The title conveys it well - for the next some months, I might be gone some days here and there due to real life matters.
You may always PM me or hunt me down on Skype if you've not seen me around a day or three!
Health and other things are getting me - I'll be back this Monday!

You're buried under a pile of Corgis, and you just don't want to move. Admit it!
Can't deny it. Here's a tablet picture of current circumstances. Am trapped.

I know a great taxidermist, let me know if you need the number
My wife keeps teling me that to
Hey, J.D. and Turk had a ton of fun with theirs.
Corgis are the best!
I have been given news that my Mother-in-Law is visiting July 9th or so, for about a month. I'll absolutely sneak on some but I'll probably be a little inactive because my mother in law understands shopping and not gaming.
You need a new mother-in-law. Clearly.
My Mother-In-Law will be arriving this Friday so things will be chaotic for awhile! She is a bit OCD so I'm worried about making her happy, so I need to be on my A game!
That said, if I've missed any forum replies, or PMs, or you're wishing to schedule something surrounding one of my open events - PM me a reminder, please! The scatter-brainedness is real and not intentional, so prodding is appreciated.

MiL visit is going well. She sleeps early in the day and is nice to me! I've been taking her to her doctor appointments and keeping her health up so my husband can enjoy her. It's been good.

Sometimes a tree falls in the forest and doesn't make a sound. That silence is from the utility lines it took down with it.
They're working on it out there! No ETA.
Mother in Law is on her journey home. Things went well, all considered!
So, we'll resume to regular sporadic awayness due to health but otherwise, here and good to go. Thanks, folks. <3

We will all be here, waiting for you!
Congratulations, Fae! It's good that you're prioritizing your rest, and I hope all goes well. Do we know yet if it's a boy or girl and have you thought of names?
When I had my kid, we delayed on the name so long the running joke in my family was that she probably wouldn't have a name until she was 16.
Thank you! It is a female WIP. We're still very indecisive on the name. Uhh... we called our dog "Puppy" for the first 6 months. We're awesome with names like that.
Hey, in some real world cultures (not my own to my knowledge, just in general), they come up with a nickname and then decide on the real name later. It really is not that unusual of an idea!
Well, at the time we kinda did that. It was apparently the standard at the time (or possibly just the doctors standards) to compare the developing fetus to a fruit. Your baby is now the size of an orange, your baby is now the size of a grapefruit etc etc. We started referring to her by whatever fruit size she was at the time. "Hey honey, how's the cantaloupe today?"
Take care of yourself and the cauliflower! The home stretch can be rough.
Thank you very much. Your words have put a smile on my face!
:-( Thoughts and prayers your way.
If things get too hectic for you, please do not hesitate to let some of us know and we will support you while you get some rest!
I hope you feel better soon! And definitely don't hesitate to lean on us if you need a shoulder!
Don't worry about us, just take care of yourself and your little! Hope things improve for you soon!
You are in our thoughts and prayers! We will be waiting for you to return, hoping to hear that you are getting better!

Huzzah for functionality!
Yay for being functional!
And life happens! Thank you for giving the heads up. :-) You take care of you.
I really need to check these sort of threads more often. Congrats Faefae and good luck!
You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Thoughts, prayers, and love going your way!
Have you considered sending an eviction notice?

You'll rock this stuff! RJ and I will be thinking heavily on you, Mistress of the Corgi.
+1. Stay saneish and we'll look forward to seeing you when the little gamer-to-be is a little less insistent on constant me-time.
Well wishes to you! Hope to see you back and healthy sooner than later. And once the little gamer-to-be needs not as much love.
You are in our thoughts and prayers, be well and we will be looking forward to hear from you!

I know it's hard to believe, but the speed at which it rushes by while it's actually happening makes it difficult to be too scared, at least in my case. Take care, and my thoughts are with you.
Welcome back! Glad you survived this weekend!
Also looking forward to photos! All the photos. :-)
Huzzah to the Princess of Corgis!
We are happy to hear that you are well! Congratulations!

Ooh late to the party but congratulations! suddenly the Corgi thread makes sense.
Oh no! I hope you get better soon!
She seems very docile in those photos. :-D And adorable!
Mother in law is visiting for awhile so I'll be unavailable as she is a person of opinions and much stress. I'll answer PMs, DM stuff, and the like once she's gone in 10 - days. Sorry!
Hey, no worries, just nod all the time while the old hag says something and don't give a damn.