Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: farmboy2003 on Nov 12, 2020, 11:54 AM

Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 12, 2020, 11:54 AM
The description on the forum is very different from the ingame effects.

Forums says 8 AC, ingame says 5, with a change to 6 at cl 8, 8 at cl 10. At Swordmage level 8, it still gives me +5 AC, so the progression doesnt seem to be working.

The progression described in the ingame feat doesnt add up with the forum either, where greater blinkplate becomes availabe at Swordmage level 10, not 8. And the greater blinkplate is +11.

While it would be prudent to have either feat or forum description changed, Id just really like to know what is up and down with the blinkplate.

Right now it is a +5 bonus without scaling. Its the worst of both versions.

Is there a reason the duration is very short? I would carefully suggest a change in duration, if there is a nerf in bonus.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Xaerien on Nov 12, 2020, 12:20 PM
If it's not increasing to +6 AC at Swordmage level 8, then that'd be a bug. The class page on the forum not displaying the change in the ability means it was likely forgotten to do so when the change came in. Blinkplate's a short duration, high armor AC increasing ability for Swordmage meant to provide a short term AC increase as needed rather than a permanent AC buff, though the regular version can be kept up as long as you'd like due to having infinite uses. Just requires managing the duration
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 12, 2020, 12:57 PM
Xaerien Avatar
If it's not increasing to +6 AC at Swordmage level 8, then that'd be a bug. The class page on the forum not displaying the change in the ability means it was likely forgotten to do so when the change came in. Blinkplate's a short duration, high armor AC increasing ability for Swordmage meant to provide a short term AC increase as needed rather than a permanent AC buff, though the regular version can be kept up as long as you'd like due to having infinite uses. Just requires managing the duration
Reading between the lines, I should always take ingame descriptions more serious?

I had some trouble calculating my AC last I checked, I will go in at give it a whirl again.

I dont mind the duration - but at low levels it is inhumanely short. Not so short that it is a shame when it fades in combat, but it is tedious keeping an eye.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Edge on Nov 12, 2020, 01:02 PM
Normally its the other way around, forum is generally better updated than in game, since in game text changes require a hak and tlk update. This one may have just slipped thru the cracks.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Xaerien on Nov 12, 2020, 01:12 PM
Also, arcane veil or mage armor (off scrolls or an item) are longer lasting alternatives you can use at the lower levels. They're not as high an armor AC bonus as blinkplate, but they're higher than gear available before level 10 for arcane veil, and before level 15 for mage armor. You're also likely to be wearing something with an armor AC value on it as well, which blinkplate overrides rather than stacks with (since armor AC doesn't stack). So not having it up at all times isn't a complete loss, just the difference between the AC it grants and your highest source of armor AC without it
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 12, 2020, 04:18 PM
Xaerien Avatar
Also, arcane veil or mage armor (off scrolls or an item) are longer lasting alternatives you can use at the lower levels. They're not as high an armor AC bonus as blinkplate, but they're higher than gear available before level 10 for arcane veil, and before level 15 for mage armor. You're also likely to be wearing something with an armor AC value on it as well, which blinkplate overrides rather than stacks with (since armor AC doesn't stack). So not having it up at all times isn't a complete loss, just the difference between the AC it grants and your highest source of armor AC without it
I am actually having a hard time finding any kind of non AC armor for swordmages. Most stuff is class-restriced for all other spellcasting classes.

I doublechecked it. At lvl 9 swordmage it's actually only+5 bonus
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Xaerien on Nov 12, 2020, 04:30 PM
What are you wearing in your armor/clothing slot?
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 12, 2020, 04:57 PM
Pretty much any armor you find is going to have +AC on it because it's intended to be used by a variety of classes. Something like Icyscales will still give you more AC than the armor because this is a dispellable buff with a duration, much like Blinkplate (which is just a higher bonus with a shorter duration, designed to be used in between every few pulls. It lasts longer with Empowered Evocations, which you should be taking as a Arts).

The armor you choose to wear, you'll primarily be picking for the Resistances, stats, or other bonuses. Come T3, you should have a much easier time.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 13, 2020, 12:57 AM
Garage Trashcan Avatar
Pretty much any armor you find is going to have +AC on it because it's intended to be used by a variety of classes. Something like Icyscales will still give you more AC than the armor because this is a dispellable buff with a duration, much like Blinkplate (which is just a higher bonus with a shorter duration, designed to be used in between every few pulls. It lasts longer with Empowered Evocations, which you should be taking as a Arts).

The armor you choose to wear, you'll primarily be picking for the Resistances, stats, or other bonuses. Come T3, you should have a much easier time.
Yeah, I meant armor items without base AC

Right now I have a +1 hullack leather, which i had a hard time finding. All armors with 0 base AC, ie clothes with enchantments are to come by in the first 10 levels in my experience. Or well, there is. Its just class restricted for classes that are almost the same as swordmage; bladesinger, eldritch knight fx.

On a side note, does protective personality give AC from natural CHA score, or will it count bonuses as well? I have a feeling that in only delivers 4 AC atm, which corresponds with my natural CHA score.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Xaerien on Nov 13, 2020, 01:09 AM
It's equal to charisma modifier, which'd include buffs. It's also deflection, which doesn't stack, so if you're getting a +1 deflection AC bonus from anything you've got currently equipped it'll override that instead
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 13, 2020, 01:56 AM
Xaerien Avatar
It's equal to charisma modifier, which'd include buffs. It's also deflection, which doesn't stack, so if you're getting a +1 deflection AC bonus from anything you've got currently equipped it'll override that instead
Havent got any deflection stuff for that reason exactly. But... will a +1 deflection ring override protective personality?

Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 13, 2020, 06:35 AM
Highest bonus always counts. Of you have somethibg with +5 and +1, it will always onto count the +5.

In regards to cloth, there's plenty of other cloth armors available (such as armor for sneaks), so your experience I would say is just unlucky. There are plenty of caster and gish armors, but there's also plenty not for those classes.

There's reasons we joke that the loot script is sentient, written at the dead of night in a secret government facility.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 13, 2020, 08:19 AM
Garage Trashcan Avatar
There's reasons we joke that the loot script is sentient, written at the dead of night in a secret government facility.
Just remember to feed the ants! And the bees. And to replace the cucumber from the time to time!
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: DubiousScroll on Nov 13, 2020, 12:33 PM
Paranoia is the best Green Armor for Sword Mages, I've found.  The +Regen in lower levels is real nice.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: farmboy2003 on Nov 15, 2020, 02:27 PM
DubiousScroll Avatar
Paranoia is the best Green Armor for Sword Mages, I've found.  The +Regen in lower levels is real nice.
Where do one find that? ;-)

Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Terallis on Nov 15, 2020, 04:23 PM
Loot, or in the shop if you're lucky, if someone has sold one.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Edge on Nov 15, 2020, 04:32 PM
Get lucky with the loot, much like anything else. Items here do not drop in specific places guaranteed, you just have to get lucky or find someone who has it and is willing to trade or sell, or find it in the shop after someone sells it in your tier.
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: onivel on Nov 17, 2020, 12:09 PM
Check store frequently as it fills fast and gets flushed to keep from being too large and contributing to lag
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Sir Ven on Nov 17, 2020, 12:53 PM
The little-remembered store in Huthduth sells cloth armour with +1 regen
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: DubiousScroll on Nov 19, 2020, 02:38 PM
Sir Ven Avatar
The little-remembered store in Huthduth sells cloth armour with +1 regen
Where is Huthduth again?
Title: How does blink plate even work?
Post by: Sir Ven on Nov 19, 2020, 02:44 PM
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