Ever wonder what modern music might sound like when played by a bard in Faerun?
I've seen a few bards (and sometimes just non-bard PCs with a bit of perform) take their inspiration from modern popular songs, and I've often wondered what they might sound like on the kinds of instruments available to bards in the Forgotten Realms. Now I don't have to wonder anymore!
Even if you aren't a Metallica fan, this is still pretty awesome!
Yeah this is pretty much right in Kendaku's wheelhouse.
Cheers! This was pretty rad.
Yeah, I thought it was pretty fantastic, myself.
I can't seem to find any more of these guys. Copy-paste-searching their name just brings up a lot of non-music videos, and I don't read Russian (I presume) so I don't know what it means but I'm guessing it's a semi-common term.
Anyone with stronger Google-Fu able to dig anything up about this group?
The video's title is in Cyrillic, but I don't know the band's name for sure. I'll see what I can dig up!
I took ONE semester of Russian in college, and gave up when my history notes ended up in an unreadable mix of English and Cyrillic script. It'd be nice if I could remember all the characters.

...and am I the only one that things Ales Chumakou looks like Thor?
Thanks! And if that's the lead singer, yeah I can see it.
I think it is. If on that website you scroll down you'll see each of the band members with their name and what they play - he especially looks like Thor in that picture!