Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: aalnyar on Jan 03, 2024, 12:34 AM

Title: Questions about elvish personalities and other things Elven
Post by: aalnyar on Jan 03, 2024, 12:34 AM
Part One
When I ask about certain subjects involving Moon Elves I keep getting feed back that seems more in line with Sun Elves why does it feel like the lore of the server is not based on each and every elf race here is a description of Moon Elves that I found that seems similar to what I play my Moon elf Characters.


Moon elves were uncommonly tolerant of non-elves, spending as much time within other races' lands as they did within their own. While sun elves might wrinkle their nose at other cultures as inferior, moon elves typically felt that the diversity of Faerûn's landscape was wondrously enchanting. To a moon elf, the insights that non-elves often had was a strength that others of their race too often ignored. Rather than shunning outside ideas, most moon elves embraced them and made them a part of their own culture, which often caused other elves to look down on the subrace.

The reason their openness was frowned upon by some elves (namely, the sun elves) was because they believed that their moon elf brethren were too open and kindhearted to the N-Tel-Quess, thus making it seem a foolish attempt. The sun elves strove to help the moon elves to try to return to the proper elven path with very stern lectures and strict fatherly advice by trying to make them look down on the N-Tel-Quess as inferior, but for a moon Elf, these actions were nothing but a tactical weakness and therefore were a silly way to alienate themselves from every other race they encountered. Working and getting along with the N-Tel-Quess was the true meaning of friendship for the Teu-Tel-Quessir.

However, while moon elves commonly demonstrated a willingness to accept other cultures' traditions and ideas, they generally had little tolerance for cruelty, making them natural enemies of most orcs and gnolls. Likewise, most moon elves shared their kin's open hostility towards drow.

Part Two
Moon Elf Lands and locations since I like the Waterdeep and Ardeep forest areas I base a lot of my characters from there. I know that the Elven population is mainly made up of Moon Elf and Wood Elf (From Evermeet to protect Elven Artifacts from being stolen Ardeep Forest) from various sources that are listed as 2.0 to 3.5, so why would elves from these areas be considered not Elven in nature/forlorn, there is referenced that House Floshin has an estate there. Since this is the case how can these locations be considered not Elven in nature?

This is the start of some questions that I hope to get clarification on so that when I do write up or try to start a background, I can give a better one.

I found this also as far as locations for Moon Elves


Some nations that could properly be considered moon elven still existed in the 14th century DR—a sign that moon elves had, on the whole, fared relatively well compared to their brethren. Though the moon elves had not settled in vast numbers, this was less out of inability as lack of need, as the small bands that made up most moon elves had been fairly successful at their lifestyle for centuries. By and large, moon elves ignored the Retreat carried out by their sun elf kin, preferring to either live amongst other races or wander the wilderness. The major exception to this was the isolated city of Evereska, mainly populated by moon elves. Moon elves could be found most commonly in the Dalelands, northwest Faerûn, or the Western Heartlands. After the Spellplague of 1385 DR, many also took refuge in the cities of Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep.
Title: Questions about elvish personalities and other things Elven
Post by: Arya on Jan 05, 2024, 01:22 AM
Just going to add some notes here for consideration.

Part One:

The general description of moon elves does describe tendencies, but they are definitely not universal - though you are going to see all of what you said with them a little more than with others. It is actually a big focus of the rivalry between clans of the different elf groups, especially their noble clans. 

Still, Evereskan moon elves and some Evermeetian ones would tend as more insular because of the broader culture of their society/ies. So you will need to consider still the region of the moon elf, as that will need taken into account in combination with that general descriptor and what direction your character goes and wishes to go in response to that environment. Moon elves in the Dalelands are definitely going to be varied based on settlements and most of the Northern/Silver Marches ones are probably going to be a little more tolerant, as there are open temples of Eilistraee in proximity to them (though they would still be cautious of drow they do not know - not all are Drizzt Do'Urden).

Part Two:

The Ardeep information checks with the information from Lost Empires of Faerun that there are elves still there, though note they are not a full on civilization like they used to be when they were a vassal realm or a surviving realm of the Crown Wars. Description indicated their presence is few in this material. Elves from Waterdeep go in the forest to tend some important sites.                may be a better judge of what is going on there right now; I recall they had some Chronicle posts involving plots relevant to the area. Waterdeep is metropolitan so it could as well be that some may assume the elf was not from an elven raised family unless specified otherwise, as to why some might think of forlorn/not raised elven at the start?

I am actually confused on what is being inquired on here, the questions feels a bit awkward. 

On Homelands:

While a bit of this is not wrong as of 1372 DR up to now, the date from which we start to deviate from the timeline, I would be cautious about using the FR Wiki as the main source. I would in the future consider checking which source on there match. For instance, Spellplague never happened in this server. So anything related to that or after 1372 DR should not be used in our continuity.

Best wishes,
Title: Questions about elvish personalities and other things Elven
Post by: aalnyar on Jan 05, 2024, 07:06 AM
Arya Avatar
Just going to add some notes here for consideration.

Part One:

The general description of moon elves does describe tendencies, but they are definitely not universal - though you are going to see all of what you said with them a little more than with others. It is actually a big focus of the rivalry between clans of the different elf groups, especially their noble clans. 

Still, Evereskan moon elves and some Evermeetian ones would tend as more insular because of the broader culture of their society/ies. So you will need to consider still the region of the moon elf, as that will need taken into account in combination with that general descriptor and what direction your character goes and wishes to go in response to that environment. Moon elves in the Dalelands are definitely going to be varied based on settlements and most of the Northern/Silver Marches ones are probably going to be a little more tolerant, as there are open temples of Eilistraee in proximity to them (though they would still be cautious of drow they do not know - not all are Drizzt Do'Urden).

Part Two:

The Ardeep information checks with the information from Lost Empires of Faerun that there are elves still there, though note they are not a full on civilization like they used to be when they were a vassal realm or a surviving realm of the Crown Wars. Description indicated their presence is few in this material. Elves from Waterdeep go in the forest to tend some important sites.              may be a better judge of what is going on there right now, as I recall they had some Chronicle posts involving plots relevant to the area. Waterdeep is metropolitan so it could as well be that some may assume the elf was not from an elven raised family unless specified otherwise, as to why some might think of forlorn/not raised elven at the start?

I am actually confused on what is being inquired on here, the questions feels a bit awkward.

On Homelands:

While a bit of this is not wrong as of 1372 DR up to now, the date from which we start to deviate from the timeline, I would be cautious about using the FR Wiki as the main source. I would in the future consider checking which source on there match. For instance, Spellplague never happened in this server. So anything related to that or after 1372 DR should not be used in our continuity.

Best wishes,
Basically I am doing research to get a better handle on how the admins view the lore here on the server compared to other sources a the saying goes when in Rome.
Title: Questions about elvish personalities and other things Elven
Post by: Arya on Jan 05, 2024, 12:17 PM
I certainly am not in a position to speak for the sDMs or admins on this topic, and they are going to have their conjecture on the matter based on their knowledges, experiences, and so forth. I am only speaking on what has been what I have operated on, or learned about, in the past roughly two decades (give or take) of the elf scene on the server. This is as someone who has made an applications approved by staff and as someone in the olden days who did a lot of the major storylines in the past as a staff member (I am still on hiatus right now). It is also a case where the standards may gradually change in time as the server evolves, big storylines change the lore or add to it, and if the senior staff see the need to change restrictions based on needs to keep their vision or vibe they desire.

Best wishes,