Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: canticleofcocytus on Aug 14, 2021, 01:11 PM

Title: To DMs, Admins, and Devs of CD
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Aug 14, 2021, 01:11 PM
Just wanted to take a moment to genuinely and sincerely thank the people who work very hard (and without pay) to make CD the awesome place it is. I have only had time recently to log in infrequently and have asked often that  make last-minute adjustments to schedules for events that I'm sure were very inconvenient. Even so, I've seen the tremendous development that has taken place due to the dedication of long-time devs like  and as well as those who joined the dev team more recently like  in the last few months and been very impressed.

While other servers and communities on nwn are dwindling or mired in too much drama to be able to update or maintain cohesive and driving stories, CD has thrived and grown. And while there have been the minor hiccups and miss-steps expected in any roleplay-driven community CD is still here; not only going strong, but going stronger than ever before.

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. You have made CD a labor of love, and it shows. In particular, I'd like to thank the DM staff, SDMs, and ADMs for all the effort you put in to crafting not only the overarching stories of CD that drive square rp and encourage players to interact and engage with one another towards common - and sometimes opposed - goals; but also for the very considerate way in which you all handle personal and private quest requests like Voss' recent ventures in Rashemen that Arya and both made one of the most poignant, memorable, and personal event series I've ever been in.

When DMs give such focus to the rp and stories you've built as a player it feels incredible! It is the greatest compliment to feel acknowledged in such a way, and I hope that every player on this server can experience that rush at least once while you're here. It also shows you all to be masters of the craft of storytelling that you can so easily design a plot around a character you don't play.

I know there's a DM appreciation thread already, but I felt that this is something that needed its own thread. Thank you all who work so hard to make the server great. I look forward to what stories we will all make together in the future.
Title: To DMs, Admins, and Devs of CD
Post by: ladybug on Jan 10, 2022, 06:19 PM
mbrighmoon Avatar
Hello, I would like to request a character relevel I have a sorcerer 5 Shadow Adept 2 and I need to redo the spell list including trading out spells. the characters name is Danta Nefzen
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