If someone wanted to buy a place of business that was already in game, how would you go about that? I have a specific location in mind, but I also don't know if it's already owned by a PC, or if it has designs on it by DMs, or other stuff.
Considering the location, as well, it would be kind of difficult to pursue the owner in game, as I think it may be an NPC.... And I don't know if I should ask on a DM quest how to get this to happen, or even if it's possible?
The admins can probably answer most of these questions if you give us the specific information. You can PM us if you'd rather keep it quiet.
Typically, you make a request, name the place and what you'd like there. Figure out the costs, and see if you can get approval, as far as I've been able to understand. Where, exactly, are you hoping to buy? If It's a business, I'm pretty sure the admins need to approve it.
forums.cormyrdalelands.com/index.php?topic=62Whoops. Edit: Didn't mean to answer for the DMS and Edge beat me here by about a minute, so take what I say with a grain of salt. When in doubt, ask them!
I appreciate the link, even so! I hadn't known there was a thread for it, thank you!
And I'll go ahead and PM you the details, Edge, thank you. :')
Please include all admins on the PM.