Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Fire Wraith on Nov 02, 2022, 08:22 PM

Title: Announcing the CD Builder Team
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 02, 2022, 08:22 PM
Many players have asked in the past about helping build areas for the server, and several have done so in major or minor ways in the past. This has always been on an ad-hoc basis, but we've wanted to get something more formal arranged.

So, to that end, we're making a formal Builder team! This will hopefully help streamline the process of who's building what, who needs access to what resources or what help with which area, and so forth, both for the staff to designate areas that we'd like to see built for the main module, but also for DMs to be able to reach out to builders for areas they'd like to have put together for quests. And at the same time, this will let us track who's done what, so that those builders can be appropriately compensated for their work in a similar manner to which we reward DMs with XP, albeit on a specific per-project basis rather than pure time investment.

Q: So how do I get involved?

Send an application with the following information in a PM to the Admins and SDMs:
-Forum/Discord Username
-Prior NWN building experience (CD or otherwise)
-Any additional information you feel is relevant
-Amount of time playing on CD (Note - minimum of at least 1 month of active play is required)

Q: Once I'm approved as a builder, what then?

We'll have forums those accepted builders can access, where Area requests will be posted. You can then post up offering to build said area. Once the request has been signed off on by an Admin or SDM, and the builder in question accepted by the requester, the builder can start work on the area. Once the area has been submitted (to Fox, Vincent, or myself), we'll mark it complete and assign xp that will be tallied/awarded at end of month.

Q: Does this make someone a part of the staff?

It makes you a Contributor, but not a Staff member per-se, in that you don't have any particular responsibilities other than in the area building department. It is however a good opportunity to contribute to the server, without being an actual DM/storyteller.

Q: Can I still build areas if I'm not a builder?

Non-builders will still be free to build player areas for themselves or at the request of other players, but we'll be likely limiting server and quest area building to the Builder group.

Q: Can I propose or request areas to add or rebuild as a builder?

At the moment we'll be reserving that for the Admins and SDMs.
Title: Announcing the CD Builder Team
Post by: Fox² on Nov 03, 2022, 03:43 PM
To tack on, if you have not previously contributed areas to the server and are applying for the build team, please attach a portfolio of your area building work. This should include either screenshots or videos, with descriptions of the work you did.
Title: Announcing the CD Builder Team
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 06, 2023, 01:45 AM
Updated with time on server required as application field.