BaalzebulLord of the Seventh, The Lord of Lies, Lord of the Flies, The Fallen One, Triel the Fallen, The Slug ArchdukeArchdevil
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A fly's head or a web with caught flies or a black slug on a throne
Home Plane: Mount Celestia
Realm: Maladomini
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Bugbears
Domains: Evil, Law, Strength, Trickery, [Diabolic]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
One of the mightiest of the archdevils, Baalzebul is known as the Lord of the Flies, Lord of Lies, the Fallen One, and, more recently, the Slug Archduke. Originally an archon named Triel who dwelt in the good-aligned planes, Baalzebul succumbed to temptation, craving more power and authority than Heaven would grant him. His quest for perfection took him too far, and he was blinded by ambition. Soon he found himself in hell in a new form: a tall, powerful, dark-skinned humanoid with the compound eyes of a fly.
Baalzebul, as he started to call himself, quickly gathered a great deal of support and power, as well as the blessing of Asmodeus. He set himself up as an archdevil and ruled Maladomini, the seventh layer. He quickly became a rival of Mephistopheles, and thus Dispater as well. He also gained some allies, notably Belial.
After the Reckoning, Baalzebul fell from Asmodeus's favor and was cursed with a different form--that of a giant slug with tiny, malformed arms, flies buzzing and crawling around him continuously. The stench around Baalzebul is infamous; the curse causes stinking piles of rotting garbage and feces to accumulate wherever he spends time. So now the Slug Archduke lives in his Palace of Filth under the blue-black skies ofMaladomini, plotting revenge. Baalzebul has many symbols, including a fly's head, a web with flies caught in it, and a black slug sitting atop a throne.
The Goals of Baalzebul:Baalzebul's greatest failing is ambition. Even with the power and prestige he attained, he was never satisfied. As the politics of the Nine Hells drew him deeper into plots and conspiracies, he found himself at greater and greater odds with Asmodeus until the two came into conflict during the Reckoning. Like others, Baalzebul suffered for opposing the Lord of the Ninth, and for his disloyalty, he was transformed into the hideous creature he is today.
Baalzebul still counts Belial as an ally, but he is uncertain of Fierna, whom he sees as a threat to their alliance thanks to her flowering relationship with the new Lord of the Sixth. The Slug Archduke blames everyone but himself for his predicament, especially Mephistopheles. However, Baalzebul reserves a special hatred for Asmodeus. His curse is more than just an obstacle; it is humiliating. Baalzebul will avenge himself and regain his true form. It is just a matter of time.
Baalzebul retains a sizable following on the Material Plane. Mortals seem helplessly drawn to his doctrine of lies, his charm, and the power he offers. The most numerous of his followers are bugbears, who personify Baalzebul's dualistic nature by being both strong and cunning.