I'll kick this off by transporting all my pics from the old forum to here.... annnnd GO!
First, my uber-sister, queen bitch of awesome. My eternal nemesis and closest friend, all in one <3 :

...yes. we're twins. : P
Ok... here's some more stuff...

...and a more recent one in my hallway:

... my random 3:00 in the morning and still gaming photo...

... and finally me in my favorite "gaming shirt" XD

Time to terrorize you all with more blatant vanity >: )

... an older pic from back when the diet was working ._.

... and finally, a roll in ze hay ; )

...and finally...
New hair! 
... a less flattering shot >.>
... and one from about a year ago or something...
I was thinking of starting a thread like this. Glad someone beat me to it

So, for starters, I am not the Indian lady.... Just throwin' that out there in case anyone wasn't sure:

Following this is the picture I use for my health coaching biz:

Kong Foo Fightin! I've been practicing for 20+ years

We're just gonna pretend I have some catchy or otherwise important detail about this one:
Myself right before getting married in Korea

My wife and I on our American Wedding day.

Playing Belegarth/Dagorhir

Carp and I doing what we do best together. ((oocly or icly))

Torch and I a few years back.

Oni through the years .....
Before half you lot were born.... young 'uns

Sporto Oni

Crashing Ohio State in my Penn State gear

Hiking Kalalau Trail in Kauai in my Ohio State gear on my honeymoon....

Daddy and his first born

Daddy and the little thundergod sporting matching cuts

Me in my Halloween costume years ago.

Me modeling for the students in Photography class.

Me years later.

Me at work.

Me wanting a refund, right now.
And just for the hell of it,
My DeviantArt account:
This thread needs moar beard.

Me, two days ago, on a small northern island

Aaand..on Halloween 2012
In honour of Twinkie leaving my humble abode, I offer these, the best photos of him available from my cell phone.

Oh and lets not forget our lovely family portrait.

ye bb.
Also this thread needs much more beard.
Fiiiiine. More beard it is.

Be careful what you ask for.
Damn, that is a fine beard.
Hahahaha thanks on both counts.
A majestic beard that would fit right in in Portland where I live.
Here's my face looking like my face.
Also to the left, in my profile picture, you will see my face. That would be my face sitting beside my face in a post about my face.

And for some contrast, here's a picture of me with the flu.

My final form.

I keep my hair shaven now, though...
And, no, I don't wear that collar anymore. It was my favorite dog's collar that got hit by a car, and I wore it all the time until I actually got approached at my job by real furries asking me if I wanted to meet up with them at some private hotel. Never again...
Work told me I had to trim my beard down. *sobs*
...until I actually got approached at my job by real furries asking me if I wanted to meet up with them at some private hotel. Never again...
I've always prided myself on being pretty open minded. They reminded me how much of a square I am that night. They were an older couple, and very unattractive, and the woman came up to me, walked behind the counter, TO WHISPER, "I can tell you're a furry," while rubbing her hand on my collar. The guy, who was looking to buy, not kidding, StarFox, kept tossing side glances toward me. I noped and had to leave.
I'm pretty convinced I got punked, but there was never a big reveal.
That beard is swoon worthy, TK.
Is that a Yu-Gi-Oh card attached to your kevlar? If it is, that is probably the best thing I've seen in a while.
Here Liadon, here's a good pic of you. You sure seem to carry a rifle pretty often :-P

Or this?

So in honor of our first anniversary today (yay!) And now that I have my wife playing here too, I figured I'd post a picture of us at the local Renaissance faire year before last.

Here Liadon, here's a good pic of you. You sure seem to carry a rifle pretty often :-P
Or this?
I still have those on my facebook too.


I also have a rare image of Goat in his true form:

But no, really, Jon the Gogoat has made me proud.

He has redeemed Grass Types in my book.
Because I'm awesome, that's why!
Because I'm awesome, that's why!
I mean, look at those base stats!

As you can see I am v. pretty.
At the request of Requiem, here's a picture of my girlfriend's ferrets. The white one is Rikki and the sable is Tikki.

The Sergeant, six days on the job!
Made it to e-6? Congrats

No no. .. E-5.
It was a several day mission in the middle of "Land God Forgot", this was day 6
I am glaring at the battalion A** H** that stole our water reserve. . .he sat in the shade all day, we baked on a mountain.
The Land God Forgot? High Netheril?
I hope you got them back, or will... Just desserts and all.

Someone stole your water reserves? But you have a GUN!
Less beard, more filling! Prepping for campaign photos. (P.S. I'm still alive)

Several years old but still one of my favorite, I was really bored moments.

I think this picture really ties the forum together.

No explosion? Get outta here.
Where do you Dag? There's a fairly sizeable population here in Western NY. I've sparred some and done some demos at Con, but that's about it. Really fun, though! (My poor boffer is terrible.)
Opportunity shot of the lady and I at a wedding this weekend (she was a bridesmaid).

I do Dagorhir in Missouri.

Even as a joke, that's just plain inappropriate.
Atomic, play nice or get swatted.
Has science gone too far?

That's not DOTA2.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over League of Legends.
Throwback Thursday
Me(short guy on the left) and my older brother Jake (slightly taller guy on the right).
There should be rules for cuteness. Seriously - its like looking at kittens. It makes you smile.

Me, few years ago. Now I have long hair, but whatever, I like this one.
So I went to Hal-Con today, one of those events many of you would call a comic con. I opted to go for a more dramatic Steampunk this year, and had my face painted (After cutting myself a couple times with a razor to make sure my face was smooth for the paint. ;p)
I'll get some more of the full costume sometime tomorrow.

For halloween, I dressed up as a satyr, this year

Taking flight once again!

Family get together, my sisters and her kids, my brother and sister-in-law with their kid, my pa to my right (left on picture), and my ma who got halfway cut off on the photo because the photographer was like "lol chez"
If anyone wonders why I get quiet during events, it's because of this particularly large, fluffy asshole.

Awwww! He's a cutie. What breed?
I missed answering you, Sorn! I'm sorry. We're not sure. He's either an American Shepherd, a Canadian Shepherd, or a White German Shepherd. They're all really similar dogs.
He followed my dad home one day a few months before dad passed. Was just out for a walk and the dog just..followed him home. And on the next day he walked. On the third one, dad let him inside and he just stayed here ever since. So sort of a rescue. Poor boy was rail thin, covered in burrs, slashed paw. But he's -so- sweet, just scared shitless of everyone. He literally hides under an end table if I have company over.


More dog! This little border collie is Dakota. Another reason why I go quiet while playing. (The couch is..dirty, I know, but this was while the vacuum was broken.)
So I went to see Nightwish, Delain and Sabaton. Sadly my phone camera didn't focus properly.
But it was awesome!

And there was an event after the concert.
Also known as...goofing off.

The story goes that she held up the unspeakable sign...
...The Sign of the Horns.
Then seeing a victim, she compelled him to do the unspeakable...

Persuaded him, even.
And then she focused...focused...

Suddenly, the poor sap was tempted to show the Horns!

They were having so much fun before the camera!

For a fleeting moment, the evil witch showed her true colours...

Then the facade faded, no one noticing behind the sweet smile.

All was well after the concert, and the good times continued...

...Only for the camera to have done it, and incur the sass of them both!

The camera deigned to act up, which meant only one thing to happen...

Sometimes, drastic circumstances require extreme measures.
The End.
So I went to see Nightwish, Delain and Sabaton. Sadly my phone camera didn't focus properly.
But it was awesome!
SO MUCH ENVY. Three of my favorite bands of all time.
Also you two are nuts =P
Thought you knew this about us, Edge.

The joke's on you, my dear friend.
But yeah, the real context: proud of the fact I was dressed up after almost two years of not dressing up, I was trying to do selfies on his camera and completely failed. <.< I was frustrated at how my camera was being nicer on me but had no batteries. So I gave his phone back and we did the duo pics that you see now.
Funny fact: my satirical story aside (no pun intended), the Sign of the Horns was traditionally a sign to ward off evil influences (or rather, 'the evil eye'). In Indian mudras, it has been in depictions of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), and was the mudra used to expulse evil demons from within. Even Ronnie James Dio, who started the trend in heavy metal circles said it was meant as protection from the evil eye (while folks thought it was -the- evil eye).
An observation of a fact does not in and of itself imply a lack of previous knowledge of said fact. =P
Me and my "little" brothers. Me on the left.. Jonathan in the center and Chris on the right...
My poor brothers.. I got the brains and the looks.. and the hair..

Just a few pics from this past weekend...
Kamon, CC, and me

One big happy family...
Left to right... CC, Kamon, Edge, Me, my brother, mom, and dad

Uncle Edge and CC... napping during the commencement speech.

And my favorite from this past weekend, me and my dad. He was a math teacher too.

Awesome family... congrats Bella!
Since I'm new, I thought this would be a good way to help to get to know you wonderful people!!

This is my cat.

And this is one I took yesterday, so it's the most recent.

So I've been request to put up my furbabies so here we go!

This is Nikolai _ Our adopted Russian Blue. *Deep voiced male with slavic accent*, "In Soviet Russia you don't Interrupt my nap for picture time"
This is Ash_Our baby we've had since a kitten. Here is is dming! "You fail your listen checks, and suddenly a Colossal House Cat appears. Roll Initiative"
It's pets time? Okay.

Eclaire likes sleeping in weird places.

Leliana is a ball of fluff desperately in need of a haircut.
OH! Such beautiful sweeties!

Speaking of pets, here is me trying to charm a new familiar for myself. (Click to enlarge.)
Btw my roll on Animal Empathy was not high enough, he stayed with his actual owner.



All of them hanging out

Sorry its just me, not a furbaby.. Though I do have 5 of them XD
Me and my eldest two (Cecilia and Raiden aka Cici and the Thunder God) out for a round of mini-golf. Yes.. I am rocking the old school Run DMC shirt. Bonus points if any one can tell me what the hat represents.

Carp and I at a wedding last year.

So where i work I do IT, but its an entire machine shop + transmission rebuild shop. I wandered down to the machine shop today to follow up on some IT stuff, and discovered the wrench they use for tool changing... Also this is what I look like after 2 weeks of no sleep thanks to school.

So going to try to go to the Carolina Renaissance Festival this weekend, hopefully, maybe, depending on if whatever organ in my abdomen doesn't get too angry (I'm looking at you gallbladder). And decided that my satyr costume could use a bit of updating. I saw some antler gauges many moons ago and thought I could recreate them (though in a fake, magnetic capacity because I'm not awesome enough to have extra holes in my ears), and inadvertently stumbled across the perfect materials today. And thought I'd share.
Renaissance Festival last weekend!
Satyr Costume, as usual!

Also, I stole my wife's hat! Look how awesome it is!

May post more later, for funszies.
How's the reception on those horns?

How's the reception on those horns?

Pretty good, not quite HD though!
Got more recent pictures!
This is myself, and my two sisters. at an anime convention. (13- Creepy Pasta, 16- Amythest, Myself 22- Random fox?)

And me and my goofy fiance, who I just got done celebrating my anniversary with <3

Then a recent selfie, though this is before I got my most recent lip piercing.

Doth my eyes decieve me or is that first one a corgi mix?
Very close!

She is named Silva, and she is a Standard Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

I am at the left during the early years of a Nero NJ Alliance larp:

This is me shoveling the field to help young kids play baseball that summer:

Big day for what? Shooting the next bond film?
You know, I could totally see that in those photos...
...But I am going to assume a reverse Bond outcome here.
So... been a bit busy IRL... we just closed on a new house. We had far outgrown our current place and it was a much needed upgrade. My little thundergod posing in front of the stairs up to our new place.

That kid is going places. I can see myself trying to ride a bike down those stairs and just faceplanting on the bottom. Grats on the new place!
I'm jealous. I want a cat I can bring everywhere with me.
That is amazingly awesome.
Here's me, looking pretty happy. An accurate amount of facial scruff when not at work.

Aaand.. obligatory mirror shot.

Seeya online! I'll be the guy in the red armor.
Could be arranged. I'm down with eye-patches and leash-cats.
Here is a selfie, me in my new pleather red jacket. Good for casual and for flashy business casual. Mind the teeth. >.>

Cheerful Arya!

Less hair for a while.

I heard this is also a dog thread?
Zoe the land-shark!

Awww! Adorable!
That is definitely a buddy.
I completed a Spartan Race last week with some friends. I am in the bluegreen shirt. I finished in the top 20% of all racers (10,000 ish) which was pretty exciting. It was a goal of mine this year to compete in one. I am signed up to do two more in the fall. I


That shirt was definitely not the same color afterwards.
Recent trip to Disneyland resulted in some fun pictures. It was the kiddo's first trip!
My daughter started the day with a set of "Princess" Ears.

She loved all the "scary" rides (i.e. Pirates of the Carribean, Snow White's Scary Adventure, etc.) We had to stop her from running up and hugging all the different characters. (We spent more time standing in line for the characters than for the rides!)
Eventually the tiara-ear-hat broke, but the shop replaced it for free. Rather than another tiara, the kid chose a Spinny-Ear-Hat. All the characters loved it.
I took her to the Star Wars Landing area while my husband and sister rode Hyperspace Mountain. She met Chewie...

And got "asked" by Kylo Ren to be his new apprentice. (Kylo Ren was the only character during the whole day that scared her a little. However, she now insists she was just "really excited" and not scared by meeting him.)

Aww! She is adapting well to her powers from the Darkside.
That's what I call responsible parenting!
Make them come to the Dark Side!
The Butt Tiger: "I have this thing called 'leash.' I use it so I do not lose my humans. They follow me everywhere."
She is absolutely adorable!
So, C/D people, I am currently experiencing a dilemma. Up until a few weeks ago I had a beard, but shaved it off to see what my face would look like without it, it had been so long, and I lost a lot of weight. Now I am undecided on going back. Also forgive the lack of, well, smiling in either picture.

No beard.

And this also being the unoffocial animal pictures thread, here is my Goldador, Honey doing her best "Walk meeeeeee" look.

Beard! Be a beard bro with me!
I like the beard.
Could even shape it and see how you like it.
I vote no beard. Be in the no beard club with me. I heard Goat's club was overrated.... just sayin..

I vote beard.. but then I rock a Van Dyke myself. Crashed out with my youngest on the couch.

I'm going to go ahead and vote lumberjack for all the fellows.
I vote no beard. Be in the no beard club with me. I heard Goat's club was overrated.... just sayin..
I roll my eyes at you, sir! Never overrated!

I'm going to go ahead and vote lumberjack for all the fellows.
"Heeeeeeee's a lumberjack and he's okay,
He sleeps all night and works all day... "
--Monty Python, Lumberjack Song
Our annual trip to the Carolina Renaissance Festival occurred this weekend. Foxwife and I ventured forth, her with the mission of acquiring plumage for her witch's hat and a rapier, me, dressing up as a fancy satyr to hunt down and sweet talk her Majesty. One of us succeeded in our accomplishments. Sadly, her Majesty was notably absent. So I made due with the pirate lady statue.

It's the rapping satyr!
Oni's Clan ... my little thundergod has his hands crossed over the Batman emblem while being his "cool dude" self. My eldest is wearing her "Normal People Scare Me" beanie and skull print pocket hoodie to break up her all black ensemble. *insert "I can tell that you shop at Hot Topic" song here*

Last minute Halloween costume idea:
Geeky T-Shirt, beard dye, beard trimmer.
The result!

I swear if your hair was lighter you would look like Chris Pratt. XD
Last minute Halloween costume idea:
Geeky T-Shirt, beard dye, beard trimmer.
The result!

Hide yo women (and probably your men, too).

On my way to 1 of many holiday parties.. this December has been busy
For one to become mighty,
One must first claim...
The Chosen Hot Wing!

Ohhh myyyyy.
Not pictured: Pink fingernails.
Ogre Time Yay, ya'll don't know nothin' bout no hot wings. Get your ass to Buffalo and I'll show you some wings!
So, the other day I was ordered to post a picture of the dog I always have to nip AFK let outside (the very same dog who I had to originally quit playing CD for back in early 2008 when he was a needy puppy interfering with my dungeoneering! He does it on purpose!


(plz note, tho my hair is also grey, I'm not an elven shadowdancer irl)
One of my roommates uses that hair colour a lot.
And, yes, indeed. Poochity-pooch. Awwww. All the love!
I got to feed goats yesterday. It was great.

Whilst waiting for to pull down a scaffold, my buddy and I decided to go for a walk lo and behold!
RIP Bon Scott ROCK ON!
- Also, beard club membership submission - Hobo level

I see posting of pets. Behold Freyja, Chooser of the Slain, Lady of Folksvangr, Guardian of my household and the laziest young pup, seen here posing for her upcoming album cover.

And seen here, gathering her strength before entering the foggy shelter of Shenandoah's forests.

And tiny Gretta. Tree for scale.

Forgot the customary Renaissance Festival picture of yours truly dressed as a satyr. (Surprise, surprise)
I went with an entirely blue scheme this year.

I did the same here last May as well! Only as the Celtic Horned God, Cerunnos.

Forgot the customary Renaissance Festival picture of yours truly dressed as a satyr. (Surprise, surprise)
I went with an entirely blue scheme this year.

I found a unicorn. My expression clearly shows that I am about to overdose on an explosion of SNEStalgia.

Working on the STR the other night.

Cause why not. Taken last December.

Pic changed
A gift from a boyfriend that graduated from there. He would almost always wear purple.
Yes, I'm a huge Renaissance nerd. If you don't like it, fight me! But otherwise, enjoy the pic of me. ^^ Perhaps the only one you guys are getting. I do feel a bit self conscious about my looks. ^^;

Teddy Bear and me
It's the RAVING Angel!
A picture of myself along with my sister (Wavy Hair(left side) and her wife(my other sister I suppose now! : ). With the curly hair/right side ). This was taken at the town hall where they got married.
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