: Abjuration
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None

The warlock applies a portion of their Eldritch Blast into physical power, gaining + 2 attack and +2 magical damage.

Chilling Tentacles:
School: Conjuration
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Area of Effect: large (5 meter radius), 1d4 tentacles + 1 / caster level (maximum 20)
Duration: 1 round / 2 levels
Saving Throw: Fortitude special
Spell Resistance: No

A field of thick, 10 foot long rubbery tentacles rimed in frost rises from the ground. Each is capable of grappling a target doing 1d6+4 points bludgeoning damage, and an additional 2d6 + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier Cold damage. If successful, the target must then make a fortitude saving throw or become paralyzed by the grappling tentacle. The tentacles are randomly spread out over the area of effect allowing no more than half of the tentacles to reach a single target in any given round. The inability of the tentacles to target small creatures makes all small creatures completely immune to the spell's effects.

Wall of Perilous Flame:
School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Area of Effect: wall 30ft long
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: yes

This spell creates a curtain of magical fire that deals 2d6 points of fire damage, and 1d6 points of magical damage to any creature that attempts to pass through it. Undead take double damage.

Devour Magic:
School: Abjuration
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Target: colossal (10 meter radius), or single creature
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None

Devour Magic attempts to strip all magical effects from a single target. It can also target a group of creatures, attempting to remove the most powerful spell effect from each creature. To remove an effect, the caster makes a dispel check of 1d20 + 1 per caster level (to a maximum of +15) against a DC of 11 + the spell effect's caster level.

Dark Foresight:
School: Divination
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None

Dark Foresight allows the Warlock to see a few moments into the future. This grants them damage reduction 50/+7, and absorbs 30 points of melee damage per caster level before collapsing.

The Dead Walk:
School: Necromancy
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Targett: short (8 meters)
Area of Effect: Point
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Warlock draws upon dark power to animate a corpse to serve them.  The summoned undead remains under the Warlock's control until dismissed or destroyed.
Title: Warlock Class Conversion - Final - 3-30-22
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 30, 2022, 11:30 PM
Warlock Pact Rank Abilities

Warlock Pact: Demonic
Alignment Requirements: Chaotic Evil,  Neutral Evil

Pact Rank Abilities:

I: Noxious Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to apply a 2 round daze on a failed Fortitude save.

II: Wraithform:
School: Illusion
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 1 turn / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Warlock gains 50% concealment for the duration of the spell.

III: Darkwalker:
Use: Automatic
Blast Essence Alteration

Utterdark Blast now deals an additional 20% damage, and drains an additional 2 levels.

Warlock Pact: Infernal
Alignment Requirements: Lawful Evil,  Neutral Evil

Pact Rank Abilities:

I: Hellfire Blast:
Use: Automatic
Blast Essence Alteration

Alters the Warlocks Brimstone Blast essence to do Hellfire (Positive) damage.  Also increases the secondary damage of Brimstone Blast.

II: Aura of Flame:
School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 1 turn / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The warlock is surrounded by a ring of hellfire that damages all opponents who make a successful melee attack on them. The damage inflicted is 1d6, +2 point per caster level.

III: Might of the Legion:
School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Warlock empowers themselves with infernal might, gaining +4 Strength, +2 Attack Bonus, and an Extra Attack for the duration.

Warlock Pact: Fey
Alignment Requirements: Any Chaotic

Pact Rank Abilities:

I: Bewitching Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to apply confusion for 2 rounds on a failed Will save.

II: Eyebite:
School: Illusion
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Area of Effect: medium (3.33 meter radius)
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes

All enemies within a 10-ft radius are struck blind and deaf.

III: Will of the Fey:
School: Enchantment
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Target: Single
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target monster temporarily becomes a faithful and loyal servant of the caster.

Warlock Pact: Star
Alignment Requirements: Any Evil, Chaotic Neutral

Pact Rank Abilities:

I: Frightful Blast:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

Alters the Warlock's Eldritch Blast to apply Fear for 2 rounds on a failed Will save.

II: Doomsayer:
School: Enchantment
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: medium (20 meters)
Area of Effect: medium (3.33 meter radius)
Duration: 1 turn / level
Saving Throw: Will
Spell Resistance: Yes

The Warlock speaks words of Doom, cursing all those nearby who hear them with a -3 modifier to Attack rolls, Damage, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks.

III: Word of Changing:
School: Transmutation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short (10 meters)
Target: Single
Duration: See Below
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes

The Warlock speaks forbidden words of power, forcibly changing their target into a harmless form. (rat, chicken, donkey, parrot, or snake)
Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to being polymorphed, and a creature with the shapechanger subtype (such as a lycanthrope or a doppelganger) can revert to its natural form as a standard action.

When used against Player Character targets, this spell has a duration of 1 turn per caster level. NPCs targeted by this spell are only affected for 1 round per caster level, but are also stunned for the duration of the spell.

Warlock Pact: Celestial
Alignment Requirements: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral

Pact Rank Abilities:

I: Healing Light:
Use: Selected
Warlock Blast Essence

School: Evocation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long (40 meters)
Area of Effect: Single Target
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Healing Light works exactly like Eldritch Blast, except it heals non-hostile, non-undead targets, rather than dealing damage.

II: Celestial Ward:
School: Necromancy
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Self/Area
Area of Effect: large (5 meter radius)
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Warlock and their allies become immune to any death magic, energy drain, spell-like abilities and effects. Grants a shielding effect that absorbs 20 points of Negative energy damage per level, up to a total of 120 damage.

III: Divine Radiance:
Use: Atomatic
Blast Essence Alteration

Utterdark Blast now deals Divine damage instead of Negative Energy, and no longer causes level loss.  Deals double damage to Undead.