Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Deities and Pantheons => Topic started by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:44 PM

Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:44 PM
Archdevils of the Nine Hells

Among the litany of unique and powerful devils and archdevils of the Nine Hells, none so were more powerful than the Lords of the Nine.

  • Asmodeus
  • Baalzebul
  • Bel
  • Belial
  • Dispater
  • Fierna
  • Glasya
  • Levistus
  • Mammon
  • Mephistopheles
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:27 PM
The Lord of the Ninth, Overlord of the Nine Hells, The Archfiend, Ruler of Nessus, Ahriman, King of the Nine Hells, The Lord of Lies

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: Clawed fist gripping a skull or a ruby-tipped rod or an inverted pentagram
Home Plane: Baator
Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Trickery, [Diabolic]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Light mace or heavy mace

Asmodeus the Archfiend, the overlord of all the dukes of hell, commands all devilkind and reigns as the undisputed master of the Nine Hells. Even the deities that call that plane home pay Asmodeus a great deal of respect. Asmodeus is certainly older than any devil in hell, although some say that he was not the plane's first ruler. On the other hand, some reports claim that he is indeed the original, primal force of evil in the multiverse.

The actions of Asmodeus are often mysterious to outside observers, but that is due to the short-sighted and dim-witted view most beings have. Asmodeus's manipulations are labyrinthine and insidious. They work on a grand scale, although when it suits his needs he is willing to focus his attention even on the status of a lowly mortal soul. During the Reckoning, Asmodeus showed that he could take on virtually all the other archdevils in hell and arise triumphant when the smoke clears. His will alone dictates who rules the various layers of hell. Once a year, he gathers the archdevils together in his home in Nessus, a fortress called Malsheem. None has ever refused this call. Even Levistus is briefly freed from his imprisonment to attend (and sulk through) this gathering.

Asmodeus stands just over 13 feet tall, with lustrous dark skin and dark hair. He is handsome in the same way that a thunderstorm is beautiful. His red eyes shine with the power of hell, and his head is crowned with a pair of small, dark red horns.He dresses in finery of red and black; a single garment of his might cost what an entire nation spends in a year. Of course, he is never without his Ruby Rod, an ornate piece of unparalleled jeweled finery and vast magical power.

The Goals of Asmodeus:

First and foremost, Asmodeus is interested in preserving the status quo in which he is the supreme ruler of hell. Beyond that, he focuses most of his attention on the general spread of evil in the multiverse. He opposes the actions of powerful celestials and good-aligned deities. He also loathes and opposes the demonic forces of the Abyss--their existence is a challenge to his mastery of evil.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:29 PM
Lord of the Seventh, The Lord of Lies, Lord of the Flies, The Fallen One, Triel the Fallen, The Slug Archduke

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A fly's head or a web with caught flies or a black slug on a throne
Home Plane: Mount Celestia
Realm: Maladomini
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Bugbears
Domains: Evil, Law, Strength, Trickery, [Diabolic]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Morningstar

One of the mightiest of the archdevils, Baalzebul is known as the Lord of the Flies, Lord of Lies, the Fallen One, and, more recently, the Slug Archduke. Originally an archon named Triel who dwelt in the good-aligned planes, Baalzebul succumbed to temptation, craving more power and authority than Heaven would grant him. His quest for perfection took him too far, and he was blinded by ambition. Soon he found himself in hell in a new form: a tall, powerful, dark-skinned humanoid with the compound eyes of a fly.

Baalzebul, as he started to call himself, quickly gathered a great deal of support and power, as well as the blessing of Asmodeus. He set himself up as an archdevil and ruled Maladomini, the seventh layer. He quickly became a rival of Mephistopheles, and thus Dispater as well. He also gained some allies, notably Belial.

After the Reckoning, Baalzebul fell from Asmodeus's favor and was cursed with a different form--that of a giant slug with tiny, malformed arms, flies buzzing and crawling around him continuously. The stench around Baalzebul is infamous; the curse causes stinking piles of rotting garbage and feces to accumulate wherever he spends time. So now the Slug Archduke lives in his Palace of Filth under the blue-black skies ofMaladomini, plotting revenge. Baalzebul has many symbols, including a fly's head, a web with flies caught in it, and a black slug sitting atop a throne.

The Goals of Baalzebul:

Baalzebul's greatest failing is ambition. Even with the power and prestige he attained, he was never satisfied. As the politics of the Nine Hells drew him deeper into plots and conspiracies, he found himself at greater and greater odds with Asmodeus until the two came into conflict during the Reckoning. Like others, Baalzebul suffered for opposing the Lord of the Ninth, and for his disloyalty, he was transformed into the hideous creature he is today.

Baalzebul still counts Belial as an ally, but he is uncertain of Fierna, whom he sees as a threat to their alliance thanks to her flowering relationship with the new Lord of the Sixth. The Slug Archduke blames everyone but himself for his predicament, especially Mephistopheles. However, Baalzebul reserves a special hatred for Asmodeus. His curse is more than just an obstacle; it is humiliating. Baalzebul will avenge himself and regain his true form. It is just a matter of time.

Baalzebul retains a sizable following on the Material Plane. Mortals seem helplessly drawn to his doctrine of lies, his charm, and the power he offers. The most numerous of his followers are bugbears, who personify Baalzebul's dualistic nature by being both strong and cunning.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:29 PM
The Lord of the First, Warlord of Avernus, The Pretender

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A fanged mouth biting down on a sword's blade
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Avernus
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Warriors
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Strength
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Bel is one of the newer lords of the Nine Hells, currently the ruler of Avernus, the first layer. He is the only archdevil who spends more of his time worrying about the Blood War than hell's own politics. Although he rose through the ranks based on his own skill and power (and victories over the demons), the former pit fiend enjoys the support of none of the other lords of hell. Bel is, however, held in high favor among the Dark Eight, and that is not a bit of influence to be overlooked. It is thought that Zariel, the former ruler of Avernus, is still kept within Bel's Bronze Citadel, where Bel draws off her power to extend his own.

Bel resembles a pit fiend with vast bat wings. His fangs drip with green liquid, and red scales cover his hulking body. His sword blade has a jagged edge and glows with heat. The symbol of Bel is a fanged mouth biting down on a sword's blade.

The Goals of Bel:

Among the archdevils of hell, Bel is often called the Pretender. It is thought that Asmodeus allowed his coup only because it meant one less scheming lord. Bel would be so busy fighting the demons, the rumor says, that he could not scheme against his betters, and most important, his patron.

Bel simply wants to secure his position. He has made overtures to ally himself with Baalzebul and Mephistopheles, but they have rebuffed him. His acts of treachery against the old lord of Avernus, Zariel, are too fresh in their minds.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:31 PM
Great Belial, The Lord of Pain and Suffering, Lord of the Fourth

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A two-pronged ranseur ora pair of glowing red eyes above a horizontal ranseur, both encircled by a barbed red tail or a handsome male face with dark features and small horns
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Phlegethos
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Perverse deviants
Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Trickery
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Ranseur (Halberd)

Technically, the Lady Fierna rules the fourth layer of the Pit, known as Phlegethos. Most devils know, however, that Belial, her father and the former ruler of the layer, actually runs things from behind the scenes. Fierna has gained a reputation as an insatiable consumer of males with little care or discrimination. Her father is really no better, quenching his dark needs often with captives, slaves, or other devils. Some say that Fierna and Belial's relationship has been consummated in incestuous ways.

Fierna dwells in a flaming palace of rough rock, deep caverns, and pools of magma. At its heart lie elegant halls of marble and a bejeweled decor. No one except Fierna and her closest companions are allowed here, for this is where her father spends all his time.

Both Fierna and her father are tall, dark humanoids with small horns on their forehead. Both are quite handsome and sexual, with smoldering red eyes. They dress in regal finery. Belial always carries his ranseur, but Fierna never wields a weapon, relying on her flame blade attack.

The symbol that both often use is a pair of red glowing eyes over a horizontally positioned ranseur, with the whole thing circled by a red tail ending in a wicked barb.

The Goals of Belial/Fierna:

Fierna has no interest in ruling, gaining power, or taking part in the complicated politics of hell. Instead, she is much more interested in taking advantage of her position and wealth to live an existence of comfort and pleasure. Thus, she is not at all resentful that her father actually does all the "work" and she simply says what he wants her to.

Belial was the enemy of Geryon and Moloch, both of whom were deposed in the Reckoning. He also hates Mammon. However, he currently has his sights set on the fifth and sixth layers of hell. He feels that if he can overcome Levistus, the Hag Countess will be easily defeated soon after. Belial has been an ally of Baalzebul over the centuries and even through the Reckoning. They keep their relationship more of a secret nowadays, but Belial would come to Baalzebul's side if he needed him. Should this ever happen, however, Mephistopheles would probably attempt to use Fierna against her father--either as an ally or, if that is impossible, a hostage.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:32 PM
Lord of the Second, The Iron Duke, Lord of the Iron City of Dis

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A black iron tower on a red field or a fortress embossed on a reinforced miniature shield.
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Dis
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Hobgoblins, goblins
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Heavy mace

Dispater is the Iron Duke--the lord of the Iron City of Dis. His home is the Iron Tower, an impregnable fortress made to protect a paranoid archdevil.

Dispater is the picture of caution and careful thought. He never acts rashly, never leaves his tower (unless commanded to do so by Asmodeus), and always has at least nine different backup plans and escape routes at any given moment. No matter the situation, however, Dispater keeps a veneer of calm, gentlemanly manners. He never shows anger or contempt, making him all the more charming--and dangerous.

Dispater stands approximately 7 feet tall.He has dark hair and small horns. His skin is cold to the touch and feels like metal; it resists blows like metal as well. Dispater is always dressed in regal finery and carries his rod as a badge of office as well as a terrible, macelike weapon. He often sports a magic iron shield as well.

Dispater's symbol is a black iron tower on a red field.

The Goals of Dispater:

Dispater is ancient even by archdevil standards and has learned much over his millennia of rulership and control. He is cautious and slow to act. Throughout much of his time as a Lord of the Nine, he has allied himself with Mephistopheles. Like his ally, Dispater despises Baalzebul and works against him at every turn.

Dispater's main objective for now and the foreseeable future is the
downfall of his enemy, Baalzebul. All his schemes and actions center around that goal. Likewise, Baalzebul works against Dispater, so the Iron Duke frequently devotes his time and attention to defenses against his foe's machinations.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:33 PM
Lady Fierna, Lord of the Fourth

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A pair of glowing red eyes above a horizontal ranseur, both encircled by a barbed red tail.
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Phlegethos
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Outcasts, malcontents, exiles
Domains: Charm, Evil, Fire, Law, Trickery
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Technically, the Lady Fierna rules the fourth layer of the Pit, known as Phlegethos. Most devils know, however, that Belial, her father and the former ruler of the layer, actually runs things from behind the scenes. Fierna has gained a reputation as an insatiable consumer of males with little care or discrimination. Her father is really no better, quenching his dark needs often with captives, slaves, or other devils. Some say that Fierna and Belial's relationship has been consummated in incestuous ways.

Fierna dwells in a flaming palace of rough rock, deep caverns, and pools of magma. At its heart lie elegant halls of marble and a bejeweled decor. No one except Fierna and her closest companions are allowed here, for this is where her father spends all his time.

Both Fierna and her father are tall, dark humanoids with small horns on their forehead. Both are quite handsome and sexual, with smoldering red eyes. They dress in regal finery. Belial always carries his ranseur, but Fierna never wields a weapon, relying on her flame blade attack.

The symbol that both often use is a pair of red glowing eyes over a horizontally positioned ranseur, with the whole thing circled by a red tail ending in a wicked barb.

The Goals of Belial/Fierna:

Fierna has no interest in ruling, gaining power, or taking part in the complicated politics of hell. Instead, she is much more interested in taking advantage of her position and wealth to live an existence of comfort and pleasure. Thus, she is not at all resentful that her father actually does all the "work" and she simply says what he wants her to.

Belial was the enemy of Geryon and Moloch, both of whom were deposed in the Reckoning. He also hates Mammon. However, he currently has his sights set on the fifth and sixth layers of hell. He feels that if he can overcome Levistus, the Hag Countess will be easily defeated soon after. Belial has been an ally of Baalzebul over the centuries and even through the Reckoning. They keep their relationship more of a secret nowadays, but Belial would come to Baalzebul's side if he needed him. Should this ever happen, however, Mephistopheles would probably attempt to use Fierna against her father--either as an ally or, if that is impossible, a hostage.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:34 PM
Lord of the Sixth, The Dark Prodigy, Princess of Hell

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A copper-colored scourge
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Malbolge
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Female figures near men of power
Domains: Charm, Evil, Law, Luck, Trickery, [Diabolic]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Whip

Glasya is the newest Lord of the Nine. She wrested control of the Sixth from the Hag Countess and now rules Malbolge with an iron fist, harvesting new devils from the flesh of her predecessor.

The Goals of Glasya:

Up until very recently, Malbolge was a layer tilted, a place of sliding scree and tumbling rock, its eternal slope nearly impossible to navigate. The pitch suited the unlikely Lord, the Hag Countess, since she was unlike any other, not being baatezu, nor even a devil for that matter. But her time has passed and now Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, reigns as Duchess of the Sixth. And to decorate her new home, she used the best materials at hand: the Hag Countess herself.

Now that Glasya has risen to the rank of archdevil, she has incredible power and influence. The other Lords fear her, suspecting the move as a bid to consolidate Asmodeus's control over the Nine Hells. But Glasya has plots and plans of her own. She detests Levistus and wants revenge for her mother's death. Glasya employs paeliryons to monitor her nemesis's actions and gather some proof to gain her father's approval to destroy the archdevil for good.

Before ascending to become the new Lord of the Sixth, Glasya traveled to the Material Plane to establish several cults. Most of her followers are inexperienced, young, and very naive. Glasya recruits young adults, full of life and vigor, curious and willing to experiment. For now, it is their duty to recruit new members, but they suspect something new is imminent and wait with bated breath to receive their next instructions.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:34 PM
The Lord of the Fifth, Prince Levistus, The Rogue Archdevil, Prince of Stygia

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A thin sword thrust into a block of ice or an iron cauldron for ritual melting of ice
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Stygia
Serves: Asmodeus
Domains:  Evil, Law, Trickery, War, Water, [Cold]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Worshipers: Assassins, militant bards, rakish fighters, rangers, rogues
Favored Weapon: Rapier

Prince Levistus (as he calls himself) is an ancient being. He ruled the fifth layer of hell, Stygia, for eons. He was known throughout many planes as a swordsman of great prowess. He ended many conflicts with a personal duel, always resulting in the death of his opponent. Levistus was a schemer and betrayer as well--the rogue archdevil, as he was sometimes called, had no allies. Yet still his power was great.

In the dim recesses of the past, Levistus attempted to turn the consort of Asmodeus, a devil named Bensozia, against her lover.When she refused, Levistus slew her.

Not surprisingly, when Asmodeus discovered what Levistus had done, he was enraged. He imprisoned Levistus in the ice of Stygia. Most thought that they would never see the prince again. A devil named Geryon took his place in Stygia and ruled there for centuries.

Eventually, Geryon was deposed during the Reckoning and Asmodeus put Levistus back in control of Stygia.He did not, however, free Levistus from his icy prison. Now Levistus rules from within the ice, held motionless, an ironic end for one who prided himself on his dexterity and grace. Though he is not visible beneath the massive glacier that imprisons him, Levistus appears as a 6-foot-tall humanoid with extremely pale skin, dark hair, and a goatee. He could almost pass for a human except for his all-black eyes and pointed teeth. Back in his day, Levistus wore loose, silky finery and carried a glistening rapier. Though it was different once, today Levistus's symbol is a thin sword thrust into a block of ice.

The Goals of Levistus:

Levistus wants more than anything else to be free of his frozen prison. The mountain of ice that he is trapped within is almost a half-mile across. From the outside, he is simply a black spot within the ice. The ice trapping Levistus cannot be affected by a wish or miracle. Levistus cannot teleport or be summoned out of the ice in any way. The ice must be destroyed, either by physically chipping and smashing at it or by melting it with fire (including magical fire). Levistus hates all the other lords of hell, and they hate him. Were he ever to gain his freedom, Levistus would most likely work toward some scheme that would be detrimental to all--particularly Asmodeus. Levistus is not particularly grateful to Asmodeus for giving him back control of Stygia. He cannot see beyond his need for revenge over being imprisoned.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:35 PM
Viscount Mammon of Minauros, Lord of the Third

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: An open pair of scaled, red hands looming above a diamond-shaped black gem or a medallion-sized coin emblazoned with Mammon's serpentine form.
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Minauros
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Beholders, evil dragons, mind flayers
Domains: Evil, Law, Luck, Trickery, [Diabolic]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Spear

Mammon, the lord of hell's third layer, has long been a power hungry schemer. He is the epitome of selfishness, greed, and lust.

The archdevil lives in a golden, jewel-encrusted palace that some have claimed looks more like a tomb than a home. Mammon's palace is within the city of Minauros, forever sinking into an endless, fetid swamp.

Mammon's natural form was once that of a bloated pit fiend. Although he can still adopt that form, Asmodeus has altered him so that his natural form is now that of a Huge serpent with a muscular humanoid torso, sporting two large arms and a massive humanoid head. His mouth has pointed teeth and two large snake fangs.

Mammon's symbol is a pair of red scaled hands open and looming over a diamond-shaped, black gem.

The Goals of Mammon:

Mammon lusts for power--he craves a station and position above the one he currently holds, for he has no affection for Minauros, the layer he currently rules.Once the ally of Dispater and Mephistopheles, he was quick to betray them both at the end of the Reckoning, and thus no archdevil trusts him. To hang onto his current position, it is said that Mammon had to embarrassingly throw himself at Asmodeus's feet. Asmodeus changed Mammon's form, either to punish him or as a sign that Mammon had changed his ways and would not betray Asmodeus again.

Currently,Mammon seeks support in the form of cultists, servants, and allies. Although most of the major players in the Nine Hells will not listen to his entreaties, some of the second-tier beings of influence, such as the witch-queen Zbavra, have entered into Mammon's court.
Title: Archdevils of the Nine Hells
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:35 PM
Lord of the Eighth, Archduke of Cania, Molikroth the Baron of Cania, Lord of No Mercy, Cold Lord

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: A flame rendered in copper and gold or a red hand with black nails shrouded in dark flame
Home Plane: Nine Hells
Realm: Cania
Serves: Asmodeus
Worshipers: Disaffected devil-worshipers, fire worshipers
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Fire, Law, [Diabolic]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Ranseur (Halberd)

Mephistopheles is an archdevil who has long held a great deal of power in hell. He is allied with Dispater and a bitter rival of Baalzebul. Mephistopheles rules over the frozen wastes of Cania, the eighth layer of hell. As such, he has become immune to cold by ruthlessly exposing himself to the most frigid temperatures on Cania. Mephistopheles displays a facade of charm, civility, and understated wit. Secretly, he has a terrible temper and flies into frequent rages while in his palace in Cania--a citadel called Mephistar, built on a massive glacier on the frigid layer. From there Mephistopheles commands legions of gelugons, including the vast army that does nothing but guard the entrance to Nessus, the bottom of the pit where Asmodeus dwells.

Of late, Mephistar has become a place of scorching flame at the heart of the icy plain, however, and the gelugons have slowly relocated elsewhere, replaced by pit fiends, cornugons, and barbazu. Mephistopheles has developed an extremely hot, corrupt type of energy known as hellfire, tapped from the substance of the plane itself. Its use has spread through many of the archdevils and their servants. None are as adept with hellfire as Mephistopheles, however. To further his mastery of fire, he has taken up the study of wizardry, specifically evocation. Mephistopheles is quickly gaining a reputation as an archdevil of contradictions.

Nine feet tall, with hell-red skin, bat wings, white eyes, horns jutting from his forehead, and straight, black hair,Mephistopheles plays up his appearance to be as consummately diabolical as possible. He swathes himself in flowing black capes and wields a three-pronged ranseur. Mephistopheles constantly adopts new symbols. His current one is a red hand with black fingernails shrouded in dark flames.

The Goals of Mephistopheles:

Mephistopheles wants now what he has always wanted: to rule the Nine Hells. Of all the schemers in hell--and there are many--he is the most open about his goals. Mephistopheles has said to Asmodeus's face that he will one day rule in his stead. Because he is more openly antagonistic toward Baalzebul, Asmodeus has usually tolerated Mephistopheles's obvious coveting of his dark throne.

Mephistopheles's schemes are always extreme and dramatic, rather than subtle and sly like those of some of the other archdevils. For example, before the Reckoning, he created a new persona for himself, Molikroth, then "deposed" Mephistopheles and ruled in Molikroth's name. Many speculated that the reason for the deception was to ferret out traitors in his midst. Those that helped "Molikroth" overthrow Mephistopheles have all been eliminated now. Mephistopheles adores being worshiped as a god and at the moment is striving to increase his base of cultists on the Material Plane.